Then and Now
Verlie's Diary
John Glenn orbits earth. Marilyn Monroe died. First Bond film released. Cuban missile crisis. First Wal-Mart store opened.
1. Up at 7:10. Temp 26 and snowing hard. Ate. Sis called at 9:30 for me to take Samps to see Dr. Hale. I went up to hospital third floor to see Dr. Vermillion. He was better some. I had Dr. Hale to check me over and he said I was fine. Went back to restaurant (Shumate’s) and ate dinner – a good meal. Sis paid for it. Home at 1:10. I watched the rest of the Rose Bowl Parade. At 4:30, I went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes. They have painted their living room and kitchen. At 5:00 I watched Rose Bowl game – UCLA 3 and Wisconsin 221. Talked to Mrs. Lilly, Mrs. Vermillion, Fred Rogers, Beulah Crawford, Helen Caperton and Sis. Temp 26 and snowing hard tonight. No one came. Today.
2. Up at 7:30. Temp 22. Snowing some. Ate. Sis called for me to go to Princeton with her to get Samps some underwear. They did not have them. I exchanged my 2 pairs of hose that Mrs. Vermillion gave me for Christmas (needed size 9 regular). Home at 11:30. Sis took me on down home with her. I ate dinner with them. Samps got up and said that he was feeling better. Snowing some. I came home at 4:20. Dr. Vermillion not so good today. No one came. I watched TV till 12:00. Went to bed.
3. Up at 7:30. Temp 28. Sun out and windy. Ate breakfast, cleaned up things, read paper & watched TV till 10:30. I went out and took snow off of car and started it. It started on the first time I stepped on starter. At 11:00 Jesse came for me to help out at store. I took my car down for the first time since December 27th – too slick. Home at 1:00. Watched my programs till 3:30. Went down to see Dr. Lilly and Mrs. Lilly. Dr. Vermillion very sick today. Scott called Dr. Lilly and told him. Home at 5:30. Ate and dressed and went to Hi gym to ballgame. Athens Hi vs. Oakvale. We won. Windy. Temp 40. Snow going fast.
4. Up at 8:20. Warmer. Sun out. Margaret called and said that Dr. had a good night. Mrs. Vermillion called. Dressed and went down to help at store at noon and home. Dressed and took Mrs. Vermillion to see Dr. with me. Left at 1:30. Dr. was better, talked better and some. I saw Mr. Shumate but he did not know me. I went downtown shopping a while and back to the hospital. Dr. sitting up some. Mabel came home with me. Home at 3:40. I stopped and gave Dr. and Mrs. Lilly a report on Dr. Nuge. Home at 5:00. Ate supper and called Fred Rogers and Henry Crawford. At 7:00 I went over to Perry’s a while. Home at 8:30. Warm and cloudy. Samps is better.
5. Up at 8:20. Temp 40. Partly cloudy. Ate and read paper. Margaret Baxter called and we talked almost an hour. Someone stole Dr. Lilly’s bird feeder last night. Dressed and watched TV till 11:45 and went down to store to help at noon. Went down to Dr. Vermillion’s with Glen White and he paid $8.00 on his account and got $4.00 of penicillin tablets. Home by 1:20 after I visited Mrs. Jennings a few minutes. Watched my programs. At 2:45 Bennett came down and let at 4:30 – a nice visit. At 6:00 I talked to Margaret and she says Dr. is better. Ate supper, dressed and went to Hi gym to basketball game. Baileysville 63 Athens Hi 64. Home at 9:30. Mrs. Vermillion called to see if we won. She was pleased how Dr. was feeling today – sat up in chair and read the paper. Cloudy late in the afternoon. Temp 44.
6. Up at 8:00. Temp 40. Called Sis and she is sick. I went to Princeton for auction sale at Watters Jewelry store. I bought a Gruen watch and 2 prize packages. One had a $39.95 Bulova man’s watch in it and the other one had a pair of men’s cuff links and tie bar made by Spidel and a wristwatch. I got 1 electric fry pan. At 2:30 I went up to hospital to see Dr. Nuge & Mr. Shumate. He was bad and Dr. Nuge was about the same. Home at 3:30. Sis and Samps came a few minutes at 5:30. Ethel and I went to Princeton to auction at 7:00. I got a pair of slippers & bedroom shoes. Ethel got a watch and can opener. I got an Eversharp pen and pencil set and 1 prize box with several articles in it. Home at 10:30 – lots of fun.
7. Sunday. Up at 8:20. Cloudy. Temp 28. Ate. Snowing a little. Bathed & dressed. At 10:30 I went down to see Dr. Lilly a few minutes. Scott’s family came and later Doc’s family came from Charleston. I went to Ethel’s for dinner. We had a lot of fun. Aunt Emma is feeling good. Had a good dinner and visited till 3:30. Home and read paper and watched football game. Went to sleep at 5:00 for 30 to 40 minutes. Up, ate and at 7:00 went over to Mrs. Casto’s awhile. Cloudy all day. Talked to Sis. Mrs. Lilly called and said they found Dr. Lilly’s bird feeder which was stolen from his den window Thursday night. At 10:00 this morning, Margaret said that Dr. had a fair night.
8. Phone rang at 8:15. I answered. Maude Martin calling to say that Bud Shumate died at 6:00 this morning. Temp 28 and snowing. Ate. Cleaned up things, read paper, worked crossword puzzle and watched TV programs. Dressed. Poring snow and windy. I did not go down to help at store. At 1:15 Jesse came up and I was in the basement. He was leaving when I got to the door. They were worried about me. I watched my programs, straightened up a few things and washed my hair. I ate supper. Windy. Ennis called this morning. Mrs. Vermillion said Dr. was real sick last night and not so good today. 29 visitors were in to see Dr. V. yesterday. Sis called. I talked to Fred Rogers. Temp 18. Mrs. Lilly called and said that at noon the bird feeder came back. The police went to the school and told the boy to put it back.
9. Up at 8:00. Ate. Temp 20 & snowing just a little. Margaret called. Mrs. Vermillion called & Mrs. Lilly. I called Ora Peters to help but flowers for Mr. Shumate. Dressed and my car would not start. James Neeley and Glen Martin put battery in it and it started. I went down to store to help and at 1:00 Jesse and I went down to Dr. Lilly’s. At 2:30, Jesse left and I stayed on with Dr. Lilly until Mrs. Lilly came in at 5:10 with Dick. Snowing from 2:00 on till I got home. Ate, read paper. Florence Grimm called to see if anyone had made up money for Mr. Shumate’s flowers. Fred Rogers called.
10. 6 above zero at 8:00 and clear & cold. Ate, read paper & dressed. Margaret called and said that Dr. had a good night. Jesse came for me at 11:15. I went down and helped. Paid water bill and went down to the church to pay my respect to Mr. Bud Shumate- flowers beautiful. Jesse brought me home at 1:15. At 2:00 Mr. Shumate’s funeral at Methodist Church. Temp 10 above. I watched my programs and cleaned my kitchen & mopped floors. I cleaned and dusted everything. Ethel called. At 5:30 temp 2 above zero. At bedtime temp 4 above zero.
11. Up at 6:30. Looked at temp – 11 below. Oh boy, cold. No wind. Went back to bed and up at 8:00. No water – froze. Called cop. Jesse came for me at 11:00. Mrs. Lilly called and said that Dr. not so good at 10:00. Helped at store at noon. Billie and Lodema stayed home. Home at 1:00. O thaw out my pipes. It was in meter and bottom fell out of it so they had to put in a new one. Called Mrs. Lilly and she said that Dr. is real sick and he asked for me to come down if I could. I called for Jesse to come and get me. I went at 2:15 and Dr. was sick with pain in his chest and hard to breath. Mrs. Lilly called for Dr. Frank to come. He came and said that Dr. had pleurisy and to keep him in bed. At 5:30 Dick brought me home. Ate. At 6:30 Jesse came and took me to the ballgame - Iaeger 68 and Athens 65- we lost the first game on our home court. Temp 9 at 9:30.
12. Up at 8:00. Temp 10 above. Water froze up again. Ate. Called for Gene and Tracy to come and thaw me up again in the meter. Came at 10:00 and in a few minutes it was running again. Left it on in basement. At 11:30 Jesse came for me. My car won’t start. I helped at store and went down to Dr. Lilly’s. He is still sick and had a bad night. Dr. Vermillion had a very good night. Margaret called me. Mr. Rogers was in to see Dr. Lilly awhile. I came back to store at 4:00 and Jesse brought me home. I took cardboard out and covered meter and weighted it down with a piece of radiator. Ate supper, swept off steps and went over to see Mrs. Casto a few minutes and home. Called Mrs. Southern and talked awhile. Temp went up to 22 today. Sun out all day. Did not melt. Bank closed today due to heat failure. Judy Gautier and Joe were married today at Pearisburg VA.
13. Up at 7:30. Temp 10 above. Clear. Sun out. Ate. Had Shumate’s come and start my car. They had to push it down the street. Started down in front of Florence Grimm’s. Talked to Sis and will go to Princeton to see Dr. Vermillion as Samps is taking the jeep to have it checked. Mr. Jones here in Amoco filling station died at 12:30 up at Nelson Neely’s. Heart attack- Steve’s daddy. Dr. Vermillion very sick and may not make it through the night. Home at 3:30. Went down for mail and Fred and Elvie made me go home with them for supper, Home and went over to Perry’s for a few minutes. Sis and Samps came and we came home. Mae up at Neelys. Margaret called at 9:00.
14. Sunday. Up at 7:30. Temp in the 20’s. Ate. No paper came. Called Margaret and Dr. had a restless night. Mrs. Lilly said Dr. is fine and talked to Fred Rogers. Sis called. Sun shining bright. At 1:30 Sis called and we went over to Princeton to see Dr. Clemons furniture that they are selling. Mr. Falt showed house to us. Back home and Samps came up and we ate dinner at the restaurant. At 3:30 home and I watched football game. Chris Anderson came for a donation for Steve Jones to get flowers for his father. I went down to QD’s to read paper. Home at 7:00. Warmer – temp in 40”s.
15. Up at 7:15. Temp 46. Missed paper boy. Ate. Read paper. Dressed and at 11:00 went down to help at store. Home at 1:15. Raining some – snow mixed with it. Windy, oh boy. Watched TV programs. At 3:30, I went down to see Dr. Lilly awhile and on down to Mrs. Vermillion. At 4:45 got 6 ounces of digitalis for Chauncy Hall. Home at 5:05. Wind high all day. Ate and got news and then I went over to Mrs. Casto’s till 8:00. Home and listened to WV University basketball game at Richmond. Temp 30. Cloudy. Lots of wind yet.
16. Up at 6:30. Ate. Temp 34. Sun out, very nice. Dressed and went down and helped at store. Home and went to Princeton to see Dr. Vermillion. He is about the same. Stopped at Watters Jewelry store and could not get band for my Bulova watch. Home and stopped to see Mrs. Withers a few minutes. She took me into her living quarters, not in guest house. She is better now. And at 4:30 got supper – fried a hamburger in my new electric fry pan – did okay. Dressed and called Fred Rogers to tell him about Dr. Nuge. At 6:30 I went to Hi gym to see Jr Hi game and Hi game with Herndon- Herndon won – our boys lost their heads. Temp dropping. Mrs. Vermillion called to see how game was.
17. Up at 8:10. Temp 18. A very big frost – whit and thick. Ate and read paper. Dressed and went down to store to help at 11:20. Home at 1:00. Undressed and got ready to go to basement to wash at 2:30. I also washed 1 quilt and stockings for Ethel and Glady. Finished at 5:10. At 5:30, Margaret called and said that Dr. about the same. Ate supper and read paper and then watched TV. Reported to Mrs. Crawford, Fred Rogers about Dr. Nuge’s condition. Chauncy Hall came for medicine digitalis- 6 oz. – paid me $6.00. Temp 20 and may drop to zero tonight. At 11:40, Mae Martin came and said that Perry was dying and to call Dr. Gatherum. I dressed and went over for a while.
18. Up early. Temp 18. Cloudy and windy. Ate and cleaned up house & went over to check on Perry. He was better and I went down to help at store. At 10:00 Margaret called and said that things were about the same. Home at 1:00. I sprinkled clothes down and watched TV programs. At 3:30 I went down to see Dr. Lilly awhile. Home at 5:30. At 6:00 Garnet called and said that she was coming up for a while. She left at 10:15. She told me about Judy getting married last Friday (Jan. 12). Mrs. Lilly called.
29. Up at 8:00. Temp 24. Cloudy. Ate, read paper, dressed and went over to check on Perry a few minutes. He is up and better. Margaret called and said that Dr. had a restless night. Snowing most all day. Went down to store. No Hi school today – end of semester and testing. Home and ironed a while, rested, then ironed some more. Just poring snow. Talked to Mrs. Vermillion and she said that Dr. is suffering – bad hips and legs. Basketball in Princeton – Princeton 80 / Athens 58.
20. Up at 8:00. Temp 26. Cloudy all day. Ate & dressed & read paper & talked to Sis. After dinner I dressed and at 1:40 I drove over to see Dr. Vermillion. I got a laugh out of him when I told him Dr. Lilly & I were going to beat him like Dr. Lilly di Mrs. Marion Oxley. He was more alert but looked bad to me. Home at 4:00. Went down to tell Dr. Lilly about Dr. Nuge. Home at 5:30. Went over to Perry’s a while and back to Casto’s. New telephone book with DDD dialing yourself. Home and listened to WV University best another game- Pitt. Temp 30.
21. Sunday. Up at 8:00. Temp 30. Cloudy all day. Ate. Dressed and tried out telephone – our numbers remain the same locally. Called Ennis and Sis. Talked to Mrs. Casto – they have a wrong number. Ate dinner. Aunt Emma called. I laid down and read paper and went to sleep. Fred Rogers called. Princeton High School rooms were wrecked yesterday morning by hoodlums.
