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The date of construction of the Fanning House, the oldest house in Athens, is 1843. Like the Vermillion house, also featured in this section, the underlying structure was a log cabin.

Pioneer Days

The very first homes in Athens.

The James French Holroyd House at 318 South State Street, known as 'Miss Ella's Home' in Our Years.

Holroyd Homes

Three distinctive homes built by the sons of Rev. Holroyd.

William Holroyd house, know in our years as the Bradley home beside Concord United Methodist Church, was demolished in 1977.

Historic Homes

Distinctive homes often remembered.

The Bowling Farm.

Farm Homes

Athens farms reflect beauty and simplicity.

Homes built in the late 1940s and 1950s, such as the one shown here on Vermillion Street, incorporated brick, stone, and other materials.

Contemporary Homes

Newer construction reflects changing needs and interests.

An historic home on Vermillion Street.

Neighborhood Tour

Rich architectural features reveal themselves in a walk around town.

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