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Verlie's Diary

Charles Lindbergh made his famous solo, non-stop transatlantic flight in the Spirit of St. Louis. The Harlem Globetrotters started their road tour.


1. Raining to beat the band. Came over to town after supper.

2. Raining. D. was over and spent the afternoon with me.

3. Rained

4-5 Blank

6. This is the date.

7-9.  Blank

10. Rev. Ogle shot himself on this day.

11-12.  Blank

13. Dr. Lilly unable to be at office on account of being very sick. Dr. Vermillion gone all day. Verlie by herself. Got kindly lonesome but kept very busy cleaning the office which was needed.

14. Dr. Lilly gone to see Dr. Todd about his stomach.

15. Uncle Wade Dunn died today at John Dunn’s. Coldest day that we have had during the winter.

16. We lost Mr. Swope as teacher in Sunday School. I went to Princeton to see Aunt Lottie which I found very sick. 

Mr. Gore was taken to Princeton.

17. Mrs. Barker was operated on in Bluefield.

18. Louis Martin died.

19.  Blank

20. Rainy but warmer.

21. Temperature still raising.

22. A real spring day. Robins flying thick.

23. Beautiful Morning. I missed Sunday School. Raining in late afternoon.

24. Mr. C.W. Gore died at 5 o’clock

25. We think spring is here. Again today seems to be something going around town.

26. Attended Mr. Gore’s funeral. Very nice day.

27. Fine weather for winter. Went to Princeton to see Aunt Lottie.

28. Dr. Vermillion hurt his back this morning. He has our sympathy. Fine weather.

29. Mr. Henry Harvey died at 9 am Elgood. Dr. Vermillion still grunting with his back.

30. Spent today in Princeton with Aunt Lottie. Missed Sunday School. Was present for church at 7:30 

31. News is scarce. Davis and Elkins plays Concord tonight at Princeton…Failed to play because of referee.


1. Warm and sun shining. Nothing seemed to happen on this day worth keeping record of.

2. Beautiful day. Sun shining bright. Groundhog sure can see his shadow if he will but come out.

3. Weather still fine.

4. Beautiful day

5. Raining today. Uncle Ken White died this morning. Lady got into 5 of LO.  Robinson’s house burned.

6. Fine day. Kessinger quit the bus line.

7. Fine day. Real warm. Daddy and I walked to Elgood to Uncle Ken burial. Came back in 2 hours. Believe me I got 

stiff after I sit around for a while.

8. Fine Day. Put up radio…Stay up until 12 o’clock- got a fine program.

9. A terrible fog this morning… supposed to frost the 9th of May.

10. 10PM Weather still continues fine. Jim Pennington’s store was robbed of several hundred dollars in notes and mdse… found notes and captured “Ray” Martin and Preacher Moore boys. Raining now turning to snow and much colder.

11. Moore boys bonded out. “Ray” Martin still telling about robberies… admitted to “Zink” and Meadows thefts. Growing colder.

12. Moore boys rearrested and gave another bond. Roy Oxley and Maynard Belcher implicated.  Had a good radio program.

13. A bad day - raining. Attended Sunday School & Preaching 11:00. Lecture at 3:00- Mr. White of Columbus Ohio. Heard Dr. Cushman talk on life of Abe Lincoln. Splendid lecture at 7:30 eve. D. was out.

14. Valentine Day. Changed bus schedule.

15. Worked Broadway.

16. Worked streets. Thundered and lightened and a real storm came. Missed choir practice. D. was out.

17. Judge J. M. Sanders and H.B. Walters oldest police in Bluefield died suddenly. Lightning in the north.

18. Roy Nash under indictment for arson store and car. 4:30 raining and turning colder.

19. Bad day sleeting at night. Ray Martin bonded out of jail. Betty, Murial, Sam, Hobart, Papa and I stayed up until 2 Sunday morning listening to radio.

20. Missed Sunday School. Present for church all day. Dr. Cushman talked at Methodist church on Washington. Daddy and I were entertained until 2 o’clock.

21. Fine Day. Talked to Lizzie, she told me about someone tearing down our old home, apple house and crib last week.

22. Dr. Lilly and Dr. Vermillion gone to see Dr. Lilly’s mother. I attended the George Washington Tea given at the Athens Hotel. Rained all night.

23. Lots of water in Princeton. Uncle Hade down. Dr. Todd said Aunt Lottie might live four months. Sore on breast is cancer.  Fog today.

24. Heavy fog this morning. Frost in May. Went to debate - Marshall and Concord, Concord won. Concord lost at Buchanan

25. Rained most of the day.  

26. Mama and Papa went to Quincy’s to hear radio and I had to stay at home.  15 people there.

27. Cold as thunder. Went to Princeton to see Aunt Lottie. Tommy brought me back.  I went to preaching at 7:30.

28. Dr. Lilly at Welch for dental meeting. Dr. Ball and his wife had a trial. Had a fight yesterday. 


1. Snowing today. 

2. Biggest snow we have had all winter. Mother down with a cold. Pasteboard capitol building is leveled to ground by flames.

3. Still a real March day.

4. Basketball Tournament began at 9 this morning. A big crowd in town.

5. Largest crowd ever Athens saw. Pineville defeated Bluefield and Princeton beat Pineville. Princeton proved to be the best team here. Joe Mastin was run over by Roy Pennington car at 5:00.

6. Went up to see Aunt Lottie. Betty and I found her very ill. I went to hear Mr. Graybeal at Methodist Church.  D. was there.

7. Several shop men fired and lay off. Barrette and Wolfe fired.

8. Dr. Lilly has a real bad cold.

9. Daddy hurt his back. Raining today. Went to Practice.

10. Went to debate - Morris Harvey and Concord. Concord won.

11. A fine day. Cowboy and girl in town for trial before Bob Martin. I ordered my license and so did Dr. Lilly.

12. I am housekeeper. Mamma went to see Aunt Lottie. Listened to radio until 12:30.

13. Went to SS and church. I got a nice box of candy from Dean. I went up to Princeton to see Aunt Lottie. Went to hear Mr. “Ulrn” preach. 