22. Up at 7:40. Ate. Cloudy. Temp 46 & dropping. Mrs. Lilly called for me to come down and bring the mail. We got our checks – Affiliated Fund $29.64. Helped at the store and home by 1:00.Ethel called for me to go to Hinton this afternoon with her. Mabel called and said that they were bringing Dr. Nuge home this afternoon. Ethel and I left at 1:50 for Hinton. Raining hard all day. We got back at 3:45. I went down to Mrs. Vermillion. They did not get in with Dr. until 4:50. Dr. Tom and Emily came in at 6:00 this morning – drove all night. Hattie, Dr.’s sister, came also. I guess that this is it for Dr. Nothing more can be done for him. Washed 15 pairs of hose tonight. Raining.
23. Up at 8:10. Temp 30 & clear. Cold and frosty. Ate and cleaned up the house. Read paper and dressed/ 10:30 I went down to see Dr. Nuge – he did not talk any. Got Sis some phenobarbital and 6 codeine tablets. Back to see Dr. Lilly a few minutes and on to the store & helped at noon. Jesse gave me scratch feed for birds. Home at 1:00. Watched my TV programs & dusted front room & washed a cushion cover – the woven one. Ennis called and said that she and Jean Hill visited Dr. Nuge, Dr. Lilly, and Aunt Emma this afternoon. Pauline Beckett called and wanted me to go to supper at church. I refused. Ate supper and dressed and went to Hi gym – Graham VA, 52 and Athens 46 – another beat. Temp 27 at 10:00.
24. Up at 8:20. Temp 30. Cloudy. Ate and it is raining some. Read paper, dressed and went down to see Dr. Uriah a few minutes – no better. Back to Dr. Lilly’s for a stop and Dr. Tom came in to see Dr. Lilly while I was there. Helped at store at noon. They told me that Sis had a wreck – icy roads – on hill out of Princeton at 8:10 going to school. I called cop and he came up to my house. I paid Toots Shepherd’s fine for overparking Oct 1st. Then I went down to stay with Sis while Samps went to Princeton to talk to ins. man. Sis is in state of shock and hysteria. I called Mrs. Lilly and she said that they did not take Dr. Lilly down to see Dr. Uriah – weather too bad to take a chance. Ate supper with Sis and came home at 7:45. Temp 46. Cloudy.
25. Up at 7:15. Ate. Cleaned up house/ Temp 46. Read paper & called Sis. She is OK this morning. Dressed and I went down to see Dr. Nuge. He drank some tomato juice this morning. Back to see Dr. Lilly. He was on the bed and had a headache. He did not get to go yesterday to see Dr. Nuge. I helped at store and home at 1:00. Dressed and went down and got Ethel. We went to Princeton to Watters Jewelry sale and I got a band for my Bulova man’s watch. Ethel got a band for her watch. We looked over the 10 cents store, Leggetts and A&P & home and visited Aunt Emma a while. I went on down to Quinzetta’s and ate supper. Later we went up to restaurant for a milkshake... I took them home and I came home and washed my hair. Fred Rogers called. To bed early. A fine day. Temp 60. Sun out all day. Cloudy at 5:00 and raining just a little.
26. Up at 8:20. Temp 52. Sun out. Ate & read paper. Mrs. Lilly called. Beulah Crawford called and said that Dr. Nuge had been worse sine yesterday afternoon. Margaret called for me to meet her down at the office to get some medicine and instruments to take down to house. I went down and took Mrs. Vermillion a metal file case to put papers in. Dr. is very sick I think. Back to see Dr. Lilly and he was sick. On to store and helped at noon. Home. Temp 62. Windy all day. Put dirt out of basement around my roses & picked up libs out of yard. At 5:00 I ate supper and went down to Dr. Vermillion’s. Mrs. V. in bed with a cold. Dr. is very sick I think. I helped nurse turn him so many times. Back and stopped at Dr. Lilly’s. He is better. Home at 7:45. Tired.
27. Up early. Ate and watched government get ready to put Glen in a capsule around the world. – 3 trips in outer space- but trouble came and it was postponed. At 9:45, Sis & I drove jeep to Hinton. Samps went on with the car to have it repaired. Home at 12:30. At 1:15 I went down to Dr. Vermillion- he was so sick. I hurried back to stop Dr. Lilly from going down to see Dr. Nuge. Mrs. Lilly and Dick went down & Dr. Nuge almost passed away while they were there. At 1:30 Dr. Scott came from there and Scott and I told Dr. Lilly and he got along fine. I ate supper with him and then Dr. Lilly asked Dick and me to go down and sit with Dr. Nuge a while for him. We did. Snowing and got home at 11:15. Dr. very bad. In bed at midnight.
28. Sunday. Up at 7:30. A big snow on. Pouring it down. Pearl Cooper told me that Dr. is still holding on. Mrs. Lilly called. I called Sis and they took me down to Dr. Vermillion’s at 10:10 and came for me at 12:35. We came home and Sis helped me get dinner. We ate and they went home at 2:30. I went over to Casto’s a minute. Home and took snow off of my car & went down to Mrs. Lilly’s a few minutes and on down to Dr. Vermillion’s. At 5:00. Dr. had a bad spell. I stayed and at around 8:00 Dr. Nuge passed on. I came back to Dr. Lilly’s & I told Dr. while Mrs. Lilly was calling Virgie & Scott. He did fine. I got home at 9:30. Temp 26. Cloudy. Snow melted a lot in the afternoon.
29. Up at 7:15. Temp 20 & clear. No wind. Ate and read the paper. A nice picture and write up of Dr. Vermillion’s death last night. At 7:45 Margaret called me to see if I rested good last night. I dressed at 9:15 and went down to Dr. Lilly’s till 11:00.Home and rested a while and ate dinner. Laid down and rested till 2:30. I called Dr. Hale and he advised me not to go to Dr. Nuge’s funeral tomorrow. Mrs. Vermillion wanted me to go with the family. Ate supper, dressed and went down to Mrs. Vermillion’s at 5:30 = not too many there. Dr. looked so nice – lots of flowers and more coming. Home at 6:30. At 7:00, I went down to Dr. Lilly’s and Mrs. Lilly and Dick went down to Vermillion’s. Home at 7:30.
30. Up at 8:00. Warm. Temp in 40’s. Ate and read paper. Watched TV and dressed. Ate dinner. At 1:00 I went down to stay with Dr. Lilly while Mrs. Lilly, Scott and Bet, Doc and Richard went down to Vermillion’s at 1:30 and on to the church to funeral of Dr. Uriah Vermillion. The boys went to the cemetery and Mrs. Lilly and Beth walked back to the house. Dr. Lilly has a bad headache all day. Home at 3:00. Laid down and rested till 4:30. Raining some. Ate supper. Opal called for me to come down and she would go to the ballgame with me. Ethel came and left at 6:20. She called and said to stay at home as she had a time getting home. So I called Opal to go on to game that it was too bad for me to get out. Temp 20 and falling fast. May go to 0 tonight. Roads are bad.
31. Up at 8:00. 2 below. Sun out. 2 more inches of snow. Ate, read paper and dressed. Jesse came for me to help at the store at 11:15. Brought me home at 1:00. Rested a while & called Mrs. Lilly. Dr. is better. I just messed around. Jesse gave me MR. CF Hall’s ins. policy to be cancelled. At 7:00 I called Bo and Margaret came to the phone and said that she might come for me to go to Dr. Vermillion’s office to check on ins. policies and other business. Fred Cooper and Dr. Tom went along. I got home at 10:00. Temp 26 and clear. Sis called and said that the roads were slick this morning.
1. Up at 8:00. Temp 40. Melted all night. Ate and read paper. At 10:00 Glen White came in and paid me $20.00 – his account in full. Mrs. Vermillion called me and I told her that I had the money. Dressed and at 10:30 and started down to pay her and Ora Peters said that she was taking Mrs. Vermillion to Princeton. I paid Ora for Dr. Nuge’s flowers and my donation on flowers for Bud Shumate - $11.29 – in front of post office. Went on down to see Dr. Lilly a few minutes. Back to store and helped at noon. Stopped at the office to get spirit of ammonia for Dr. Lilly and took it down. Head still hurts and he is trying ammonia for his head. Home at 1:30. Listened to my programs. At 5:00 I went down to Mrs. Vermillion and paid her the $20.00 and squared up Glen White’s account. His receipt I dated 1-31-62 and it should have been dated 2-1-62. Home at 5:20. Ate and went over to see Perry Martin a few minutes. Home at 6:45. Fred Rogers called. I called Ethel and she is hurting in her shoulder – her right one. Talked to Dorsie Martin and Opal went home today.
2. Up at 8:30. Ate. Temp 39 and cloudy. It sprinkled rain for a few minutes. I read paper. Ferrell’s Diner burned last night in Princeton. Dressed and went down to see Ethel and Aunt Emma. Verena and Margaret were there. Back to bank and cashed my AE Power check $5.63 and paid $4.40 for safety deposit box. Up to the store and helped at noon and on down to see Dr. Lilly. He was in bed and had a bad headache & weak. I got home at 2:45. Watched my programs and went to sleep – missed some of them. I made red water and filled my two beautiful bottles. They are pretty. Ate supper and went over to see Perry a few minutes and home. Temp in the upper 40’s today and still snow in places. Called Mrs. Lilly and she said that Dr. was feeling better late this evening. I called Sis. Fred Rogers called and we talked a while. Groundhog Day – Sun out most of the day – 40 more days of bad weather.
3. Up at 7:30. Called Dick for an appointment to check my tooth and to get one for Ethel. Ate and called Ethel and then called Ann. She said for us to be there around 11:00. We left at 10:45. Dr. Dick put in a temporary filling in my tooth. He extracted a tooth for Ethel and then we shopped and to Acme and Deskins at Green Tree. I got 10 lbs. sugar for $1.00. Home at 3:15. A beautiful day – temp 59. Sun hot at 4:00. I went down to see Dr. Lilly. He is better. Back to store and got groceries and home at 6:00. Ate supper and called Sis & first rested. Will Williams died tonight in Maryland. Jean Conner came in and paid the farm rent.
4. Sunday. Up at 7:45. Ate. Temp 56 and sun out. Cleaned up everything. Dressed and read paper. W.L. Williams, 84, died in Willington Del and will be brought here for burial in Athens Cemetery. Sis called at 2:00for me to come down and eat dinner with them. I did. Temp down there was 67 at 3:00. Ennis, Fern and Kay came for a few minutes. I got home at 6:00. Still warm and clear. Real nice day and lots of people moving on the highway. Mrs. Rogers called me and we talked for 38 minutes.
5. Up at 7:00. Temp 56 and sun still out. Some snow where it drifted. Ate and at 8:30 Mrs. Vermillion called and said that they would pick me up at 9:30. It was 10:30 when Fred & Mabel came. We went over to courthouse and had Dr. Vermillion’s will probated. Mabel and I swore to Dr.’s signature. We got back at 11:30. I went down and helped at store. Billie Fain was there. Jesse had gone to market. At 12:50 I went down to see Dr. Lilly and he was all set to go to the bank. Mrs. Lilly dressed and I called Guy and Wiley to come and get him. Temp 58 and sun out nicely when we started. Took wheelchair and put Dr. in it & took him all over the new bank. First time that he had been uptown since August 13th. Home at 3:00. Boy was I shaky. Rested. I called Seaver and told them that the tent over Will Williams’s grave was almost blown down. At 7:00, called Mrs. Lilly and she said that Dr. was okay. Uncle Tobe Munsey died at 5:00 over at Doc Oxley’s. Margaret called at 10:00 for a long session of talking.
6. Up at 7:00. Ate. Temp 10. Snowed during the night. Sis stopped for paper for Dillard. Dressed at 10:30. I went own to see Dr. Lilly a few minutes. He was okay from his trip to the bank yesterday. Helped at store at noon and home at 1:10. I watched my programs and at 3:30, I went to basement and washed. Mr. Will Williams was buried in Athens cemetery. Temp dropping fast. I dressed at 5:15 and went over to Doc Oxley’s a few minutes. Snowing – first snow. I went home at 6:00. Ate, dressed and went to the gym to ballgame. Gary Hi beat Athens Hi. Snowing while at game. Temp at 9:30 is 10. Jesse paid me $12 by check on his life insurance.
7. Up at 7:15. Temp 3 above zero. Boy it is cold. Ate and brought my clothes and sprinkled them down. Dressed and went downtown at 11:00. Met Margaret and gave her Jesse’s insurance check. Helped at store at noon. Home at 1:10 and watched my TV programs. Uncle Tobe Munsey’s funeral at home of Doc Oxley’s. Buried in Athens Cemetery around 2:45. Ironed this afternoon. Died Jan 8 – Bud Shumate
“ “ 13- Mr. Jones
“ “ 28- Dr. Uriah Vermillion
“ Feb 3- Will Williams
“ “ 5- Tobe Munsey at Doc Oxley’s
Lillyann Lilly had her operation today in Cincinnati – tumor. Mrs. Lilly called.
8. Go to dentist this morning at 8:00. I went with Dick at 7:50. Up at 6:30. I have a bad tooth- right upper 12 molar at gum line. Put in a temp copper cement to see how it does. Came home at 11:30 on bus. Snowed hard at 9:45 till 11:30. Did not go down to store – jaw hurting. Rested all afternoon, watched programs and slept. At 6:30 this morning, Doc Ferrell died in a Ronceverte hospital – heard over the radio. Dr. Lilly called me for the first time since he got sick last August 13th. Ennis took Fern to Hinton to see Doc Meador this morning and to see Dr. Goodall tonight. Face swollen badly – eye shut. Ennis called at 8:35 and they are back. I went down at 9:00 to see Fern. She is a mess to see. Home at 10:45. Tooth hurting some.
9. Up at 8:00. Temp 32 & raining. Ate and read paper & rested. Tooth is hurting bad- taking pain pills. At 11:30 I went down to help at store at noon and on down to see Fern. She is a mess. Face is swollen badly. Home at 1:30.Rested all afternoon and nursed my jaw. Just poured rain most all day. Sis had a cold and did not go to school today. Snowing at 10:00 – temp 26.
