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Grocery and Sundries

One dollar token minted by E. H. Jennings.

E. H. Jennings

E. H. Jennings, a favorite destination for high school students during Our Years.

David Snider and Zeke Rutherford  advertisement that appeared in the 1949 Concord College Pine Tree Yearbook.

Athens Cash Grocery

Another grocer who operated out of the old Meador building 1949-53.

Athens High School Trojan Yearbook advertisement for a popular grocery store.

Hill and Goode Grocery

Perry W. Hill and Jean Goode Hill operated this grocery in the early 1950s.

Scott's advertisement appeared in the 1948 issue of the Concord Pine Tree Yearbook.

Scott's Cash Store

Information requested for this grocer

Looking in the window of Bradley's in the early days.

Bradley's Inc.

The Athens Drug Company became Bradley's, Inc. that sold school supplies, cosmetics, and served light lunches.

Athens Market in the 1960s.

Athens Market

Operated by Homer Ball and later by brother Jimmy during Our Years.

Lockhart and Oxley prominently located beside the Post Office in Our Years.

Lockhart and Oxley

Several groceries occupied the historic building that Lockhart and Oxley used during Our Years.

Advertisement in the 1937 Concord College Pine Tree Yearbook.

Mick or Mack

Setting the standard in cash only shopping.

Advertisement from the Athens High School Trojan Yearbook, 1926.

Pettrey Brothers

Grocery owned by Dean and Daniel Pettry beginning in 1926.

Roger Pennington contributed this photograph of White's Cash Store via Facebook.

White's Cash Store

Located near the high school, White's was the center of teen activity.

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