14. Most beautiful day that we have had.

15. Next finest day this spring. Had fight in town. Aunt L. & E.

16. I came home. Went to choir practice.

17. Worked Broadway again. Aunt Lottie lots better. Marina sick.

18. Weather continues to be fine - nothing seems to be going on.

19. Dr. Lilly down in his back. We are going to Speedway tonight if it doesn’t rain.  Aunt Doll Pettrey died suddenly. Bus changed hands- Charlie Martin – Red Martin.

20. Went to Sunday School. Got a promise for a new teacher next Sunday.  Fine Day. Uncle Charlie Ferguson died. Set up with Aunt Doll all night.

21. Rain this morning Attended funeral of Aunt Doll. Gave a birthday party for Quinzetta from 4 to 6. Seventeen children were there. Junior Lilly, Christie, Rudolph, Raymond Houchins, Mary Holdren, Myrtle Oxley, Ted Ball, Hathilene and Wilma Ball, Ruby Parker, Blake, Margaret and Louise Alvis. All had a fine time.

22. Colder and snowing some I planted our tomatoes. Dean was operated on for his tonsils.

23. Colder and snowing a lot.  Put water in my yard. Went to choir practice,

24. Snowing today. I went over to see Aunt Lottie with Dr. Vermillion. D. was taken to c.

25. A fine day but wind is cold.

26. Fine day but windy, Betty and I wanted to go to Elgood to a play given by the school but couldn’t go. Went to SS Ruth Shumate is our teacher now. I cleaned up my car so as to be ready when my license comes. Heard Professor Graybeal finish his lecture at Baptist church.

27. Dr. Lilly are wishing for our license. Went to Dr. Vermillion’s to meeting of S.S. class in regard to box social at 6:30

28. Still chilly. I came very near getting our license. Lots came in.

29. We got our license.  Dr. Lilly 108387 - Mine 108388.  Cloudy and raining some. No choir practice. Papa, Betty and I went over to see Aunt Lottie. She was seriously ill.

30. Raining. Got a message…went to Princeton…Aunt Lottie died at 9:50. She was conscious at all times but couldn’t talk. We all went over and stayed until 11:00. Raining. Dr. Vermillion got a Chevrolet Coupe. 


1. Raining hard. I was away from the office most all day in Princeton. Fine weather in the afternoon in Princeton tonight.

2. Went up to Aunt Lottie’s funeral and on from there to Elgood for burial. Had a terrible time getting there. Large crowd at Elgood. Rev. Swope doing the talking. Raining and colder at six o’clock. Starting today drive of 101 hours - Sleepy Dixon.

3. Went to SS and church 3:00 went to practice for Easter program. Went over to Princeton to see Uncle Hade. Modoc had a wreck. Came and went to preaching at Methodist church.

4. Went to Mrs. Graybeal to practice. Fine day. Went for a ride with Dr. V in his new coupe. 

5. Sadie Steele went home. Raining to beat the band. Murial, Mamma and I went to Princeton. Got hat and raincoat.

6. A fine day. Set my goose egg. 3:00 Sleepy Dixon won his 101 hours in a critical condition. Was carried into the hotel.

7. Dr. V took Dr. Lilly for a ride in his coupe.

8. Went down to Mrs. Vermillion to Silver Tea. Raining hard.

9. Rain. Water raising in Princeton. Went over and purchased my Easter shoes. Betty went with me. Dr. Vermillion got 50 baby chicks.

10. Went to SS and P. Went over to Uncle Hade’s a while. Came back to hear Ulm preach. Colder and clear.

11. The ground was froze and ice this morning. Conley Snider baby (3 years) was killed by elevator in hotel. Busy fixing put “y” in S.

12. Fine day. Dr. Vermillion lost one of his chicks. Very sad death it was. Went to church to practice for Easter.

13. Raining this morning.

14. Raining. Went to practice. Had lots of fun. Jim was with us.

15. Sun shining.  I got my new D. today. Dr. Uriah lost another chick. Got my hose that was missing from box.

16. Very nice day. Still another chic dead making a total of three. W.T. Ould died. Recd. a nice bunch of Easter flowers. Weeks had a wreck - Hit a wagon.

17. Fine day. Sun hot. We gave a fine Easter Program at S.S. Betty & Murial ate dinner with me. I went to Shrine meeting at C.C.  Mr. Noble died.  Went to the Methodist Ch to the last sermon of the two week meeting. 2 joined.

18. Beautiful day.  Two more of Doc’s chic are dead. Mowed lot to bank and cleaned it off. Had trouble in regard to “N”. 

19. Rained last night. Ray Martin and Irvin Moore were sentenced to 18 months in the pen.

20. Betty sang at K. at P. Had a real storm tonight. Poured the rain.

21. Fine morning.  Raining now. Dave Snyder on trial for murder at Princeton of W.P. Ball ten years ago today. Giles Lilly came clean on his trial. Mamma took off her chicks. Lizzie spent the night with us. Rained all night.

22. Much colder. Snow on Flat Top Mountain. Snowed some. Killed most all of the fruit.

23. Real cold. Ice plenty. District School Day. Daddy was busy at ML.  Left with Martin and Moore for the pen. We stayed up until 3 o’clock listening at radio- Miss. flood.

24. Went to SS. Then Betty, Mamma and Dad and I went up to Uncle Hade’s and spent the day. Went to hear Mr. Swope.

25. Still ice this morning but getting warmer. We measured distance to springs road- 2 miles. Heard President Coolidge speak over radio. Uncle Bert, Uncle Hade, Vernie, Booze and Stud were down to hear radio.