10. Temp 18 and snowing just a little. Up at 8:00. Tooth hurting. Rested all day on couch. Fern is some better. Mrs. Lilly called at 3:30. Dr. Dick and Dr. Lilly wanted me to let Dick take me over and have tooth out. I will wait till Monday if possible. Dr. Ferrell buried today. Ethel came up at 4:30 for a while. I went down for mail. Sis called. Klell Pettrey paid me $10.00 in Jesse’s store for Mrs. Vermillion – his acct in full. I called Mrs. V. and told her that I had the $10 for her. MaryLee and Delmar came at 7:30 and left at 10:15.
11. Sunday. Up at 8:45. Sun out and a big frost. Ate. My tooth is quiet – no pain. At 9:30 Mrs. Lilly called to see how I made it during the night. Read paper. At 11:00 my tooth started hurting and boy oh boy it hurt. Ate dinner and put hot water bottle to it but could not stand it. Sis called at 2:00 and I slept some. At 3:00 I went down to Dr. Lilly’s to talk to him and Dick about taking it out. Dr. had a bad headache, I put on my coat to come home and they wanted me to stay and eat with them. I did and got home at 6:15. Dogs after Mr. Toothman’s cows. I tried calling got a busy signal. So I went down to tell them. Snowing hard.
12. Up at 7:30. Ground covered with snow. Partly cloudy. Temp 34 & melting. Dogs after Dr. Toothman’s cows at 7:30. I scared them off. Got dressed and went down to bank. Margaret and I went up in the office for some papers and back to bank, I paid Mrs. Vermillion the $10.00 that Klell Pettrey paid me last Saturday. Up to store and helped at noon and home at noon. At 1:00 I went down to see Fern. She is okay. QD sick with cold and missed school. Home and watched TV programs. At 2:30 Bo Baxter came and we talked over the insurance & Sis’s insurance too. He looked at my old coins over – some are valuable and some are not. He left at 4:30 and I ate supper. At 6:10 I went down to Dr. Toothman’s to tell him about the dogs being after his cows. Home at 6:30 and listened to the news. I washed my hair. Called Mrs. Lilly and Sis called. I called Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. Lilly told me that Kathryn Scott’s daughter was operated on last night for appendicitis and is doing okay. Temp up in the 40’s today.
13. Up at 7:20. Ate. Temp 30. Raining just a little & freezing. Read paper and got news, dressed and at 11:15 went down to bank and talked to Fred awhile. I gave him the key to Dr. Vermillion’s office. Glad to get rid of it. Helped at the store at noon. Home and visited Mrs. Casto a few minutes. Home at 1:25. Mrs. Lilly called at 9:00 this morning and they are fine. I watched my TV programs. Went down to see Alice Lee awhile. At 5:30 Garnet came over. Home at 8:00.
14. Temp 34. A nice day, Ate & read paper and dressed and went down to store to help at noon. At 1:00 I went down and stayed with Dr. Lilly while Mrs. Lilly went to Princeton with Ann Shrewsbury. Mrs. Vermillion and Fred Rogers were visiting Dr. Lilly when I got there. Got home at 4:40. Ate supper and Sis and Samps came at 6:00. Brought me ½ lb. of Whitman’s candy, popcorn balls and popcorn – Valentine’s presents. They left at 8:15. At 10:00 on TV I took a tour through the White House – home of the Kennedy’s – very nice show. A fine day. Sun out & windy a lot. They postponed Glenn’s orbit around the globe due to weather.
15. Up at 6:30. Ate. Temp 30. Cloudy. Dressed and left at 7:40 to Princeton to have tooth filled by Dick at 8:00. Went to Western auto and got seat cover for front seat of my car and 1 broom. Got home at 10:30.Fred and Mrs. Vermillion were looking for me. I went up and unlocked the safe for them. Later Margaret came. I helped at the store at noon. Jesse was not there – a sick sheep. Mrs. Vermillion gave me the picture in Dr. Vermillion’s office. Doctor brought it home. After supper I went down to Sis’s and Samps put on my seat cover for me. Home at 8:00. Sowed some yellow tomato seeds. Very nice day. Temp 36 at 7:00. Cloudy. 9 tries and failed to get Glenn in orbit.
16. Up at 7:10. Temp 30. Icicles hanging from the trees, wires and raining and sleeting and later just poured snow for a while. Called Mrs. Lilly at 9:00 and they are okay. Read paper, dressed and watched TV. Jesse came for me at 11:40. Helped at store and home at 1:10. Temp 33. Jim Hubbard died last night. Watched TV my programs, went to sleep and when I woke up all ice was gone from trees & wires. Ate supper at 5:00 & just messed around. Temp at 7:30 34. Athens High beat Northfork Elkhorn at Northfork tonight.
17. Up at 7:30. Ate. Temp 28. Clear & sun out. At 8:45 Sis called for me to go to Hinton with them to get the car. We left at 9:30 – ice all over the trees all the way from Speedway to Bluestone Bridge. Samps brought the car back and Sis and I went downtown. Seen Doc a few minutes and home at 12:00. Ate dinner at Shumate’s. I went on to Princeton and messed around and home at 2:30. At 3:15 I went down to see Dr. Lilly a while and on down to Ethel’s to see them. Ate supper and home at 7:30.A fine. Out all day. Mr. Wilson died today – he played in the Dennis the Menace Show.
18. Sunday. Up at 8:30. Ate. Temp 38. Sun out. Dressed, read paper and cleaned front porch. Called Sis at 1:00. Samps went to church and on over to see Dewey. I went down at 1:30. We ate dinner as soon as Samps came home. We fixed front seat cover on my car. I came home at 5:00. I laid down, rested and went to sleep and woke up at 7:15. Ate a bite. Temp 42. Jim Hubbard’s funeral and burial today at 2:00 in Speedway.
19. Up at 8:00. Ate. Temp 44. Sun out. A fine day, windy tho. Dressed and read paper & at 11:40 I went down to help at the store at noon. Home at 1:20. Mary Webb paid me $56.20 balance on insurance. I called Margaret for Bo to come and get it- all gone. I watched some of my programs and went to sleep – missed some of them. At 4:00, I went over to see Mrs. Casto a while. Mr. Casto came in and showed me the piano that he is overdoing. Home at 5:30, ate supper and went down to the store and got groceries and on down to Margaret’s & paid her the $56.20 on Clinton Webb’s & Margaret squared the account. Back and stopped at Mrs. Vermillion’s a while. She gave me cough syrup, phenobarbital & codeine tablets. Home at 7:20. Windy Temp 48 – warmer. Sun out all day & windy.
20. Up at 9:15. Cloudy. Temp 26. John Glenn took off at 9:49. Everything going as scheduled. All is well after 2 minutes and 44 seconds. Helped at store and on down to Dr. Lilly’s & fixed up report for tax man. 4 hours, 59 minutes, 29 seconds – 3 orbits around in outer space. 3:04 they landed on deck of ship & at 3:25 he was out of cone. Went over to Mrs. Casto’s a while and home at 8:30.
21. Temp 30. Cloudy. Up at 7:15. Ate, read paper & went to basemen and washed out dish towels in Clorox. Came up at 9:50 and it was pouring snow from the east. Dressed and went down to help at the store. Home at 1:15. I watched my programs and slept. At 3:00 Ethel came and brought the spread that she hemmed for me. I was asleep and did not hear her knock. Up at 5:40. Ate and went over to Perry’s a few minutes. Called for Ethel but her line was busy for 2 hours. Went down to see what was wrong. Got home at 10:00. Snow all gone. Temp rising. I have 6 tomato plants up – yellow ones.
22. Up at 6:30. Temp 54. Ate, dressed and at 5:45 left for Princeton to have Dr. Richard fill a tooth for me. Shopped some and got 2 more pieces of bedspread material. Got back at 11:20. At 11:40 went down to help at store. A 1:45 I went to Princeton with Lodema and Billie Fain. Lodema shopped and I looked after Bobbie. I got 2 winter coats – one for Mitzi and one for her. Home at 3:00 and rested till 3:40. Drove up to see Mrs. Withers a few minutes. She is fine and glad to see me. Home at 4:30. Ate supper and at 6:10 went down to Sis’s. Called Mrs. Lilly. She said that Dr. was out at Jimmy Shrewsbury visiting – walked with Dick. Mrs. Vermillion called and Fred Rogers called. Home from Sis’s at 9:00. A fine day. Temp up to 62. Sun all day.
23. Up at 7:15.Temp 46. Ate, dressed and watched the welcome for John Glen who came back to the cape in Florida and was met by President Kennedy. A big day. Raining early – around 9:00. Dressed and at 11:45 Jesse came for me to help at store. Home at 1:00. At 1:15, a news conference with John Glenn in Florida till 3:00. A question and answer program of his trip around in outer space. Foggy, real foggy. Slept some, ate supper and at 6:15, called Sis. I went down to see Dr. and Mrs. Lilly and got home at 9:15 – just could not get away from them. Temp 60 at 9:30. Sis called as soon as I got home.
24. Up at 7:30. Cloudy and cool. Went down and got Ethel and took her to see Dr. Pace. I saw Mr. Finkleman to have my income report made out. We shopped and home at 1:00. I went down to Sis’s a few minutes. Home and they came up and I went to Princeton with them. They got a sink for the basement and a china closet and a big lamp. We ate at Ferrell’s at Green Tree & got home at 6:00. A fine day.
25. Sunday Up at 7:30. Ate, read paper and dressed. Sun out. Temp 28. Frost but warmed up. Sis and Samps ate dinner with me. Samps went to Lerona to Jr. Phillips’ wife’s funeral. They went home at 3:40. At 4:30, I went down to Mrs. Toothman’s for a while. Dr. T. left a ½ dozen eggs on the porch this morning.
26. Up at 7:15. Ate. Temp 42. Cloudy later raining. Dressed, read paper & watched Glenn’s reception in Washington. Pouring the rain there. Jesse came to see for sure that I would be down to help. Lodema did not come over – sick. I got home at 12:45. Watched rest of Glenn’s celebration. Rested some. Warmer Temp 59. Cut furnace off. House is warm enough. Went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes. Home and ate and at 6:15 I went out to Arthur Martin. Arthur is very sick. Home at 7:25.
27. Up at 7:15. Temp 52. Cloudy. Ate, read paper and later dressed. At 10:45 I went down to Alice Lee’s a few minutes. Garnet went to hospital in Princeton yesterday to have pin removed from her hip this morning at 8:00. On to the store and helped at noon. At 1:00 I got the mail and Dr.’s and went down to Dr. Lilly’s. As I left at 3:30, we walked around the house and Dr. did very well walking. Sun out and temp 64. Dr. Klingensmith came to visit Dr. as I was leaving. Rained some today but nice and warm. Mrs. Casto called for me to come over a minute at 4:00. They are going to see their daughter who was taken to the hospital – may be real sick. I brought Bobby home with me to keep until they get back. Ate supper. Cleaned porch and went over to Perry’s a few minutes. Home at 6:20. Watched TV. Sowed Jesse’s big boy tomatoes tonight in vermiculite.
28. Up at 7:15. Temp 42. Cloudy and misting rain. Ate, read paper and dresses. At 10:45, I went down to see Mrs. Vermillion & Mabel a while. I took Mrs. V. blanks that Geo Shumate gave me on Saturday if she wants him to help collect her bills. Helped at store and home at 12:45. Ate and watched TV programs. At 2:30. I went to basement and washed 2 pair of kitchen curtains and watched 3 programs. Slept some. Ate supper at 5:00 & ironed up my curtains and put them up. Temp 36 at 7:00, went up to 58 during day and misting rain again at 7:30. Snowing at 7:45. Temp 32. Called Sis.
1. Up. Snow on, not too much. Temp 22. Ate and read paper, then washed 2 more sets of kitchen curtains & dressed to go to help at store. When, at 10:50, a news bulletin came on that a big 707 passenger plane with 95 passengers aboard including the crew fell in an island just off of airport at NY. Live TV came on at the wreck – no survivors. Then the big parade for John Glenn came on and what a morning in NY & the ticker tape paper was awful. I did not go to store. Snowed some today. I ironed my curtains & put them up. Watched Frankie Alvis play basketball on TV. Ate supper and Sis called & I watched West Virginia University & Richmond play in tournament on TV. WVa University won in first round – 95-75. Thorn scored 30 points. Temp 20. & clear.
2. Up at 7:15. Temp 15. Sun out. Ate. Did up some chores, read paper and dressed. Mrs. Lilly called for me to come down at 1:00 and take Dr. Lilly up to bank. Helped at store at noon. At 1:30, Dr. and I went up to bank and got back at 3:30. Dr. tired when we got back to the house. I got home after Sis, Samps and I ate supper at restaurant at 6:10. Rested some and then watched WVU & GWU play basketball in Richmond in tourney. Onie Conner died yesterday over at Troy Conner’s at my farm – cancer. Snow still laying on north side. Temp 32 today. Mr. Casto got back during the night and said that his sister was very sick. His mother stayed. WVU 86- GWU 73. ½ dozen eggs & 2 Time magazines were on my porch. Larry Jones paid up ins. to me $15.00.
3. Up at 7:15. Temp 15. Clear & cold. Ate, dressed, and ran sweeper. Bo came at 10:30 and I gave him the $15 paid to me by Larry Jones for Arthur Jones ins. I went down for mail & got a letter from MaryLee & got groceries. Home and watched John Glenn’s homecoming in New Concord Ohio. It was a big affair at 3:00. I baked a custard pie & at 5:00 I went down to see Aunt Emma and Ethel a while. Ethel’s shoulder is no better. Home at 6:20, ate supper and went over to Perry’s a while. Arthur is no better and in coma since Thursday. Onie Conner funeral and burial today at 2:00. Cold all day. I watched WVU and VPI play basketball game.
4. Sunday. Up at 7:15. Warmer. Ate, dressed, read paper and took Mr. Casto over a piece of custard pie. His sister is better. Drs. took 5 qts. of liquid from her yesterday. At 1:15 Sis called for me to eat dinner up at the restaurant with them at 2:00. I took my map out in cemetery to Levi, Ben and Red Martin to see. Home and went to Sis’s at 4:15. Arthur Martin died at 3:00 this morning. I got home at 9:00. Watched TV. Snowing when Samps got home from church. Temp went up to 54 today and then dropped to 32.
