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Pettrey Brothers

Linda Hill Mann

Brothers, Dean Stanley Pettrey (1898-1971) and Daniel Caperton Pettrey, Jr., (1901-1979), sons of farmer and prominent Athens business owner, Daniel Caperton Pettrey, Sr., owned the Pettrey Brothers Grocery store. It was located on Vermilion Street in Athens,  in the building that later housed the Lockhart & Oxley Grocery. 

Pettrey Brothers was open from at least 1926 through 1951 or 1952. They sold fancy groceries, fresh meats, and general merchandise, it was a much smaller version of our super stores of today.

The Pettrey Brothers sold their grocery store about 1952. If you have additional information or photographs to contribute, please contact us here.

Advertisement from the Athens High School Trojan Yearbook, 1926.

Advertisement from the Athens High School Trojan Yearbook, 1926.

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