26. Very nice morning

27. Warmer. Training School is out. Q.D. promoted. Murial and Jessie passed. Dr. Lilly called to Bluefield on business. Choir practice does not exist anymore.

28. Fine day. QD sick. Dr. Vermillion moved his chicks down to the house.

29. Beautiful morning. Planted potatoes today. Got a letter from A.L.  B. went to B. Got a box of candy. Raining and lightning to beat the band.

30. Still raining. I got a letter about “Y”. County School Day at Princeton. Some day believe me! Dr. Holdren is supposed to move today to Cox’s house. MaryLee came down.


1. Fine day. Went to baptism and on to Princeton to take Marylee home. Went to church and sure did enjoy the singing and sure the crowd did.

2. Fine day. My goose eggs are not going to hatch. Went to cemetery to clean off Uncle Dee’s  plot.  Willie and Dale came out.

3. Also a fine day. Drs finished moving and glad they are gone. Colored baby 8 months old killed at bridge in Spanishburg Monday night.

4. Raining at 7:30. Got more goose eggs & these had better hatch.

5. I set my goose eggs again. I hope these hatch. Dr. Fred Holroyd moved to town. Glad to have him.

6. Very nice day. Got flowers that Aunt Bess sent. Put new batteries in phone.

7. Beautiful day. Sunday School class gave a tea for mothers in Mrs. Meadow’s lawn. Dr. Lilly, Dr. Vermillion, Fred Cooper, and Coffey going to Bluefield to Banker’s Banquet. Poor Ed can’t go- all are sorry.

8. Raining hard. Heard “Mack” Moore talk at C. Church. Went to SS and church Daddy and I went to Princeton to see Uncle Hade. Cutwright got his new Chev.

9. A real warm day. Planted flowers in Aunt Bessie lot at cemetery. Temperature 82 degrees. Stockholders meeting at bank. Uncle Tom Apling died at 9:30 at night.

10. Very nice day.  Filled holes in front of bank with ashes.

11. Rained some during the night. Went to Mr. Apling’s funeral at Methodist Church. Went over my Ford and cleaned it up and she is pulling best ever. “EL” gave me a “Pt”.

12. Gave Lady a real good dose for “S”. Quincys came down and we made out order for fence.

13. Very nice day. Mailed order for fence. Went down to Alvises to see about posts. Seen D.S. as we came back.

14. Cold and raining. Storming. Went to Princeton to get Q.D.

15. Oh so cold and raining. Went to SS and preaching. Went to see Aunt Alice about the plays. Red and U.H. was over for a while.

16. Still raining and lots colder. Gave Lady another dose. Sam brought the posts up.

17. Possibly a little warmer today. Sun shining anyway. Dr. V, Dr L. went to Princeton with bunch of other men to see about getting road through Athens. Alvis farm sold Dad H. got it $2600.00.

18. Still warmer and raining today. We heard we have smallpox in town. Went to cemetery to see about flowers.

19. Raining today. Dr. V. and Uncle T. went to Mr. Carr burial at Monta Vista. Mr. Meador came in at 6:30. Went to Princeton to play. Marylee was Queen.

20. Fine day. Dr. Lilly spent the biggest part of the day with Mr. Meador. Mrs. Lilly send me over a flower to keep for her.

21. Real hot day. 83 in the shade. Got promise of survey of road from here to Glenlyn. I was vaccinated for smallpox.

22. Fine day. Hot. Went to High School Sermon. Mr. Moore talked. Betty, Murial, Jessie and I went on a hike. Left at 

2 and arrived back at 5. Rained some on us. Went to hear Ulm.

23. Fine day. Rained some. Dr. Lilly went to Bluefield with Mr. Meador. Upset bid on Alvis farm by Rogers and Sloan. Went to high school class night at Baptist Church.

24. Cloudy some. May rain yet. Dad went to farm to see about posts. Wreck on the Virginian RR. Two men killed 20 injured. Aldridge and O’Neal killed. Went to H.S. graduation.

25. Rained again. Got from Parkers- rug. Mowed Uncle Dee lot. Aunt Bess sent wreath.

26. Rained and turned colder. Varnished at house.

27. Cold today Got posts from farm. Dr. Lilly took Mr. Meador to P. on to B. Big circle around the sun. Mr. Jennings repairing side walk. Jessie sick. Rained at 10:00 night.

28. Raining today and cold. Alvis farm sold again. Dad Holdren got it for $2925.00 Neta and Jessie sick. Dr. says tonsillitis. 

29. Rained off and on all day. Went to S.S. and preaching. After dinner, Betty, Jessie, Murial and myself went out for a stroll by Unity through to Bethel  back by Springs and on in home. A tired bunch believe me. Rained on us. Dr. V. was out to see Neta again. Went to Eastern Star Sermon. Rained on us as we came from church.

30. Raining today. Hardest rain we have had. Soldiers lined up in front of band and marched to cemetery and I put a wreath on Hambrick’s. Virginia car hit tree – could not make corner. Went up to cemetery to see flowers.

31. Raining again Uncle Hade and Shuler Johnson caught with whiskey. Trial before R.A. Martin. Uncle got 60 days and $100 fine. Johnson got 30 days and $100 fine. At 7 o’clock, we, P., Q.D. and I went over to see Aunt Alice, Neta still in bed. Papa found bean beetles on beans. 


1. Cloudy and some colder. Neta still in bed. Q.D. ordered license for truck.

2. Sun shining and wind cold. My goose egg is to hatch tomorrow. Mr. & Mrs. Kessell caught with one quart of whiskey. Raining hard, Betty went home with Lizzie.

3. Rained all night and still raining at 8:30. I heard a gosling yelling but none hatched yet. Dr. D. and Uncle T. gone to Bluefield to spend the day. One gosling hatched out. Rained again.