5. Temp 14. Ground covered with snow. Up at 7:30. Ate and snowed hard. Dressed and read paper. At 10:30, Mae Martin came in a few minutes. Susie Noble died this morning at 3:00. At 11:15 Jesse came for me to help at store. Home at 1:00. Windy and snowing all day. Mrs. Bennett came to see me for a while and left at 4:00. I went over to Perry’s a few minutes, watched TV programs. Mrs. Rogers called. Mr. Casto left going to see his sister I guess. Try Conner & Bro came and paid rent. Bro wants to buy my farm. I may sell it.
6. Up at 7:15. Snowy and windy. Temp 15. Ate and cleaned up things. I dressed in my snow pants and high top boots and Jesse came for me at 10:40. Lodema, Mimi and baby stayed home today. Snow drifted bad, Home at 1:00 and rested. At 3:30, Jesse came for me to go down and help at store so he & Mitzi could get in and do up things before dark. Arthur Martin’s funeral at Seaver’s at 2:30 and only pallbearers & body went to grave – too bad for family to go. Got home at 6:10. At 7:00 I went over to Perry’s a while. Dr. Lilly called and Ora Peters called. Snowing at 11:00.
7. Up at 7:00. Temp 24. Snowing just a little. Ate, read paper and went to basement and washed – finished at 9:50. Dressed and watched TV till 11:00. Jesse came for me. Sun is out and it is melting some. Lodema & Mimi & baby did not come over today. Home at 1:00. Cleaned snow off of back porch and some off of the front porch. Watched my TV programs and rested. At 3:30 Susie Noble was buried out in the cemetery. Only 4 men & 3 from funeral home & flower truck boy was all that went to the grave. At 4:30, got supper and ate and cleaned up dishes. I went over to Perry’s for a few minutes. Home at 6:25. Mr. and Mrs. Noble and Sid Martin stopped in at Perry’s. They had been out to Susie’s grave. At 7:45 Mr. Casto called and said that he was back. They operated on his sister – 8th tumor cancerous- Mrs. Casto stayed.
8. Up at 7:15. Sun out. Cold. Temp 20. Ate and brought up clothe. Dressed and read paper. Talked to Mrs. Lilly and Mrs. Vermillion. Later Mrs. Lilly called for me to come down at 1:00. Mr. Bradley is coming to get Dr. Lilly’s income tax filled out. At 11:00, Jesse came for me and Lodema came to the store today. I walked down to Dr. Lilly’s. Boy, first walk since I was sick. Left Dr. Lilly’s at 4:00. Got home at 4:30. Ate supper and ironed until 6:00. Fred and Elva Rogers came and left at 7:30. Garnet called and was coming up but the Rogers were here so she will come later. Called Ethel and finished ironing after the Rogers left. Popped corn and rested. Temp 30 at 9:30. Snowing when I went to bed.
9. Up at 7:00. Just pouring the snow. Temp 26. Ate, dressed and read paper. Mrs. Lilly called. I called Garnet and talked a while. Jesse came at 11:15 for me. Lodema did not come over today. Billie helped. Home at 1:00. Cleaned off porch and steps and walk – not snowing so much in the late afternoon. Slept some and watched TV programs. Mr. Casto came and got Bobby the bird and took him home. He was homesick. At 6:15 Temp 32 and cloudy.
10. Up at 7:30. Ate. Temp 26. Cloudy- misting rain. Dressed and went out and took snow off of my car & started it – first time since last Sunday. Ate dinner and went downtown and got mail – a letter from MaryLee- got groceries and home. At 3:45 Sis called for me to come down. I did and ate supper with them. Ennis called for them to come up and we all went. I got home at 10:00. Raining. Temp 30. At 10:00 Ethel had 3 teeth in upper and lower dentures put in today.
11. Sunday. Up at 8:30. Temp 34. Raining a little. Snow went away fast last night. Windy. Dressed. I talked to Fred Rogers and also Frank Parker about who worked in the last election. We could not remember. Read paper and at 12:30, Sis and Samps stopped and we ate dinner at Shumate’s restaurant and I went on down home with them. We just loafed around and ate supper and I got home at 7:00. Samps went to church. Several called. Mrs. Hash is in and called me. I was so glad to talk to her. Temp 35 & raining.
12. Up early 7:00. Temp 36 & cloudy for a while and then the sun came out and was nice and warm. Dressed and at 9:45 Jesse came in and paid me $150 due me. At 10:45 I stopped to see Mrs. Hash for a while. I went on down to bank, paid water bill and deposited $150 in the bank. Back to store and helped. Jesse going to market. Billie helped also. Home at 1:10. Rested most of afternoon and watched my programs. Windy. Burnt trash & picked up 3 boxes full of paper from the lower lot. Ethel stopped a few minutes. She had her dentures adjusted by Dr. Richard. I saw the WVU -75- and Villanova – 90 play basketball on TV. Rod got 23 points.
13. Up at 7:00. Ate. Temp 36. Dressed. Spit snow a little. Windy. At 10:45 I went down to Lemuel Southern’s. Exie paid $5.00 on her ins. I helped at store at noon. Home at 1:05. Windy. Rested and watched TV programs. Snow squalls off and on all afternoon. Dr. Lilly called and we talked about 20 minutes. Windy late and snow flurries. Noah Bird died today at home – heart attack.
14. Up at 7:45. Temp 27. Cloudy. Ate & cleaned up things, dressed and read paper. At 11:45 Jesse came for me as I was going to store, helped and got home at 1:10. Rested and watched my programs. A very nice day – partly cloudy. Temp 42. Some snow still where it had drifted. At 4:15, I went down to Dr. Lilly to help Dick set his front bridge. I ate supper with them. I went on down to Ethel’s at 8:20 and took her some denture powders that Mrs. Lilly gave me. I got home at 10:00. Watched Jack Paar show from London. Got $4.00 of gas from Gene Neeley today.
15. Up at 8:00. Temp 32. Partly cloudy. Ate. Gave garbage to boys today- 50 cents. Dressed and went down to store and helped at noon. Jesse gave me a dozen eggs. I will bake him a custard pie. Home at 1:20. Sun shone some during day and there is still snow where it drifted. I watched my programs, slept and rested some. Up at 4:00 and burnt trash from basement- papers. Cooked cabbage & ate. Mrs. Lilly called for tomato seed. I could not find what she wanted. I took pepper seed down at 5:30. Dr. started his planter that Doc gave him for Christmas- electric plastic one. I got home at 9:15. Snowing when I left Dr. Lilly’s Temp 33.
16. Up at 7:15. Temp 24. Cloudy. Ate. Dresses. Mrs. Lilly called and said that they are fine. Read paper. At 11:30 Ennis and I went down to the store and helped at noon. Home at 1:15 and watched TV & rested till 2:00. Made a custard pie for Jesse. Lodema gave me a quart of milk to bake it with. Snowed a few flakes off and on today. At 6:15, Jesse came and got his pie. Ate supper and washed my hair. Sis called and had talked to Dorsie and Opal is to come in any minute now. Mr. Rogers called at 10:00. Opal called. She is in furniture and will come in at 8:00 in the morning. Mr. Casto brought Bobby over for me to keep until he and Mrs. Casto get back. Snowing late around 8:00. Today I paid to Bo $5.00 Mrs. Lemuel Southern paid me on her fire ins. in front of Jesse’s store. I called her over from Beckett’s station.
17. Up at 8:45. Snowing just a little. Today. Temp 24. Cloudy all morning. Ate. Read paper, dressed and went downtown for groceries and mail. Stopped to see Opal a few minutes. Home and baked her a custard pie. I watched a basketball game – 2 of them. T 4:00 I took the pie down to Opal and came right back home. At 7:00 I called Sis and went over to Perry’s a few minutes. Home at 8:00. Watched TV. Temp 28 & cloudy. No one came today.
18. Sunday. Up at 8:00. Temp 27. Partly cloudy. Ate & dressed. Read paper & rested all day. I watched baseball game on TV. Slept some – no one came or called till 8:00 and Sis called. I was not out of the house all day. Still snow drifts. At 5:30 Mr. Casto came for Bobby. They are back. Sun shone most of day but cold.
19. Up at 6:30. Temp 30. Red sunrise. Cloudy. Ate, read paper and straightened. I went down in basement for a while and came up and it was pouring the snow. Dressed and took my coat and sweater down to cleaners and helped at store. Home at 1:15. Still snow but melting. I watched my programs – rested and slept some. At 2:30, sun came out a little. At 3:30, I went over to see Mrs. Casto a few minutes. Her daughter is doing very good. Home at 4:30. No one came or called. Warmer tonight. Temp 44. Cut down heat today.
20. Up at 7:00. Temp 44. Sun out and snow gone except for on East River Mountain. I can see it from my back porch. Read paper. Mrs. Lilly called for me to take her to Hinton to see Mr. Butler. I was afraid to drive that far and in Dr.’s car to beat. I helped at the store at noon and home and rested. At 1:35 Ethel came and left at 2:30. I cleaned the front porch and washed door. Bo Meador and Paul Broyles were checking the cemetery road again today and took out a row of hemlocks. I baked a custard pie for Sis’s birthday tomorrow. I went over to Perry’s a few minutes. Temp went up to 59 today. Fred Rogers called and talked for a while. Raining when I went to bed at 12:50.
21. Up at 7:00. Temp 46. Clear & sun out. Ate, read paper, dressed & watched my programs till 11:30. I went down to cleaners and got my coat and sweater that I had cleaned. Back to store and helped at noon. Home at 1:00. Raining during the noon hour & lots of wind & stormy all afternoon. Rested till 4:00 and dressed for Sis’s birthday. I went with Sis and Samps and Mimi up to restaurant for supper for Sis and back to house at 5:30 for custard pie & coffee that I made for Sis. They left at 7:00. Temp 46. Still raining off and on all evening. Also windy – a typical March day. Watched TV.
22. Up early. Raining some early. Ate, read paper & cleaned up dishes. Dressed and went down to store and helped at noon. Home – car would not start, had to have it pushed – Jesse and a boy did it. Watched TV & cleaned some in kitchen – got weak and finally laid down & rested a while. Mrs. Lilly called and said that she and Dick went to Hinton to see her Uncle Charlie. I went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes. She told me that Bobby had died. She hit him with her foot.
23. Up early. Temp 20. Frost. Ate, read paper, dressed. Rained some during the night & windy. I went down to help at store and went down to Dr. Lilly’s. Dr. had a headache, sick as he could be. Home at 3:00. Watched TV and rested some. Several different people have seen a monster around town and the cop shot at it.
24. Up at 7:00. Temp 30. Frosty. Cleaned up, dressed and went down to see Dr. Lilly a few minutes. He seems some better. Home and baked a custard pie. Sis called and said that she was going to Bluefield a while. I dressed and we left at 2:15. A fine day. Samps went up to see Dewey. Home and went on down to Sis’s for supper. Home at 8:00.
25. Sunday. Up at 8:00. Ate, dressed, cleaned front porch. Put on beans and chicken and made slaw. Temp 34. Partly cloudy. Read paper and I loafed around. I went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes. Home. Called Sis at 3:20 to come up and eat supper with me. After supper we drove over to Bluefield and Samps got his cough syrup. We went on down to the sock store. I got 3 pairs, Sis 2 pr. and Samps 1 pr. Home at 9:15 and raining.
26. Up at 7:00 Temp 40 – cloudy and cool. Ate, dressed and went over to see Ennis at Janice’s a few minutes. Watched TV & read paper. I called Mrs. Lilly and she said that Dr. is fine. Yesterday Dick took him and Mrs. Lilly over to Scott’s – first time out of town since he came home from the hospital. My car would not start. Jesse came for me and I helped at store. Home and we started car and took it down to Whitie’s Garage. They checked it and tested battery – said that it was okay. I visited Aunt Emma & Ethel a while. Ethel is painting basement. Home at 3:00. Watched programs. Sis & Samps ate supper with me. They left at 6:30. No one came.
27. Up at 6:30. Temp 42. Ate & went to basement. Washed a big one and hung them out on line outside. Sun out, windy. Dressed, watched programs and read paper. Went out to start car but no go. Jesse came for me at 11:30 and I helped at the store and home. Jesse started the car. I took it down to Whitie’s and they fixed the choke – left it loose yesterday. Took my blue suit down to cleaners to have it cleaned and went on down and visited Mrs. Lilly & Dr. for a few minutes. Mr. Klingensmith came to see Dr. Got home at 4:00. I went out to garden and put out a pussy willow Mrs. Lilly gave me. I plowed and sowed 2 rows peas and 1 row lettuce – ground okay. Brought in clothes and sprinkled them down. Ate supper. Got card from MaryLee today.
28. Up at 7:10. Ate. Temp 42. Sun out & it will be a good day. I ironed all of my clothes. Jesse came and started my car and it seems okay. Lodema is at home with Mimi sick all right. Billie helped at store. Home at 1:00 and baked a custard pie. I untied my shrubs & took up limbs and trash out of yard. Watched my programs and ate supper & went out and burnt a big brush pile down in lot. Called Sis and she and Samps came. Sis had her hair cut, tinted and a permanent by Mrs. Fudge last night. She looks wonderful – 10 years younger. They left at 7:30. Mrs. Rogers called and we talked for 30 minutes. Sis called and said that Mimi is better. Opal called for me to come down for her wedding – Sat. at 2:30. Bill Goosman died last night – had cancer. Charlie Butler at Hinton died last night – 89 years old.
29. Up at 7:00. Ate. Sun out but windy. Went out and messed around until 10:00. In and dressed and read paper and went over to see Ennis a minute. Home at 11:30 and went down to store. Home at 1:00. Washed off lawn chairs and watched my programs & fixed place to sow my radishes. I transplanted Jesse’s big boy tomatoes and Mrs. Vermillion’s kind (watermelon tomatoes). In and ate supper at 5:00. Dressed and went down to Dr. Lilly’s to stay with him so Dick, Mrs. Lilly & Clarice Bibbee could go to Hinton to Mr. Butler’s. They left at 6:45. Levi and Charlotte came at 7:00 and left at 8:30. Dr. took a nap – not so good tonight Bill Goosman buried today in cemetery.
