Then and Now
McComas Hall
Charles Baxter, David Baxter
This beautiful second dormitory for women was designed by Princeton architect A. F. Wysong, built and furnished at a cost of approximately $150,000, and first occupied on April 4, 1922. Furnished and well-appointed rooms consisting of double rooms, suites and singles, with bathrooms and lavatories on each of the three floors, comfortably accommodated 150 students.
A large reception room for social gatherings, two smaller private reception parlors, a kitchenette, and the receptionist’s office were located on the first floor. In the basement were located the furnace room and the laundry room in addition to a large kitchen and a serving room which adjoined the college dining hall having a seating capacity of 220. This residence hall for women was named in honor of its former matron Nellie Lucretia (Cook) McComas (1869 – 1940). The building fell into disrepair and was demolished in 1985.
McComas Hall foundation during early construction with Old Main shown in the background.