4. Sun shining. Wind strong. No more goslings. Raining some. Went to Princeton- back to fairground- Back in house at 12 o’clock.

5. Sun shining but wind cold. Stayed around house all day. Went to college to hear Dr. Ben Johnson of Bluefield.

6. Cold Frost in Princeton so paper said. Aunt Mattie came up for balance of commencement. We went to college to exercise. Raining again tonight.

7. Still raining and cold. At noon, it cleared up and Alumni Ball game was played- score 3-3. We went to dance. Bummiest thing I ever saw.

8. Fine day warming up lots. Commencement is over. Ernest Bailey got a gold medal and a $500 check for book he wrote on chemistry, Had a wreck in front Steel’s prp. Seen D.  Dr. V. called me old Mrs. Weaver and I am mad too.

9. Fine day, real hot. Ethel White got married. Billy, Murial and I went out for a little spin- got me 2 dresses to make. Bob and Gurt were  down from B.

10. Raining on a more. Caught Joe Meadows with 4 gallons of moonshine. Lady   found pups 5.

11. Fine day, real hot. Went to Princeton at 7:30. B,M,P. & QD & I. Aunt Mattie went home. Bob and G came over and took her home.

12. Hot day. We went out- down to Laural B. and took some pictures. Waded the creek. Raining a lot on us going to church.

13. Another fine day and storm and rain. Summer school starts. 415 enrolled- come in like a swarm of bees.

14. Cool and windy. A real comfortable day. Dr. Lilly gone over to see Mr. Meador. Raining again. Cyclone Hill, Beckley- 4 hurt. 

15. Cloudy & colder. Dr. Lilly went after Mr. Meador. Dr. Fred Holroyd is moving to Princeton office with Dr. Jim Vermillion. Went over to see Aunt Alice.

16. Fine day. Daddy sold calf. Had a meeting in regard to road to Glenlyn Mr. Hartman died suddenly at 5:30.

17. Clear but cold. Wess Anderson dropped dead. Dr. L. and Dr. V. out planting flowers.

18. Cold and raining. Mr. Meador came home. Guy Toler reported dead. Rained and turned chilly. Got my operator’s license.

19. Still chilly. Went to church. Went over to Princeton. Got back at 6 o’clock. Went to church at 8.

20. Nice day, sun shining and warmer. Toler was buried here. Set tomatoes in garden on hill.

21. Another nice day. Chautauqua starts. Making my dress. Smallpox in town again. Brady Thompson and possible a Smith boy. Lonesome.

22. Fine day. Found my gosling hurt- can’t walk- don’t know what hurt it. Rained again. Lonesome.

23. Fine Day, sprinkled rain a few times. My gosling some better. Out for a ride- had lots of fun Saw a goose.

24. Still another fine day. Goose can walk on foot. One of Fred Ball’s horses got killed in a runaway. All by my lonesome- all at Chautauqua

25. Fine day, hot. Went to Chautauqua. Dolls talked 3:15.  8:15- Fun Maker Jess Pugh

26. Went to S.S. Went over to P. to see Josie who was operated on Tuesday night. Went to church. Real chilly, may frost.

27. Foggy and cold. Si today. Dr. Lilly started to Mich with Mr. Meador and Miss Ida. Worked hard cleaning so John Wirtz can varnish. Clayton Weeks has smallpox. Met with budget committee.

28. Fine day- all by my lonesome. Hot. Got a note from DS

29. Fine day. John came and varnished. Getting a boil in my ear. Oh, it hurts.   Lizzie spent the night with us. Answered yes.

30. Oh so hot. Went to P. Got shoes. Got a card from Dr. L. 1:15- All by my lonesome. Got a boil in my ear. Went to Speedway to preaching. I got a call but was out.


1. Still hot and sultry. We moved in front rooms after waxing. Mamma and Quincys went to Grant Cole’s wife burial. The worst electric storm we have ever saw and heard and lots of rain.

2. Fine day. We had another storm at 7:30 and lots of rain. Dr. L. arrived at 12 o’clock at night. Got everything moved in and floors looking good but had a time.

3. Fine day. Went to SS and preaching and took Quinzetta. Hung around home all day. Went to preaching at 8. Leonard Johnson and family were at Fred’s for day from Florida.

4. Worked until noon. Went to Shawnee Lake. Sure was some crowd. Baby borned 

to Pansy Ball Martin. Seen D explained to him.

5. Fine day. Dr. V. took a spell of some kind which lasted over Wednesday. Worked out garden on hill D was out to see Q.D. Oxleys had a mix-up.

6. Fine day. Went to burial of Eula Martin Johnson’s baby which was burnt to death at War. Ina Oxley left home over car.

7. Rained some early. Bernice Wyrick took poison. Uncle Bert was cut off at shops. Rained a few showers. Booze was down for a while.

8. Cloudy and cool. Rained during the night. Dr. Lilly and Vermillion was vaccinated for smallpox.

9. Fine day. Went with Fred’s down to see Pansey.

10. Fine day, real hot. Went to S.S. and church. Rained a really good shower. Went down in the country. Stopped and seen Bernice Wyrick and Pansey. Had a racket at Charlie Martin’s.

11. Rained again

12. Fine day but hot. Roy’s trial is on in Princeton. Went for a ride after supper.

13. Hot today 83 1/2 in shade. Mamma is in Princeton for Roy’s trial and I and Neta are housekeepers.

14. Fine day, showered a little. We went for a ride after supper and seen D. Mamma came home.

15. Fine day. Rained a little bit. Nash Trial was given to jury at 11:30.

16. Fine day- Hot as the dickens. Hung jury in Nash trial. Judge dismissed jury. Varnished lab floors.  Went to Princeton to shop a little.