30.Up at 7:40. Ate. Partly Cloudy. Temp 50. I went out and cut thistles in lower lot. They were thick. In at 10:00 and read paper. At 11:30 I went down to store and helped at noon, got mail & suit from dry cleaners. Got package from Sears and Roebuck – dress and skirt. Home and watched my programs. Sowed my radishes today. Watched my programs till 4:00. I went down to see Mrs. Vermillion a while and back to Dr. Lilly’s. He is very sick I think. Dr. Pace and Dr. Scott came just as I was leaving. Called at 7:30 and Dr.’s has hi blood – 205. Perry Martins are leveling up their yard and sowing it in grass.
31. Up at 7:15. Ate. Cloudy and windy. Cleaned up things and dressed & went down to see Dr. Lilly at 9:30. Dr. was limp and drowsy. Fred Rogers came in for a while. Raining. Home at 11:30. Got groceries and read paper. Ate and dressed to go to wedding at 2:30. Paid paperboy $2.00. I went down to Dorsie & Opal’s wedding at 2:30. It was real nice – everything- with refreshments after wedding. Home at 4:00. I went down to see Dr. Lilly and tell him about it. He was some better. Home at 5:30 and ran sweeper. Sis called at 6:00 and we ate supper up at the restaurant. Home at 7:30. Called Mrs. Vermillion, Sis and Fred Rogers.
1. Sunday. Up at 7:30. Temp 36. Cloudy. Rained some. Ate, dressed and straightened up things and read the paper & rested. At 1:00, snowing, just pouring -Temp 35 – off and on all day. Real heavy storms all day. Nobody came. Tornado hit Florida, killed 16, injured several and ruined 3 blocks of houses. 60 killed in auto wrecks over the weekend.
2. Up at 7:00. Ground covered with snow & still snowing. Temp 28. Ate, read paper, dressed and, at 10:30, went down to see Dr. Lilly for a while – not too good. Back to store and helped at noon. Samps not there, Billie helped. Snowing. Home at 1:00. Cleaned French doors glass and watched my programs till 3:30. I went over and visited Mrs. Casto a few minutes. Home and ate supper. At 6:00, I went over to Perry’s a while. Home. Fred Rogers called and said that he was in to see Dr. Lilly this afternoon. At 8:20, I called Sis and she did not go to school today – sick with pain in her ear and eye. At 9:00, Helen Caperton called and talked 20 minutes. Snowed some off and on all day. Temp 30 at 7:00.
3. Up at 7:00. Temp 24. Snowed some during night. Ate, read paper & dressed. At 11:30, I went down to store and helped at noon. Sis did not go to school today – still has pain in her head. At 1:00, I went down to Mrs. Walker’s and she cut my hair and gave me a permanent. At 3:30 I went on down to Quinzetta’s and she was better. I stayed for supper. Home at 5:30. Samps put dirt on Quincy’s and Gilmer’s grave today. Sis had Lou Fudge shampoo her hair at 6:00. Samps went to Princeton to church meeting and Sis came up and stayed with me till he got back at 9:45. We ate custard pie and coffee and they went home at 10:10. I stopped to see Dr. Lilly as I came home.
4. Up at 7:00. Temp 26. A big frost again this morning. Sun out, but chilly. Ate, dressed and walked out in cemetery to see how Samps fixed the plots. He did a good job. Home, read paper and wrote checks for the water and power co. At 11:30, I went downtown and helped at store. Home at 1:00. I watched my programs and slept some. I cleaned the kitchen floor & straightened up things. I went over to Perry’s a few minutes after supper. A stone in the cemetery fell over on the boy Mae is keeping – five years old and not hurt. Home and got news. I went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes. Buck Jamison was fired from college athletics today – no one would talk about it – paper said.
5. Up at 7:00. Ate. Cloudy some. Temp 45. Dressed, read paper and, at 10:45, went down and visited Opal a few minutes, helped at the store and home at 1:00. Mrs. Casto came over a few minutes. At 2:00 I hooked up my hose and washed out driveway & walks in front of yard. It was real dirty. I watched program at 3:00. I went back and finished. Ate supper at 5:00. At 6:00, Garnet called and said that she was coming up at 6:30. At 8:00, Fred Rogers called. Ethel came at 7:30 and left at 8:20. Raining at 11:00. Sun shone a little today.
6. Up at 7:00. Temp 48. Cloudy. Ate. Cleaned up things. Raining. At 9:00 dressed, read paper, watched TV programs. I went down to help at store at noon. Car would not start. Jesse came for me at 11:30. Raining. Boy, what a mess – store is full of kids and we have been so busy all week. Home at 1:10. Jesse tried car and no power. He says that battery is bad. I watched my programs and baked a custard pie. The Castos left today for weekend to see daughter. I rested and slept some. Ate supper. Sis called and said that would go to Roanoke tomorrow. I called Mrs. Lilly and they are fine. Dr. Lilly slipped off and went to Ball’s store. Dick took car and went hunting for him. Cloudy all day. Temp 51 at 6:30.
7. Up at 6:00. Ate, dressed and Sis, Samps and I left for Roanoke at 7:35. Cloudy. Got to Ruth’s, Samps’ daughter, at 10:10. We got in her car and went to a mall shopping center. Boy, what a sight to see. Boob, Eula and Alma were there. We ate dinner in the building and Florence & Es came to our table to talk to us. We went to Arnels – another auto – What a crowd there, Pouring the rain when we came out. We left Ruth’s at 6:45 and ate supper on the way home. We got home at 10:25. Rained on us as we came home.
8. Sunday. Up at 8:45. Raining. Turned on the heat at 6:20 and went back to bed. Ate, dressed & read paper. Sis called for me to eat dinner at restaurant. I met them at 12:30 up there. Ate and drove out through the cemetery and home. I made coffee and we ate custard pie. Samps feeling bad so they went home. I laid around and rested. My radishes and lettuce is coming up. Sun out some. I talked to Dr. Lilly and Ethel this morning.
9. Up at 7:00. Cloudy and windy. Ate, cleaned up things, read the paper and cleaned the windows in the dining room. I did not go down to help at the store. I ran over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes to see how her daughter was. Home, ate dinner and cleaned off everything in dining room and took up dust. Watched my programs – finished up late- and rested at 3:00. Garland Brooks died yesterday – 70 years old. Ate supper at 5:30. Nobody came. Cold, may frost. Just watched TV. Temp 58 today. April Showers hard this morning. Lots of wind all day.
10. Up at 7:00. Ate. Cool temp 42. Partly cloudy. Sis called at 7:15 saying that Samps was sick and he went back to bed and for me to help at the store. I dressed and read paper & watched TV. Jesse came at 11:20 and home at 1:00. We could not start car and had to push it. Jesse and I drove it over to Princeton to get a battery. We stopped at Davis’ Garage and man did something and it started okay and charging. We came back home to let it run a while to charge battery. Garland Brooks buried in Athens Cemetery this afternoon. At 2:30 I went down to Dr. Lilly’s to find a paper he could not find. I found it in 5 minutes for him. Dr. was up at the bank and Fred C. took him down around the college & back. Dr. was tired. Home at 5:00. Ate supper and called Sis. Samps still feeling bad at 9:00. We talked 45 minutes. Raining at 9:00. Temp 48.
11. Up at 7:00. Temp 48. Cloudy. Ate, cleaned up and finished typing a letter for Dr. Lilly and took it down to him. Jesse came to see if car would start. Samps still sick. I helped at the store. Home at 1:15. Watched my programs and slept some. Showered some and windy. Ate. At 5:00 Evelyn Holroyd came and left at 6:15. I went down to see Samps and he is better but no heat. The men are hooking up a new gas furnace for them. Home at 8:00. Raining some. Car is doing okay.
12. Up at 7:40. Temp 48. Cloudy and raining some. Ate. Dressed, read paper and went down to the store & helped at noon. Samps still sick. Home at 1:00. Cleaned windows and messed around. Snowed some. Radishes and lettuce up. At 10:30 Ethel called and said that Butch Casey and Douglas Lilly had a wreck on the Princeton Road & taken to the hospital. I called Garnet and told her that she and Charles should go to the H. I went down and stayed with Alice Lee till Garnet got back from Bluefield. Butch has a compound fracture in right thigh.
13. Up at 7:30. Snowing. Ate and read paper, dressed and went down for mail and helped at the store at noon. Gas bill $14.71 - not too bad. Home. Just pouring snow all afternoon off and on. Rested till 4:00, then baked a custard pie and finished at 5:30. At 6:30 Sis called and we ate up at Shumate’s for supper. Just pouring the snow for 2 hours at 7:30. At 11:00, it is still snowing. Temp 30. Garnet called and said that Butch was doing as good as could be expected. He is n traction. Jesse took Lodema to the doctor – her kidneys- at 1:30 today I stayed with Samps till they got back. Jesse gave me a doz. eggs and a small bag of flour.
14. Up at 7:30. Temp 26 & snowing some. Cleaned up the house and read paper, worked the crossword puzzle. Dressed and went down for mail and got groceries. Home. I stopped to see Alice Lee s few minutes. Butch is doing all right. Home and watched baseball game. At 6:00 Sis & Samps stopped and we went to the Green Tree. They ate in car and I drank a chocolate milk. We stopped at Western Auto to check on voltage regulator. Home at 8:00. Snowing some.
15. Sunday. Up at 7:00. Ate. Temp 26 and snowing some. Put on chicken to cook. Dressed and read paper. At 12:35, I took chicken and custard pie down to Sis’s and pooled our dinner. We had a good dinner and just loafed. Windy and snow showers most of afternoon. At 6:00 we ate supper and Samps fixed dripper to sink. Home at 8:00. Just pouring snow again at 9:45.
16. Up at 7:00. Temp 25. Ground covered with a light snow. Sun out. Ate. Cleaned up things. Mrs. Lilly called for me to sit with Dr. Lilly this afternoon while she goes to Mrs. Stevens at 1:00 – luncheon. I helped at the store and got mail – a letter from C.C. McGuire, Clerk of the County Court, for me to come and get ballots & other election supplies on May 5th between 8:30 and 12:00 noon. I went down to Dr. Lilly’s .Lillyan and Carl came in this morning. All gone when I got there. I got home at 3:45 and washed up all of my clothes. Bernice called about election.
17. Up at 7:10. Temp 24 & clear but cold. Ate and cleaned up things. Brought up my clothes and sprinkled them down. Dressed and wrote check for gas bill and telephone and went down and mailed them. I helped at the store & Jesse took Lodema back to doctor to check her. I helped Samps till they got back at 3:10. I came home and rested till Pat Twohig stopped in a few minutes. I ironed all of my clothes. Ate supper and went down to Sis’s. They have a new gas furnace finished and turned on today. I got cold and so did Sis. Home at 8:30. Called Garnet and Butch is doing ok she said. Temp 40. I was a nice day but chilly.
18. Temp 28. Snowing some. Ate. Dressed, read paper and went down and helped at store. At 1:00 Jesse and I drove over to Princeton and had Western auto put a voltage regulator in my car. That was why my car would not start. $4.09 it cost me. Raining as we went over and came back. I got home at 3:00. It snowed during the noon hour today. I rested and watched my programs. Sis, Samps and I ate supper at Shumate’s.
19. Up at 7:00. Temp 26 & partly cloudy. Read paper and dressed. I went down and helped at the store at noon and home at 1:00. I mowed part of the yard and rested. Watched TV and mowed some more. It was too much for me and I could not finish all of it. Ate supper and rested. Lights went out at 7:50. I got my lamp & lit it. Mrs. Rogers called and we talked a while. I tried to call to see what happened and could not get anyone. Sis finally rang me and said a man hot a light pole up on the road and tore it down. No lights when I went to bed at 9:00. Moon shining bright.
20. Up at 6:00. Snowing at 6:30. Didn’t last long. Temp 32. Lights were off for 4 hours last night. I had to set all of my clocks. Ate, cleaned up, read paper and dressed. At 8:45 Sis and I went to Hinton shopping. We ate dinner at the diner and shopped some more. She got a piece for her car. Snowing as we came home and raining. We went straight to beauty parlor as Sis had an appointment. Got through at 3:10 and stopped at QD’s awhile and home. Baked a custard pie. Ate supper. Helen Burch called from Ethel’s for me to come down at 7:00. Maxine and children were there and Verena and Jimmy came. I got home at 9:15. Sis called to see where I had been.
21. Up at 7:00. Temp 52. Clear, sun out. Ate. Cleaned up and ran sweeper & mowed rest of yard & cut dandelions and weeds out of garden. Paper came at 11:00. Dressed and went down to get mail. I got a check from affiliated fund for $29.64. Paid taxes, got groceries and home. Cleaned front porch, made Jell-O and watched baseball. At 4:00, went down to Dr. Lilly’s. He is fine. Jean, Mary Ann and kids were there. Home. Made deviled eggs. Mrs. Casto brought me over a qt. of vegetable soup for supper. I called Mrs. Vermillion.
22. Sunday. Up at 8:20. Ate. Sun out and a beautiful morning. EASTER. Mrs. Toothman sent me an Easter egg full of candy & a Life magazine. Met Sis and Samps at restaurant for dinner. Home and they left at 3:00. I watched baseball and rested. No one else came. Fred Rogers called. New programs Dennis the Menace- a new Mr. Wilson – Cancelled.
23. Up at 7:00. Ate. Temp 52. Cloudy. Went out and planted 1 row of potatoes. Raining. Cut some weeds. In, dressed, read paper and at 11:30 I went to store. I took Jesse and Samps a piece of custard pie. Home at 1:15. Watched my program and at 2:30 I took Gene and Tracy a piece of custard pie out in the cemetery. Back and watched my 3:00 program and washed a pr. of curtains from the bedroom and cleaned window and put them up again 7 cleaned the top of the wardrobe. Burnt up a lot of things. At 5:00, ate supper and cleaned some more. Sis called at 7:00.
