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Then and Now
Class of 1964 - 50th Year Picnic
Garland Elmore
Debby Cook, Carolyn K. Jones White, Rema Reed with Darrell Cook. All Class of 1964.
Ruby Neely Nelson and Linda (Hill) Mann planned and organized a picnic on the eve of the fiftieth reunion of the Class of 1964. The picnic was rained out, but Ruby opened her home to the group and the picnic proceeded in the basement.
Ruby Neely Nelson and Linda (Hill) Mann planned and organized a picnic on the eve of the fiftieth reunion of the Class of 1964. The picnic was rained out, but Ruby opened her home to the group and the picnic proceeded in the basement.
Classmates Garland Elmore, Larry Brunk, Jim Elmore, Henry Friedl, Darrell Cook, and Dale Meadows.
Garland Elmore, Larry Brunk, Jim Elmore, and Darrell Cook.
Larry Brunk, Jim Elmore, and Darrell Cook.
Ruby Neely Nelson, Nawasa Copen Padula, and Patricia (Watts) and David Damewood.
Ruby Neely Nelson, Nawasa Copen Padula, and Patricia (Watts) and David Damewood.
Patricia (Watts) and David Damewood.
Patty Watts Damewood, Class of 1964.
Evelyn Ryan (with Shelby Ford in the background.)
Evelyn Ryan (with Rema Reed and Shelby Ford in the background.)
Ruby Neely Nelson, Class of 1964.
Carolyn K. Jones White and Rema Reed, both Class of 1964.
Rita Harvey Lovern, Garland Elmore, Carolyn Jones, and Rema Reed.
Jean Elmore, wife to Garland Elmore, Class of 1964, shown here.
Dean Rumburg, husband of Shirley Joan Martin, Ruby's niece serving as Chef.
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