17. Hot day but lots of air stirring. Went to S.S. Watched the men roll the road out by Dr. Sam’s.  Went for a ride. Missed church on account of rain. Had a real good rain. Uncle Hade got out of jail.

18. Pleasant morning. Got a sore toe. Rained a fine shower. Won a game of croquet- first I ever played.

19. Fine day. Booze came and got his pup. Betty, Murial, Jessie, Papa and I went to the carnival in Princeton.

20. Hot day. We are working on my walks. Went to carnival – Seen man ride a car around a smooth wall. 

21. Rained a little. Again slipped off to carnival. Quincy & Neta and Clarence, Parker, Papa and I went.

22. Fine Morning. Another hard rain at noon and another one at 1 o’clock. I have been good just for this. Went again to P.

23. Nice and cool, sprinkled rain as I came to work. Went to carnival which was last night and believe me some crowd. Real chilly coming home.

24. Fine morning. Went to hear Mayberry preach at Methodist. Played croquet all afternoon. Went to ch at 8 o’clock. Went to sleep while he was preaching.

25. Fine day. Working on walk. Dr. Lilly’s birthday. Mrs. Easley died either today or yesterday at Hinton. We went up to Quincys and worked a while after supper.

26. Still another beautiful day. Lots of wind stirring. I helped beat rock after supper.

27. Pleasant day, sun hot and wind cool. Still working on walk run 30 feet. Got a sore foot.

28. Fine day, good breeze. I got a $1.00 at Barbery’s sale. Dr. V. got hurt at He- Man’s party at Mercer Springs. 

29. Real hot, looking for some rain today. Foot is worse. Oxley’s cows in Q.D.’s garden. Rained a little. Finished up walks. Daddy and I worked garden up on the hill while others played croquet.

30. Fine day, sun, hot. Jessie’s birthday. Quincys gone to see Everett. Raining hard. Daddy and I went for a ride.

31. Hot and raining in the afternoon. Missed SS and preaching D and I went for a ride. My foot is giving me fits. Went CC to preaching.


1. Hot this morning. We had a real hard rain last night and this morning and it was needed. Mrs. “Cullien” to see me about house.

2. Fine day; some cooler. Mr. Hash sent me a box of candy. Finished up walk to house. Got Ma a pair of slippers  - first since she broke her ankle. Q. D. and I were out on a little business.

3. Cloudy and Chilly. Beginning to rain at 12:30. Rained whole afternoon, just poured and was still pouring when I went to bed at 15 to 7.

4. Very nice morn- real chilly. Taken supper with Quincy & Neta celebrating their ninth anniversary. D. and I were out for a ride.

5. Wind cool, sun bright. D and I “Fred” went to Jumping B. Zina Martin stole Roff Sloan’s girl and went off and got married age 44- Girl 17

6. Fine day, hot. Got wire up around yard. D- M- and I went to Princeton. Had a flat as we came back.

7. Fine day, hot as H___. Missed SS and ch all day. Ate dinner with Willie. We robbed the bees - got some nice honey.

8. Rained and cloudy. Got “kornol”and put it on toes. Dad and I was out for a ride. 

9. Raining again- good for gardens. Still raining at 12:30. George Higginbotham trial on hung jury 1-5. Put on “super”

10. Fine day- wind, cold. Dean operated on at St. Luke’s. Stood operation fine.

11. Cloudy and chilly. Dean rested very little last night. D. and I were out again for a ride.

12. Fine day- real hot in afternoon. Brought Dean home. Maude called me about him. School out- everybody leaving. Some stir up around town.

13. Still and hot as the dickens. Town dead this morning. Quincy brought down an oil stove for Mama to try out. Went to Princeton. Quincy and Papa and I. “Gail” called me about D.

14. Fine morning.  Went to Graham Chapel to the big rally and sure was a crowd and rained to beat the band- 2:30 went to preaching at M.C.

15. Fine day- wind chilly. Everything so still around town. Makes us want a vacation – everybody gone.

16. Clear and cool. Mr. “Harrie” Bird died. Mama sick and in bed all day. Had company after supper.

17. Rained off and on all day. Went to Uncle Harman Bird’s burial in Vermillion Cemetery. Mrs. Meador came up from Hinton. D. and I went out for a ride.

18. Raining yet. Cleared up and got some warmer.  Mrs. Meador and Mama cleaning up and getting paint to fix up house on hill.

19. Fine morning- cloudy like it might rain later. Roy sent paint up by taxi. Went with Aunt Mattie down to Aunt “Luriah”.

20. Cold and cloudy. Sick all night and all day. Dr. Lilly attending dental meeting. Dean took me home from office.

21. Rained Saturday night – a real hard rain. Dr. Meador, Dr. A.P. and Mr. Frank Grant & wife came up after Aunt Mattie. Went up to P. and stop at “Dan” Bledsoe a while. Came home. Mrs. Bill Kirby and mother, Mr. Ed Shrader and wife were at home.  Bub Pettrey caught again.

22. Fine day. Dr. Lilly took his kids to the circus at Bluefield. 2:30 Raining to beat the band.

23. Nice day, cool. Jim Pennington caught and fined $12.60. We were up to hear radio at Quincy’s H.A., A.A., E.A., L.A., S.A., G.A., F.A., & J.A., B.J.A.   Some bunch.

24. Cloudy and cold this morning. The folks gone to Hinton. We are working hard.

25. Cold as the dickens and cloudy. Clayton Weeks and Glena Wyatt ran off and got married. Anderson Martin’s trial at Princeton. Sprinkled rain a little.

26. Some warmer- still cloudy. Grandma White’s birthday. She is 85.

27. Still cool and cloudy. Bub Pettrey turned loose on whiskey charge- also George Higginbotham. D, Q, N, & I went up to Princeton- like to froze as we came back.