24. Up at 7:00. Ate. Sun out – nice and warm. I started in my bedroom cleaning again. Washed the last pr. of curtains & windows. Ran sweeper, dusted the walls and moved things around into new places. Dressed and at 11:30 I went down and helped at the store. Home at 1:15. I worked more again in my room. I have to go slow and rest a lot. Got supper. Samps and Sis came for supper. Dr. Toothman brought up an electric lawn mower for me to use this summer. Samps hooked it up and mowed my yard. Margaret and Roy stopped and said Mrs. Durham was in Bluefield Hospital – fell and broke her hip. I went down to Dr. Lilly’s at 7:00 – he had a headache today. Home at 9:20. It was a fine day.
25. Up at 7:00. Ate. Sun out- very nice. Went out in garden and raked straw off of rows where I am going to plant. Billie stopped for me to go down to store at 9:00 & help Jesse. She and Lodema took Mimi to Dr. She had a fever. I helped at noon and home at 1:15. Jesse came at 1:45 and plowed rows in garden for me and I planted 3 rows of corn, 2 rows of beans, & 2 rows of potatoes and 3 rows of scarlet sage – large kind. I rested several times and got done at 5:30. Ate and watered peas & lettuce and radishes. Sis called. At 7:30 I went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes. Revenue man was in to see Basil Shumate today. Temp 79 today. Real nice and warm. Samps went to Roanoke today.
26. Up at 7:00. Ate. Sun out – nice & very warm. I went out in garden & covered my potatoes with hay. In, dressed, read paper & went down to store. Ennis went with me. Home at 1:10. Undressed and Jesse came at 2:45 and started the plow for me. I plowed up my flower bed myself. I did a good job. In and rested a while. Went out and planted 1 row cucumbers and 1 row cantaloupes. Went over to see Perry a few minutes and home and got news. Sis called and we all ate supper up at Shumate’s. Home at 7:30. I went over to Mrs. Casto’s awhile. Mr. Butcher fell from stage at High School and an ambulance came & got him and took him to hospital. Temp 79 today.
27. Up at 7:00. Ate. Cleaned up house and went to the garden. Put out 4 tomatoes and 2 cantaloupes hills- too large for house. In, dressed and went down to store at 11:30 helped at noon and home at 1:15. At 2:00 I went out a hooked up a hose and watered my peas, radishes & lettuce and other things. In and rested from 3:00 to 4:00. Ate at 4:30 and went down and helped fix Sis’s hair. We tinted it and Ennis came and rolled it. Home, dressed and went down to bank to open house – a big crowd there. Home and stopped at Alice Lee’s a few minutes. Home at 9:15.
28. Up at 7:00. Ate, cleaned up and dressed. At 9:30 I went down to store and got a gallon of paint and took it over to the farm. They were gone. Back to the store and got groceries. Home and ate and watched baseball game till 3:00. Dressed and went up to see Dr. & Mrs. Withers on Daffodil Hill. We had a nice visit – strolled through her flower garden. Home at 5:45. Went down to Sis’s, ate supper and got home at 8:30. Showered some while at Mrs. Wither’s. To bed at 11:00.
29. Sunday. Up at 7:30. Ate and it is raining some. I read in paper that Joe Gautier died yesterday morning. Read paper and went out to the cemetery and cut dandelions out of plots. At 12:45 I called Sis and they as soon as Samps got back from Dewey’s. We ate dinner at restaurant. Just poured rain while eating. Back to house & went over to see Mrs. Casto’s flowers. They took me home with them and set out cowslips and ate supper. Jesses came for about 3 minutes. In one door and out the other- Home at 10:00. Warm today. Fred Bolin and boy were put in jail yesterday, I heard.
30. Up at 7:00. Ate. Raining some late- rained hard. Put out slips of flowers early. Dressed and went down to store at 11:15 and helped at store. Home at 1:15. At 1:20, Dr. Lilly called for me to come and get him at 2:15 and take him out to cemetery to Joe Gautier’s burial. I did not, too many there. Home at 4:20. Ate and mowed part of the lawn with Dr. Toothman’s electric mower. Boy it shook me up. Trimmed some and then mowed some more.
1. Up at 6:45. Ate. Read paper & washed windows on the outside – porch and living room and my bedroom windows till 10:00. In and dressed and at 11:30 I went down to store and helped at noon. I went down for mail and took Dr. Lilly home and then I got home at 1:15. I watched TV programs and went upstairs to north bedroom and cleaned windows. Took down curtains and blinds & washed curtains and sprinkled them down after they dried. Ate supper and went out to Fred Rogers at 5:30 for a while. Home and ironed curtains & watched TV. Raining late at night – 11:00. Temp in the 60’s at 10:00. Dry, no rain during day.
2. Up at 6:45. Ate, read paper and took weeper and things up to the bedroom. Ran sweeper and dusted walls & rugs and demothed the room. Dressed at 11:00. I went down to store and helped at noon. Home at 1:15. I dusted cabbage for black fleas & put up shades and curtains in the bedroom. Ennis came over for a few minutes. I watched my 3:00 and then finished cleaning up the bedroom. Ate supper at 4:45 and cleaned up the dishes. Sis called. I called Ethel. They seem better. Covered tomatoes and cantaloupes in garden and brought rest of plants in from back porch. At 8:30, Ann Scott and Mrs. Stevens stopped in - $1.00 to cancer fund. Windy and dry – need rain.
3. Up at 7:00. Temp 42 here at 5:40 but several said there was a frost. Ate and cleaned up things. Went out and uncovered my plants. Read paper, dressed and went down to store at 11:15. Ennis went with me and helped at store. I got dividend check for $5.63 today. Home at 1:00. Washed off white lawn chairs and put them in the back yard. I watched my programs and rested till 3:30. I saw Perry Martin a while and covered up my plants. Wind cold all day. Dressed at 4:15. At 4:30 Sis and Samps came and we all ate supper at restaurant & went on out on Oakvale Road to Paul Broyles and got a tall scarlet sage. Sis got sage also. & moss. Home and I went down and put plants all out. Sis got 12 pansies. Home at 8:30. Cool and clear.
4. Up at 6:50. Ate, cleaned up things and went out and moved my moss out of the garden to along the rock wall in front yard. Uncovered my plants and in and dressed at 11:30. I went down to the store and helped at noon. I took my red coat down to the cleaners and home. I washed my hair ad Ennis rolled it for me. Home and cleaned up around and at 4:30. Samps came and said that he had called for me. Sis is on bus duty. At 5:00 Samps went up to Shumate’s and got hot dogs and French fries and brought them here. Sis stopped and thought that I was sick. I made slaw and coffee and we ate supper. At 5:30, they left at 7:00 I went down to Dr. Lilly’s and got home at 10:00. A fine day.
5. I have to go to get election supplies before noon today. Up early and dressed. Sis and I went to Princeton at 8:30 for election supplies at courthouse. Went downtown and looked 10 cent store over and home at 10:45. I went down and got Dr. & Mrs. Lilly and took them to Memorial Funeral Home in Princeton to see Dr. Stepp, None of the family was there so Dr. wanted to go to the home at Spanishburg. I drove them on over there and then we came home by Mercer Springs. In at 2:30. I drove Dr. Lilly’s car. I got hotdogs and French fries at Shumate’s and went down to Sis’s at 5:00. We ate. I came home at 6:30. I watered plants & Jesse came for a few minutes.
6. Sunday. Up at 7:15. Ate. A fine day. Sun out and warm. Dressed and at 10:00 went over to see Aunt Pearl and Uncle Ras till 11:15. Home, read paper and dressed. At 12:30, I met Sis and Samps at restaurant for dinner. On down to their house and Samps went to bed sick. Sis and I drove down to Lerona to see Morans making lawn chairs. Home and Sis washed her hair and I rolled it. She brought me home and we drove over to the cemetery. Windy all day and clear. Temp in the 70’s today.
7. Up at 6:40. Ate. Read paper. Went out & put out my 6 large scarlet sage plants by the side of the house & my big boy tomato plants. I helped at the store and home. Baked a custard pie and rolled my hair. I watched my TV shows and at 3:30 I went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes and home. I ate supper and went out and hooked up my hose and watered onions, peas, lettuce, radishes, tomatoes, corn, beans, cucumber, cabbage, peonies, roses – everything in the garden. So dry, no rain since I planted garden. Windy. Went to bed early.
8. Up at 4:45. Ate. Dressed. I got everything in my car and at 5:45 I went down to high school to work in the election. Garnet Gautier, Speck Oxley, and myself- Democrats. Boob Martin and Maude Martin- Republicans. And the counting board- Frank Parker, Henry Crawford, James Gore, Keith Thompson and Mrs. Carl Carper. Finished and started to Princeton with returns. Garnet Gautier went with me. Had a bad thunder storm & lightning and rain this afternoon for about 30 minutes. Home at 9:45- not too tired – everything worked out ok, I think.
9. Up at 7:30. Ate. Cleaned up things. Read paper and messed around until 11:00. I went down to cleaners and got my red coat. Took Dr. Lilly home. He was uptown and said he was about to give out. I helped out at the store at noon. Lodema at home with Bobbie- sick. They took her to the doctor yesterday- a real bad cold. Home at 1:00 and watched my programs & rested a while. Then went out and worked on yard. Mowed it all over and outside. Trimmed around fence & covered up my tomatoes. Sorta chilly. I went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes and then home. Ate supper and put tools away & rested. Went over to see Perry a few minutes at 6:00. Houston Via very sick – they say cancer of the lungs,
10. Up at 7:20. Ate. Cleaned up things and went out to reset poppys & uncovered tomatoes. Dressed at 11:00 and went down to see Mrs. Vermillion awhile. She was painting kitchen cabinets and she gave me some ½ jr. phenobarbital tablets. I helped at the store. Lodema still not able to come to store. Samps came up and helped during the noon hour. I stopped to see Butch Casey a few minutes. Home at 2:00 I went out and got Carl Martin to help me stake my tomatoes & Carl mowed grass from lower apple tree up to garden for me- $3 for 2 ½ hours. At 4:45 Sis and Samps came and we ate supper at restaurant – had chicken and dumplings- very good. Colder tonight. Went up to Harry’s – all gone. Visited with Garnets a while.
11. Up early. Ate. Warm& clear. Read paper and dressed. At 11:00 I went down to help at store at noon. Home at 1:00 and watched my programs and worked in garden a while & cleaned front porch, mopped it and back porch. Kay left Wednesday night for Washington for 3 day graduation class trip. Will be back Sunday morning. I went down to Sis’s and we went over to Jesse’s to see Bobbie. She has been sick all week with a severe cold – some better.
12. Up at 7:00. At. A fine day, looks like. D. Sis and Samps came at 10:45 and we went to Bluefield VA. . They got their watches and we toured the new Kroger’s & 10 cents store. Ate dinner in Blfd. VA. and stopped several times on the way home. Got home at 3:30. I put out 3 rows of Bermuda onion plants. Made slaw and at 5:30 I went down to Sis’s and ate supper with them. Home at 9:00. Rained a little today.
13. Sunday. Up at 7:30. Ate. Cleaned up things, read paper and went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes. Mr. Casto gave me 1 bunch of new color moss and 4 other kinds of flowers. I came home and put them out. I put flowers on Mother’s grave early this morning. Rested on the porch till baseball game came on. At 3:30 Sis called for me to come down and roll her hair for her. We played around and ate supper. I got home at 8:00. No rain today.
14. Up at 5:45. Ate and went to basement & put out a washing. At 8:15, Mrs. Lilly called for me to come down after I finish at the store. At 8:30, Garnet Gautier called and said that Casey was real sick. Ambulance came and took him to the hospital. I went down to Alice Lee’s and she was gone with Casey to Princeton. I came home and finished my washing & put them on line. Dressed and at 11:30 I went down and helped at store. Lodema was there today. At 1:00 I went on down to Sr. Lilly’s and he told me about the stockholders meeting of the Bank of Athens. Fred Cooper was named President of said bank in Dr. Lilly’s place and Dr. Richard Lilly was named a director. Home at 3:30. Sprinkled my clothes and ate. Put out 2 tomato plants, 3 cucumber plants and watered everything. Ethel stopped a minute. I sat on Mrs. Casto’s porch with her a few minutes. Tired at bedtime.
15. Up at 7:00. Ate. Cloudy early. Cleaned up and I went out and raked up hay in lower lot and covered beans and tomatoes. Sun out and hot. In, dressed, read paper and at 11:30 I went down and stopped to see Butch a few minutes. Casey some better. Helped at store and home at 1:25. Rested till 2:00 & ironed up all of my clothes. Rained and thundered some. Sis called at 5:30 and we went up to the restaurant. I ate a hot dog & French fries, Sis had a chicken dinner and Samps had a ham dinner. Back and stopped at Casto’s. Samps got some tomatoes & peppers. I came in and put out 3 cabbage plants. Cutworms cut off one of my big ones. Hot today.
16. Up early. Hot this morning. Worked around till 10:00. In and dressed, read paper and, at 11:30, went down and helped at store. Home and went out and put straw around plants in garden. In and watched my programs and slept some. Hoed my beans and cucumbers & cantaloupes.
17. Up at 7:00. Ate and got Glen Martin to mow rest of lot & carry grass up and put near garden. Dresses and went to the store at 11:30. Helped and home at 1:00. Washed my hair and at 2:45, Mrs. Withers came to visit while Dr. went down to the college. He came back and visited a while. Left at 4:10. Samps came and mowed my yard for me. I got hot dogs and made strawberry shortcake and coffee & we ate. They took Jesse’s truck and went to Cecil Bird’s and got 8 bales of straw- 60 cents a bale. Garnet Gautier came at 7:00 and left at 9:30. Hot today and dry – no rain.
18. Up at 7:00. Ate. Dressed at 8:45 went down to Dr. Lilly’s and drove them to Bluefield to Bluefield Furniture opening. Signed in 5 depts. For prizes. I got myself 6 dresses at Penney’s, Ate at West Virginian Hotel. Came to Princeton at 1:30 and took Dr. Lilly to Dr. Todd and he cut a bump off of Dr.’s leg. I saw Alfred Alvis and Casey. Casey is bad. We got home at 3:30. I stopped to see Alice Lee and told her about Casey. Home. Sis called and we and Mimi ate at restaurant. Then we went down to see Kay before she went to the banquet. Home and watered garden & flowers. I went over and sat with Mrs. Casto a while. Home and called Garnet. She went to see Casey and said that he was bad.
19. Up at 5:30. Ate & went out & covered some of my garden before sun got up. In and Garnet called and said that Raymond Casey died at 1:00 this morning. I dressed and went down and then on down to Sis’s and rolled her hair. Back home and got table cloths and took down to Alice Lee’s. Then on down to get groceries. Home and made fruit salad for Alice Lee. At 2:00, Thundering and sprinkling rain. At 3:00, I am going up to see Dr. and Mrs. Withers a while. Sis called for me to get hot dogs & French fries & come down. Raining some. Tonight.
20. Sunday. Up at 7:30. Ate. I was out in the garden and Mar=e Martin said that Houston Via died this morning. Dressed and at 11:00 I went down to Alice Lees a while. Home. At 4:00 Sis called for me to go to Princeton with her to see Alfred Alvis and Casey at funeral home. Home and we ate supper at 4:45 at the restaurant. Ennis called for me to go with her and Fern to see Casey. I stayed and came home with Garnet, Alice Lee and Ann at 9:30.
21. Up at 6:00. Ate and went out in garden to cover up garden some. In at 9:30, dressed and went downtown to Mrs. Via’s. No one home. Stopped at Alice Lee’s a while and on to store to help at noon. Home at 1:10. No rain today. Seavers came with ambulance and took him (Butch) to his Daddy’s funeral. Charles did not go- too hard. I went out to the cemetery to burial of Raymond Casey. Garnet brought me back and on down to Alice Lee’s and home at 4:30. Undressed, ate supper, went out in garden & covered up some more & staked peas and put vine on stakes. Casto lost Jenny the dog. She had been down under the hill where I said. Mrs. Lilly called. Sis called. Temp 80 & clear. Dry – rained a little at 6:30 tonight.
22. Up at 6:45. Ate. Cleaned up everything and went out in garden & covered up with leaves and straw till 9:30. In, read paper on porch & cooled off. Dresses & at 11:00 went down to Mrs. Pearl Via’s for a few minutes and up to Alice Lee’s. Helped at store. Home at 1:00. I got a letter from Mrs. Withers for me to come and get her and visit Quinzetta a while. I dressed and went to cemetery to Houston Via’s burial at 3:00. Lots came. Home, undressed and went out in garden & watered good & flowers. Finished at 5:50. Ate supper, talked with Dr. Lilly and Sis. Rested on porch and went over and sat with Mrs. Casto a few minutes.
23. Up early. Ate and went out & put leaves around beans & straw & leaves in back. In, read paper & dressed and went down to help at store. Home at 1:00. Cleaned and mopped my front porch. Ennis came over for a few minutes. I watched my programs & cleaned back porch good & mopped. In, watched Dr. Malone and ate supper. Put out 1 tomato plane & 4 cabbage plants that Mrs. Toothman gave me. Dressed and went down to Dr. Lilly’s at 6:30. Home at 9:00.
24. Up at 7:20. Ate & watched Scott Carpenter take off from Cape Canaveral in Florida for 3 orbits in outer space. At 11:30 I went down to help at store. Home at 1:25. Carpenter made it and landed in ocean and waited 3 hours or over to be picked up. At 3:30 they reported that he was okay. At 2:30 a hard rain for about 10 minutes- 3/10 of an inch & lots of wind. Some hail downtown. I washed my hair. Sis called at 4:30 to eat up at the restaurant. We did and they stopped & looked my garden over & went home. Went over to see Perry a few minutes.
25. Up at 6:45. Ate and went out & put my geraniums down in basement. Mrs. Casto said to come over and she would give me some pansies. I took a box over and got 2 pansies, 2 tomatoes-tiny tims- petunias -3 potted and 2 not- marigolds and 2 or 3 others kind. Put them all out. Dressed and went down to the store at 11:30, helped and home. Redressed and went down to Dr. & Mrs. Lilly’s at 1:45. I took Dr. to Dr. Todd to have his leg dressed and stitches taken out. Then down to see Frank Holroyd, then to A&P store and home. Stopped for Dr. Lilly to see my garden. Raining some. Took them on home & I rushed back as a rain storm coming. Lots of wind and a very good rain. Ate at 5:30. Jean Conner came and paid rent. Sis called at 8:30.
26. Up at 7:00. Ate. Warm. Sun out. Dressed and took Kay to Princeton to get a watch band for her watch that I gave her for graduation present. Home and I cleaned up everything, read paper, and messed around till 3:15 & I went up to Mrs. Withers and got her and we went down to visit Quinzetta a while I think that she enjoyed her visit. Home at 5:00. Becky Via came and loafed a while. Ethel came. Sis and Samps came and they went to restaurant to eat. Later Ethel left. It just poured the rain & stormed- lots of wind. Lights went out for a while.
27. Sunday. Up at 7:30. Ate. Dressed, read paper. Sis called to eat with them at restaurant at 12:15. Viola Wirtz came to wait till car was fixed. Samps and Sis came for me. I left her on porch. We ate and 38 others. I came home, undressed and went down to Sis’s, rolled her hair & played around. Ate supper and played croquet. Home and storm coming. High School Baccalaureate at 7:30. Oh it stormed, thunder, lightning, wind and one inch of rain.
28. Up at 7:20. Ate. Cloudy but hot. It rained 1 and 1/10 inches of rain last night. Baked a custard pie. Dressed and went down to help at store. Home at 1:10. Mowed yard- all of it- Rested off and on. Ate at 5:10. Sis called at 5:30 and we went out to Faulkner Cemetery and cleaned it off some. Made coffee and had a piece of custard pie. They left at 8:10. At 8:20 MaryLee & Delmar came. They had been to the cemetery in Elgood. Stopped for me as they went down but I was at Uncle Tip’s cemetery. Left at 9:45. Cool tonight. No rain today.
29. Up at 6:45. Ate, read paper & went out and mowed down to the tool house. Cloudy & cool. Trimmed around yard. In at 10:00, dressed and watched TV. At 11:30 I went down and helped at store. Home at 1:00. Staked 3 tomato plants. Watched my programs at 1:30. Went out & cleaned weeds out in front on street & washed it off good. Finished at 4:30. In & ate. Walked out to Dad & Mother’s grave and took out some weeds. Home and Eula & Max’s girl came. Harry came later. Ruth Jennings brought me a piece of her birthday cake. Her birthday is today- May 29th.
30. Up at 7:00. Decoration Day. Ate & cleaned up things and took a basket of flowers to our plot in cemetery. Beautiful peonies. Mrs. Lilly called for me to come & get her & Dr. & take them & flowers to cemetery. I helped at store. Home and dressed and took Dr. & Mrs. Lilly to Bailey’s Funeral Home to Lonnie Oakes funeral and burial. Got home at 4:30. Rained some while in Princeton. Rested and slept some on front porch. Many came to the cemetery today. At 6:00, Sis and Samps came and we ate up at restaurant and drove out in cemetery to see flowers. Jesses were there. Then we drove down to Uncle Tip’s cemetery and only the Meadors from Hinton had been there. I left the lights on in car and ran the battery down – Jesse came down and started it at Dr. Lilly’s. I turned clocks back 1 hour last night- Daylight Savings Time.
31. Up at 6:45. Ate. Called Shumate’s to come and get car and charge battery for me. Raining some. Pulled weeds in garden & checked plants. I helped at store at noon and home-last day to help at store. QD hurt his back today. He had to be brought home from school. I went down a few minutes after supper. Ennis gave me corn and beans – half runners. I came home and planted them – 3 rows of corn and 2 rows of beans. I went over to Mrs. Casto’s and saw their pictures- ran on movie machine.
1. Up at 7:15. Ate. Washed my hair and rolled it up. I went out in garden and put out geranium plants & repotted some flowers. At 1:00 Geo Brammer stopped in and left at 3:30. I took Quinzetta’s curlers back. Samps went up to restaurant and got hot dogs & French fries. We ate on picnic tables outside. I came home. Car almost ran away with me – getting too much gas. Shumate’s fixed it for me. I dressed and went down to the high school to see kids get their diploma. Kay got 2 awards- American Legion and Betty Crocker. Stopped to see QD after program.
2. Up at 8:00. Cleaned up, dressed, read paper and went down to see QD- still in bed at home. At 12:00. At 12:30 Sis called for me to come down and eat dinner with them I did. We mowed yard and played croquet a while. Then went to Princeton for me and for Sis. She stepped in a hole and hurt her back. Then we played more. Home at 9:00. Chris Anderson’s mother came and got him from behind Perry Martin’s garage.
3. Sunday Up at 7:30. Ate and cleaned up things, dressed, read paper & went out in cemetery and got my basket from plot. Stopped and saw Perry for a few minutes. Sis called for me to come down and eat dinner with them. I went down at 10:00 to see QD – still in bed with his back. We played croquet this afternoon. Jesse came and he played some. They left Samps got hot dogs and French fries & we ate outside& played croquet till dark. Home at 9:00.
4. Up at 5:45. Ate. Cleaned up things & went to garden and planted 2 rows of ½ runner beans. In, dressed and Sis and I left for Bluefield Virginia. I bought a hard mattress for QD”s bed. Stopped at the S&H store and got a croquet set with stamps. Stopped at the 10 cent store in Bluefield WVa. Home at 11:15 and went down to QD’s and put new mattress on his bed. Sis and I ate hot dogs and French fries at Shumate’s. Sis went on to her school to give out grade cards at 2:00. At 2:30, I went down to see Dr. & Mrs. Lilly and home at 4:30. Mowed my yard with Dr. Toothman’s mower. At 8:30 Sis and Samps stopped as they came from church. Dr. Lilly told me that Oscar Boggess died this morning at Oakvale= Fred Cooper’s brother-in-law. Raining some. I got a card from Mrs. Vermillion in Hampton VA visiting Dr. Tom.
5. Up at 8:15. Raining a little. Went out & finished the rest of the yard with my old mower to tool house & checked all my plants and pulled some weeds. In & dressed. Sis called for me to come and eat dinner with them. I took strawberries and a cake. After we played croquet. Showered off and on all afternoon. Fern & Mimi came for a while. I got home at 5:30. I took cans and bottles down to Dr. Toothman as he has brought me 3 quarts of sweet milk. Raining as I came home. Ate supper at 7:30.
6. Up early and washed all of my clothes & hung them outside to dry. Ethel called. She is home from the hospital after 8 days there for treatment of her shoulder and back. I saw QD a while and home. Brought in my clothes and sprinkled the ones to iron. That I will use while on my trip to Charleston and Huntington. Rested some. Checked garden good. I went over to tell Mrs. Casto that I am going away. We picked 5 quarts of strawberries and she gave me a quart. I fixed them and put them in the freezer. Packed bag so to be ready in the morning.
7. Up at 5:15. Ate. Cleaned up things and finished packing my bag. Dressed and we left at 7:00 for Charleston. Samps and Sis got their license plates and we went through the capital and then on to Huntington. We got there at 12:30 our time and 11:30 their time: We went to the mental hospital and Samps saw Dewey, his brother. Sis and I saw Garnet Weeks on porch steps. She seemed very good. We went downtown, ate dinner and shopped. We went back to the hospital and Sis went up to see Dewey. After visit we shopped around and then got a motel, checked in and came back to Huntington and ate supper. Then came back to motel to spend the night.
8. Up at 8:00 in a motel outside of Huntington. Drove into town, ate breakfast and drove on to hospital. We saw Samp’s brother Dewey and left at 11:30. We came out to shopping center, ate dinner and started home. We stopped several times on the way home. We saw Kelton Eskew in Charleston and came back by Gauley Bridge – old road all the way home. In at 9:00. Tired but glad to be home. Birdbath bowl was broken in back yard.
9. Up at 8:00.Temp 56. Ate & cleaned up things. I washed out slips and panties used while gone. I checked garden, mopped front porch. I dressed and went down for mail at 1:30. I got a letter from Mrs. Withers for Sis and me to come up at 3:30. I visited QD for a few minutes and got groceries and went home at 2:00. I watched the baseball game till 3:30 and went up to Mrs. Withers. Sis could not go. Mrs. Withers had gotten my card from Huntington & was not looking for me. I got home at 5:00 & rested on porch till bedtime. Ethel stopped a few minutes.
10. Sunday. Up at 8:00. Ate, dressed and read paper. I cut roses and put in the refrigerator. Ethel called for me to go with her to see Aunt Emma. We left at 10:30. A nice day. We found Aunt Emma doing fine. We left for home at 4:00. Home and rested a while. Then I took the roses and went down to see QD for a few minutes. Home at 7:15. I went out and tied up tomatoes and it went to raining- a very nice shower. Rested on porch till 9:30.
11. Up at 7:00. Ate. Cleaned up dishes, read paper, sprinkled down clothes and went out in garden. I picked peas and shelled them in a pint cup and froze them. Ate dinner & ironed my clothes. At 1:30 I watched my programs and went back and ironed till 2:45. Lena Martin and June stopped in till 3:25. Raining some and gave her a mess of lettuce. Finished ironing. At 3:40 I dressed and went down to see Dr. Lilly and took him some radishes. I went on down to Quinzetta’s and we played 1 game of croquet and it started raining. We rested on porch and I came home. It was pouring rain. When I got home I got wringing wet getting in house. Windows open in kitchen & my ironed clothes in chair got wet. Raining as I went to bed.
12. Up at 7:00. Still raining – 1 inch. I went upstairs and ran sweeper & washed windows & curtains in little room. Raining all morning- never stopped. Worked all day. Cleaning cobwebs on ceiling and walls in hall and bathroom radiators- cleaned behind them. Ate dinner- ham and salad and onions. At 1:30 and watched my programs. I ironed my curtains. Washed my hair and rolled it and put curtains up. Ate supper & rested a while & went over to Mrs. Casto’s a while. Sis & Samps stopped in after church. It stopped raining at 5:00.