28. Some warmer. Cleaned up to some extent. Picnic at Mercer Healing Springs for Grandma White. Rained to beat the band. Went out for a ride. Went to church at M.C.

29. Nice day, cool.  Jim England sold Hotel to Cornellius Sloan.

30. Fine day- still chilly. Josie stayed all night with me. Dr. Lilly leaving for Battlecreek.

31. Warming up some. Rained a hard shower. Dr. Lilly gone and we are lonesome with nothing to do. Sent out invitations to party. Came over town ordered my casings for Ford.


1. Fine Day. Willie’s bunch came out.

2. Fine day. Got my casings ordered Wed. We are all set for birthday party. Maybe Betty, Murial and I was out to get some flowers. I got a nice box of candy from Dean.

3. Fine day- showered some. Dr. Lilly came in from Michigan. We had our party and had a nice time. Everybody so sweet. Jennings Nelson little boy was killed when a truck from B. hit it.

4. Hot as the dickens- Rained and hailed for an hour or so. Pearl Boggess ran over Dr. Lilly’s dog and killed it. Lights off- lots of people left in the dark.

5. Cloudy some. School starts. My birthday – 26, Lonesome bad. Uncle Joe and Aunt Mattie passed through town.  Sold chix to Barbery – 20.

6. Hot and dry. We was out till 12 o’clock M. and I. Putting new casings on my Ford.

7. Fine day- real hot.  Virginia Hill got married to man from Indiana. Rained a little. Alice Carr died at 6:30.

8. Cloudy- Raining at 11:30. Rained most of the day.  ( something marked out with Ha- ha- ha written above it) Came over town for a walk after supper.

9. Cloudy and foggy this morning. Hope to get my Ford fixed up today—and did. Went to Alice Carr funeral. Went to Princeton for B. for F.

10. Fine day. “Planning” on A.  Frank Holroyd got married. Went to Princeton after supper. Raining at 10:30.

11. Cloudy and foggy. Went to Aunt Rodie’s reunion at V.Thomas. Had a fine trip. Got back at 7 o’clock. Jack, Dale, Vernie and Clarence were down and broke axle on their car. Left Quincy’s at 10 0’clock.

12. Still foggy, but hot later in day. Davy Thompson got shot over at the watermelon patch. Came over town. 

13. Fine day- real hot. Mrs. Motley to be buried at Elgood.

14. Fine day- sun hot. School got 267 enrolled- largest term in several years. Came over town.

15. Hot as the dickens. Hottest weather we have had all summer. Margaret Vermillion fell from well house. Hit her head on concrete walk.

16. Clear and hot as blazes. A nice shower just before daylight. Believe it is our hottest day this year. Came over town after supper.

17. Another fine day. Mr. Conner died – lived in Dan Coburn’s property. Came over town about 7:30. Got home about 11:30. Had a real scare but can’t tell because we didn’t know exactly what to tell.

18. Sun shining- Hot as H---. We went to Hinton. Got back about 7:00. Man shot at filling station at Flat Top through window.

19. Temperature dropped. Considerably chilly all day-fire would have felt good. Officers caught a bunch over at “Easley” Pettrey’s. Earl Umberger, Sam Alvis, William Pettrey, Mason Cook. Put all in jail but Cook- turned him loose. Came over town for a while.

20. Some warmer- very near frost. Tried the boys – fined and turned loose.  Dr. Lilly leaving for Mich. for Mr. Meador. Came over town. Hung around for a long time.

21. Cool and cloudy. Everybody gone and I am by myself all day. I won’t be left by myself much longer like this. Aunt Flora was out and stayed all night.

22. Cold as the mischief all day. Building fires today. Went up to the Fiddlers Contest. It was fine. Aunt Rosa and Uncle Shef won first prize.

23. A heavy frost his morning. Jack Dempsey got licked last night by Gene Tunney on ten rounds. Tunney has downed Jack twice straight. Went to dancing contest at fairgrounds. Left again – all afternoon.

24. More frost- warmer up in day. Dr. Lilly back from Michigan with Mr. Meador. Left again----- Blue, nobody cares. Mamma’s birthday. Went to dance.

25. Fine day, growing warmer. Went over to Princeton in afternoon- D, M, and I.  Went to church at 7:30.

26. Great day. So dusty, can’t do any speeding on country roads. Bernard Cook got his arm broke- both bones in a tackle practicing football.

27. A fine day- no rain yet. Daddy and Quincy went to work for state on walk and road. Came over town after supper.

28. Still fine day and dusty. Trevor came for Aunt Flora. Sent my “G.D.” away to be c. Came over town after supper.

29. Cloudy early – clearing by nine- still so dusty. Drs. Lilly and Vermillion went to Princeton to get new fall hats. Took first dose of cold serum. Failed to come to city.

30. Another dusty day- still no rain. Still so hoarse and “breast” hurting. Came over town. D took 1st dose of C.S.


1. Real hot. All by myself again after 2 o’clock. Went over to Princeton. Got home at 11:45.

2. Fine day- wind stirring fine. Went away for the day to Union – Salt Sulphur Springs. Went to church at M. - Heard Mr. Hughes.

3. Rain continued all day- So blue. Came over town. Raining about 8:15.

4. Fine day. Aunt Rosie B. Aunt Bess came over from Beckley.  Came over town after supper.

5. Fine day- chilly wind cool. Oliver phoned he would drive here at 4:30 and did. Absent again. Went to Princeton with folks from Beckley.

6. Fine day- still chilly- warming up some. All alone. Why Worry.

7. Fine day. Dr. Vermillion leaving for New York to celebrate over ball games. I do hope he enjoys himself while away if he can’t around here. Seen Dean 8:30.

8. Fine day- kindly chilly- rained some. By myself most all day. Came over town after supper.

9. Chilly and sun bright. Went after chestnuts only got a few.  Was out until 10:30 on a little secret business.

10. Fine fall day. D got a message from Claude Bird. May go. Fourteen dose of cold serum.  “Dan” Martin was arrested. Came over town after supper. Dr. Vermillion arrived from N.Y. at 5 o’clock.

11. Chilly this morning. Wind blowing hard, may blow up rain. Some people expect lots from others but they won’t come four square with you. Came over town after supper.

12. Raining and wind raising. Rained all day and a real hard one. “Gin” stayed all night with me- out until 10:30.

13. Rained and real chilly. Hailed and sleeted. We heard Ruby Pettrey got a licking by Mrs. Martin. I don’t think that I will ever keep another book like this one. Came over town after supper. Seen somebody.

14. We thought it would frost but it failed. Went to a pounding giving Mr. Swope 1:30. Sam Coburn died this morning. Mr. M. and D. came over to Fred’s.  Was out for a ride.

15. Largest frost and plenty of ice – temperature 29 degrees. Ten years ago today, Raymond Akers was on trial at Princeton for the death of George Thompson at Elgood. Absent another day- I will promise nothing from now on. Went to Elgood, got back 12:30.

16. Fine day- sun, real warm. Put front spring on my Ford. Guaranteed one year. Went out for a drive. Heard the new preacher for Methodist church. Mr. Muncey at Baptist Ch 7:30. Liked his sermon fine.

17. Cool and cloudy. Rained early. Somebody blue. Wonder who. Bet it snows before another week. Came over town after supper.

18. 8:00.  Snowing until afternoon and then raining the rest of the day. I went to bed at 7:15 feeling punk. 

19. Drizzled rain all night. Clearing up about 11:00. Flat Top Mountain is white with snow. Blue and Bluer. Raining yet.

20. Fine morning. Lots warmer. Took last dose of cold serum- 7.Came over town after supper.

21. Fine day but cold. Wind raising. Oh hum, can’t see the way out of this - everything wrong.

22. Fine day. Went to Pansy’s and “Dan” trial Sat. at 3:00. Pansy got $25 month. They carried it up to a higher court. Was out until 10:30.

23. Fine day. Went to SS and Ch. Went over to Princeton after lunch. Got back about 5:00. Went to church at 7:30. The trees are just lovely- all colors. Mrs. Sublett died.

24. Another fine day. These nice days won’t last long. Mama and I went over to Mrs. Sublett’s a while after supper. Got back about 9 o’clock

25. Fine day again. Mr. Meador left at 7:00 for Florida. We are having such nice weather. Stayed at home.

26. Another fine day warming up some. Daddy and I got in Dutch after a polecat. Believe me, we had some fun.

27. Still fine weather. Daddy got hit in the mouth. Leaves falling fast. Went hunting. Left at 7:30.

28. Beautiful weather. Went to a Halloween party at Mrs. Funk’s. All had a fine time.

29. Real summer weather. All by my lonesome all afternoon.  Had planned to see the game but went to the dance. Got home at 1:00.

30. Fine day   Spent the day at home thinking. Went to church at 7:30.

31. Wonderful weather. Went to Princeton, had a fine time. Left at 6:30 got back at 10:30. Several out.


1. Another great day. Leaves about all down. Sick at the head.

2. Fine day and the last nice day. Dr. Lilly went to see his mother. Getting cloudy – sprinkle rain a little.

3. Raining turning to snow- and snowed all day and my head giving me so much pain. Getting colder, may freeze.

4. Snowed during the night. Unable to get to the office all day. Stayed in bed. Sick as thunder.

5. Cold and snow all around on mountains. Came over town; had to go home at 11:30. Stayed in bed rest of the day. Got a card from L. in Fla.  Got S from B.

6. Cold as the dickens and ground froze. Stayed in all day. Snow on ground in places.

7. Cold and windy- clearing up about noon. Bird Coburn sick. Temperature 106 degrees. Had a fight at Marion Oxley’s.  Swope and Caldwell had to part them. Girl left home and also boy. We had a time for about two hours after an owl after the chickens- didn’t get it. Sleeting at 8:30 Raining later in night.

8. Raining hard and has not slacked at 2:30. Still raining.

9. Fine day- warming up. Head better. Got a box of candy from Mr. Hash. Lonesome as can be. Booze, Vernie, Atlee, came down and went for a hunt. Came over town

10. Fine day. Dr. Lilly went a rabbit hunting with Ed & H.E.; Say they had some fun. Raining at 5:00. Went down to see Bird.

11. Fine day- nice and warm holiday. All went to Bluefield to ballgame. I went to Princeton- seen Princeton Hi and Welch Hi. Mrs. J.P. Dunn cut her throat- died at 6:10. Was over town for mail. Seen D.

12. Raining some. Went to Princeton after supper – Got me a coat. Had a time. Got home at 10:00. Cold as the dickens.

13. Fine morning. Went to SS & preaching. Spent most of the day at home. Uncle Joe and Aunt Mattie came up for a while. Left at 5:10 Went to church at 7:30- heard Mr. Muncy.

14. Fine day. Nice and warm- looks like a spring day. Got hat- sent back- mad as the dickens.

15. Fine morning- rained some last night.  Had a “squabble” out B.W.  Willie and family. Real funny to hear her tell it. Glad that we live under the hill.

16. Fine day- cloudy, may rain some. Raining at 2:30- wind blowing.

17. Wind so high could hardly stand on ground. Raining so hard- slacked at 2:00 in afternoon. Bub Pettrey having a shooting match over at home for turkeys.

18. Snowed during the night- cold as blazes. Oh hum? Am stepping out tonight.

19. Very nice day. Somebody was here and somebody was gone. Once again. Came over town after supper.

20. Fine day. Went to SS & c. Roamed around in the afternoon. Went to church – failed to have a pianist. Some singing “to” – Dr. Vermillion did most of the singing.

21. Fine day- sun bright. Aunt L came up to see me. Went to B. church to play put on by the 7th grade. Sure was good and a large crowd.

22. Weather fine. Mrs. Lilly sick. Electric current cut off a few days- putting up a new line. Mamma can’t do work- got a burnt hand- I am kept busy.

23. Fine morning – snowing, cloudy. The report in town is Sam Holdren got married last night. Went out to Willie’s. Got back and went a hunting with B. A. Q.

24. Fine morning- clouding up in afternoon. Raining at 2:45. Went over on Lake Shawnee Road. Came over town after supper. Raining to beat the dickens. Mailed S a box.

25. Fine weather. We worked hard- no electricity during the days. Went up to Quincy’s.  W.F.P. was there and L. came later.

26. Fine morning- just like spring. Came over town after supper. Wrote a letter while in the office. Went home at 7:30.

27. Fine day- wind high. Went over to see Grandma- Got back home about 5:00. Went to SS & church and to church at 7:30.

28. Wonderful weather we are having. Was over town after supper. Wind raising, may rain.

29. Fine day, getting cloudy. Jr.  & Ricky spent the fore noon with me while Dr. and Mrs. Lilly went to Bluefield. In paper: Herschel Deaton shot by Negro and killed. Quincy & Neta & kids were down.

30. Fine day. Snowing- cloudy up in day.

31. The Negro was lynched, shot to death for death of Deaton in Virginia. Was over town last night. Rained and snowed during nite.


1. Cold as the dickens- Cloudy all day. The new Fords are ready to be shown now. We are real anxious to see them. The electric lines are completed to Princeton- More juice now.

2. Rained during night and froze. Trees and lines are beautiful. Still raining and sleeting and freezing. Dr. Vermillion sent me over a rooster by Dr. Lilly last night. Sure is a pretty one.

3. Snowed a big snow last night on top of sleet, making everything so beautiful. We are having a real winter now. Came over town after supper for mail.

4. Sleeting and turning to rain later in day and freezing as it rains. Went to church, missed SS. Quincys came down and spent the day with us. Came to church at 7:30.- 30 present

5. Beautiful morning- sun shining bright- everything glistening- so pretty.  Practically all of sleet and snow gone. Dad and I were busy until 9:30 for Xmas.

6. Warmer some but snow not malting fast. We are having real winter now!

7. Warmer some- snow all gone. Mr. Hash came to install our tray with the assistance of Mr. Via. Fixed flue on D. R.

8. Fine day- turning lots colder. Mr.Hash still with us- will leave on bus 6:15. Colder, lots colder.

9. Fixed D. thumb. Zero- so many said. Mr. Caperton says 2 below. Water pipes froze up in bank also all over town. Ended our job Dad and I started several days ago. Q.N. D. and I went to Princeton – left at 3:00- got back at 5:00. Came over town after supper. Finished hall.

10. Warm up some. Dr. Lilly went to Bluefield Xmas shopping. All by my lonesome. Will be over town tonight for mail.

11. Fine day. Went to SS and church. Uncle Hade came down for Dr. Lilly to do some dental work for him. Raining some- Went to church at 7:30.

12. Raining nearly all day. Everybody feeling   Xmas in their bones now. Daddy and I fixed something for Xmas.

13. Rained some this morning- nice and warm. Dr. Lilly killed his pig. Still cloudy. D and I finished up our work.

14. Fine day- sun warm- looks like a spring day. Lizzie spent the night with us.

15. Raining to beat the band- rained all day. Ben Hur was shown in Princeton. Dr. McClaugherty is a daddy again- another girl. Went to ch to a play given by graded school.

16. Cold as blazes. Dr. Vermillion’s birthday. Raining again. Was busy after supper. Done for good this time. 

17. Very nice day but cold as the dickens. Came over town after supper.

18. Went to SS & church. Spent the afternoon at home. Cold as the dickens. Went to B.C. to a musical.

19. Snowing and still cold- 12 above- water froze in bank. A real bad day. Everybody is feeling Xmas in their bones.

20. Snowing again and still cold. Dr. Lilly went to Bluefield- not much snow on ground but trees are getting pretty. Dr. Vermillion to “Rices”

21. Warmer some. Trees so pretty from frost in the air. Got several Xmas cards. Was over town until after mail came in.

22. Frost on wires & trees and 2 inches thick. Dr. Vermillion sick at stomach. Blue. Snowing some in the afternoon. Stayed for the mail. Got 5 packages.

23. Sun shining and everything is so pretty. Melted off most of frost and snow. Hot dog, Santa will soon be here, almost as bad as a kid.

24. Fine morning. Lots of people stirring in town. Got lots of Xmas presents- nice ones too. Went to Methodist ch to Xmas program.

25. Some snow in places- fine morning. Santa was real nice to me. Went to SS & church at Methodist ch.  Quincys took dinner with us. Went to bed at 2:00; got up at 5:15. Went to church at 7:00. Stopped at Quincys and heard Jubilee Singers. Got home at 11:30.

26. Another fine morning. Dr. Lilly went to Welch. Dr. Vermillion down on river. I went to Princeton after dinner to see Grandma.

27. Another fine day- snow still on the ground. We sure did work today. Sam Williamson married to “Umen” Woods. Went out to see Billy.

28. Still a fine day. Andrew White married one of Fred Butler’s girls. Waited for the mail.

29. Fine weather- rained. Bub Ball’s son fell off a stump and shot himself- taken to the hospital. Waited for mail- looking for my coat.

30. Raining. George Higginbotham and Basil Beckett turned the state truck over- Higginbotham in the hospital. Waited for mail.

31. Raining to beat the band and turning colder. Henry Crotty jumped off bridge in Princeton and killed himself- insane was cause. Turning so much colder. Snowing about 7:00 at night and ground freezing. The last of 1927-

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