13. Up early, ate, and read the paper and dressed. At 10:00, Sis and Samps & I went to Bluefield Virginia just messing around. Ate dinner at Green Tree and on to the novelty shop to get bowl for my birdbath that had gotten broken while I was in Huntington – 250 did not get it. On in to Princeton, looked around some, up to Dr. Richard to have him reset a filling for me. Home at 4:15. Ate supper and mowed most of yard with electric mower. Went over to Mrs. Casto’s a while. Sis and Samps stopped by after church a while. It rained 1 ½ inches of rain yesterday.
14. Up at 8:00. Ate, cleaned up things and made up spray materials and sprayed everything in garden. In, ate dinner and Mrs. Lilly called for me to eat at restaurant with them at 6:30. Sis called for me to get mail and a loaf of bread and to come down to play croquet, Home at 5:00. Dressed and was ready when they stopped at 6:15. Dr. and Mrs. Lilly walked down and looked my garden over and I took them home. Dr. Dick went on to Princeton as soon as he finished eating. I got home from Dr.’s around 9:00. We looked his garden over. I have him beat. Cool all day. The Casto’s left today. I have his big orchid plant with 4 blooms on it.
15. Up at 7:00. Temp 50. Cool today. Ate, read paper and cleaned up things. Went out and killed cucumber bugs and pulled up tomato plants. I saw Perry for a few minutes and he is better, Mrs. Butcher came and said that there is a gas leak over at Casto’s at meter. I called the gas company and gas men came over – ball broken and they fixed it. I picked peas this morning and cooked them for dinner. Real good. I went upstairs and cleaned windows in little room to put up new curtains. Sis called for me to come down there. I went down at 2:00. We played croquet. I went out to farm and got shelves out of the garage and home and to Sis’s. Ate supper – hot dogs and French fries. We played till 10:30
16. Up at 7:00. Ate. Cool but clear. Dressed and went out and planted 3 rows of corn that Ennis gave me. In, dressed and went to Bluefield with Sis & Samps. He had his eyes checked. We windowed shopped and we all ate dinner at 5&10 cent store. Home at 3:00. Rested, dressed and went down for groceries & mail. Got letter from Mrs. Withers for me to come up at 3:30. I got her letter at 4:50. Home and on up to see her. Down to Sis’s and played croquet till 10:45- turned on lights.
17. Sunday. Up at 7:15. Ate. I took flowers out to Daddy’s grave and on down to see QD. Ennis was in bed. She hurt her shoulder yesterday when she fell. Home and dressed. Ethel came and we ate up at restaurant. I owed her a chicken dinner. I lost a bet. She was born in 1900 and she was born in 1901- May 9th. I watched baseball till 5:00. Ate supper and went down to Sis’s. They were at QD’s but came home at 6:00. Dr. and Mrs. Withers came looking for me. Sis fixed supper and they ate with us. Then we played croquet. Dr. played with Samps and I. Home at 11:45. I got to sleep at 2:30-3:00 AM.
18. Up at 7:40. Partly cloudy and warm. I was getting breakfast and Mae Martin came for me to come over and see Perry. Home and called Dr. Dan Hale to come over and see Perry. Then I checked the garden and killed some cucumber bugs and picked some strawberries over at Casto’s in the afternoon. At 2:40 Sis, Samps and I went up to Dr. and Mrs. Withers for a short visit. We toured the flower garden and Mrs. Withers gave Quinzetta a 200 year old double seal chair from Germany. We got home at 5:00. I watered my cucumbers, cabbage, and tomato plants. Samps and Sis came back and mowed my yard. I went up to restaurant and got hot dogs & we ate. They went home at 6:45. I went down later and we played croquet. Jesses came and we played till 10:30. I got home at 12:20.
19. Up at 7:15. Are. Cleaned up things. Killed cucumber bugs and saw Perry a few minutes. In and dressed. Samps and Sis came and we took her chair over to have it redone that Mrs. Withers gave her. Home at 12:40. Ate dinner and it showered rain for a little while- not much tho. I watched my programs and straightened up things some. Hot today. At 6:10 went down to Dr. Lilly’s awhile and Fred Rogers came around. I left to let him talk to Dr. Lilly and went down to Sis’s and we played croquet till it rained us in. Home at 11:15 – raining some yet.
20. Up at 7:50. Raining nicely. Temp 66 and falling. Ate and cleaned up things and got out step ladder and cleaned windows on first landing of steps and put up clean curtains. I watched my programs. Ate dinner and talked to Mrs. Lilly about Doc. Ethel called and we are going up to the motel at 2:00 to have our picture taken and get a free gift- but we did not. Home at 3:30. I went down to Dr. Lilly’s and fell on slick stone and broke my right arm near wrist. Mrs. Lilly called Sis and they came and took me to Dr. Hale. They x-rayed my arm. At 6:10 they gave me an anesthetic and set it and put it in a cast. Sis and Samps came back and brought my housecoat and pajamas. I had a bad night- in much pain.
21. I spent the night in hospital. At 10:00 they took another X-ray and said that it was okay. I was discharged at 12:30. Sis came and got me. I called Mrs. Lilly and talked to Dr. Lilly a while. Sis and Samps came back and we got hot dogs and French fries & strawberry shortcake. Jesse came up a while and picked peas. Ennis, Fern and Kay came and helped shell peas. Sis put them in freezer. I called Mrs. Vermillion and she was upset because no one called her about my fall. Ethel came. Dr. Toothman came to see me and also Mrs. Craghead. All gone by 9:45. I went to bed at 10:15.
22. Up at 6:40. I called Sis and went back to bed. They left for Huntington at 7:00. I had a bad night with lots of pain. I got up at 8:10. Finally got breakfast, ate and cleaned up everything the best that I could. Dressed and read paper. Mrs. Thump Coburn dropped in to see me a while. I talked to Dr. and Mrs. Lilly at 12:30. Garnet called and came to see me at 1:15 and left at 4:00. Dr. Lilly and Ann Shrewsbury stopped a while. Helen Caperton called to see how I was. Ate supper and at 8:45 Ora Peters stopped to see me and left at 10:15. Mrs. Craghead checked on me at 7:00 and also Jack Terry. Clear & hot all day. Temp in 80’s. No let up yet of pain in arm.
23. Up at 7:30. Ate & cleaned up things best I could. Rest very good – awake several times – just laid around all day. Al called to see how I was feeling. Fred & Mrs. Rogers stopped to see me a few minutes Mitzi called to see if I wanted anything. She & Jesse brought me some groceries. Sis and Samps came at 5:00. We ate hot dogs and then they took me home with them till I get better. What a relief to have someone who cares.
24. Up at 8:00. Got breakfast over. Samps went to church. He got my paper and MaryLee had left a bottle of bubble bath at my front door last night. Raining most of the day = a real storm early in morning. We just loafed around- watched pole cats-6 of them- in the lower part of yard. Samps shot 2 of them.
25. Up around 7:00. Arm hurting – no better. Helen Caperton came for a while to see me.
26. Up. Raining. Ate. Dressed and Sis and I went to Princeton to opening of the new Kroger’s store and on up to see Dr. Hale about my arm. He loosened cast around thumb and elbow. My thumb had been numb since it was set. Home at 11:30. Just messed around. Mrs. Lilly called for Samps to come up and get them and bring them down to see me. We had a nice visit and Samps took them back.
27. Up at 7:00. Ate. Dressed and all of us went to Princeton. Samps wanted radiator checked as car was getting hot on long runs. Sis and I went to Kroger’s again. We got home at 11:00. I got a box of candy from Mrs. Casto from Atlantic City, New Jersey. At 2:45 Sis went up to Ennis’s to have her hair set. I stopped off to visit Dr. Lilly a while. Samps mowed my yard and tied up tomatoes. Helen and Mrs. Lydia came to see me for a while.
28. Up at 5:30. We ate breakfast. All dressed and I came home at 7:00. They went on to Roanoke for a visit with Ruth. I picked a mess of peas and gave Mae a mess. Mrs. Casto shelled them for me.
Pat Twohig stopped by to see me a few minutes. I talked to Dr. Lilly & Ethel & Fred Rogers & just read the paper & messed around. I heard this morning that the Board of Education had fired Boob Martin and Billy Boy White as bus drivers.
29. Up at 7:00. Ate. Had a time getting breakfast and dinner. Just loafed around all day. Sis and Samps came this afternoon and took me back down with them.
30. Blank
1. Sunday (Blank)
2. Blank
3. Blank
4. Blank
5. Phyllis and Lillyan & Ann Lilly came to see me at Sis’s this morning.
6. Blank
7. Blank
8. Blank
9. Up. Ate and dressed and at 2:00 we went to Princeton. Dr. Hale dressed my arm and said that I was doing okay. Sis and I visited Jean Conner & Waveline Coburn a while. Home at 4:00.
10. Blank
11. Blank
12. Blank
13. Blank
14. Sis tinted her hair and went up to Ennis’s to set it. I loafed at store and paid my bill. Sis washed my hair and rolled it today. Samps and Sis went over to Glen’s and I sat outside in the sun and let my hair dry.
15. Blank
16. Dr. Lilly called me tonight. Ennis & QD came sown to Sis’s and we played croquet. QD is better in back and had lost weight. Raining a hard rain about 9:30.
17. Up at 5:00. Dressed and ate & Sis and Samps brought me home as they left for Huntington to visit Samp’s brother. I will stay at home till they get back. Foggy this morning.
18. At Sis’s.
19. Up. We ate and we went over to see Dr. Hale. Sis drove my car. Dr. Hal took cast off of my arm today. Said for me to use it.
20. At Sis’s
22. Sunday. Up at 7:30. We ate and Samps went to church. Sis did not go. I came up to house for a while. Samps stopped for me at 12:30.
23. Raining hard.
24. Blank
25. Up at 7:00. It rained all night, I think. We ate and got ready and went to Bailey Funeral Home and Mr. Shrewsbury – Dillard Shrewsbury’s Dad- was there to be buried this afternoon. On down to see Dr. Hale about my arm. He said for me to use it- hoe corn, drive car and to come back on two weeks. Home at 11:45. I got my things together and we got supper- chicken and dumplings. Ate and at 6:00, I came home to stay. I left the brace off tonight. Ethel came around 8:00. I got 2 ripe tomatoes today out of the garden- my first ones.
26. Up at 8:15. Did not sleep much. Ate and went out and pulled my potato onions and laid them out to dry. . Mrs. Casto came over for a while. I gave her some apples. Ate dinner and went out and pulled weeds. Sis and Samps came at 1:15 and Samps mowed my yard. They left and I went out and worked a while. In and ran the sweeper – was hard on me. I also mopped my front porch and the back porch. Tired. Jesse came at 2:30 just as Sis and Samps was leaving. Talked a few minutes while we sat on the steps. Cold tonight. Temp 52.
27. Up at 8:00. Cold Temp. Cool all day. Reported to be 43 in Bluefield – 39 over at Mr. Casto’s. Ate breakfast, washed my hair and rolled it myself. Ethel came and got apples, cucumbers, onions and 1 tomato. Sis called. Ate dinner and into several things and sprayed my tomatoes. At 2:30, Ethel called and I got in car and went down to check car from Florida, Mrs. Casto called and said that they were leaving – her daughter is worse and taken to the hospital. I drove my car for the first time since June 20th when I fell and broke bone. Temp 50. Cool all day.
28. Up at 6:00. Temp 46. I went back to bed and got up at 8:00. Clear and cool. Ate and went out and found 5 ripe tomatoes. Dressed at 10:30 and took Dr. Lilly 3 tomatoes – nice ones. Home at 12:45. Ate and watched baseball game. Sis called at 5:00. Ate supper. Arm hurting a lot. At 7:30, I was on porch and heard a car coming from Princeton crying tires around each curve & it wrecked in front of motel – Luther Hazelwood’s two boys- Harry Lee and Bill. Put brace on my arm so I can sleep better.
29. Sunday. Up at 8:45. Slept good. Ate. Raining and looked at rain gauge – 1 inch and 1 tenth during night. Dresses and went for paper at 9:15. Home and read paper and laid around all day and watched baseball game. At 6:40 Levi and Charlotte Scott came for a while. Garnet called but did not come up as I had company. Sis called this afternoon. Mack Bowling died suddenly his afternoon. Casto’s got back late tonight.
30. Up at 7:30. Clear & warm & humid this morning. Temp 80. Dr. & Mrs. Lilly gone to dental meeting. Ate. Dressed and at 9:00 went over to Mrs. Casto’s. She says that Glady is no better- a matter of time Dr. says. Dressed and at 10:30 went down to see Mrs. Vermillion. She was gone so I talked to Mabel a while. Back and got paper & went out and talked to Mrs. Jennings, paid light bill at bank and stopped at store a minute & home. Ate dinner. Sis and Samps came at 1:00 and left at 1:20. Watched my programs at 1”30 and at 2:00 I went over to see Perry a few minutes. Home and watched baseball on TV & slept some till 4:30 when I went to garden and pulled some weeds. I put down paper and covered them with straw. Got 1 ripe tomato, cucumbers and 3 ears of corn for supper. Raining some at 9:00. It is raining with thunder and lightning.
31. Up at 7:45. Raining just a little. Ate. Cleaned up things. Dressed to go downtown for paper. Mrs. Vermillion & Fan stopped, blew horn to car and I went out and talked to them a few minutes. I went downtown got mail and paper & stopped at store a minute. Home and read paper. Ate at 12:35. Geo Brammer came and left at 1:20. I watched my program. Sis called for me to come down. She has baked an apple pie and she wanted me to taste it. Home at 4:30. Got corn for supper. I picked a mess of beans and cooked them. I went out to garden and took out weeds around corn. Put down paper and covered it with straw. I went over to Mrs. Casto’s to see patio at back door – laid with natural stone. She gave me a whole cucumber and a glass of new jelly she had made. Home and just loafed around. Rained all night last night – 1 inch and 1 tenth again.
1. Up at 7:45. Cool this morning. Ate and dressed. Went down for the paper at 9:30. Home and read paper and ate. At 1:30 Troy came and got me and took me over to the farm to see Jean. She was in bed. Home at 2:15. Sis and Samps came and took up apples and mowed the yard. I took up some weeds around corn and put down paper and straw. Then rested and worked some more. Mrs. Casto gave me 2 glasses of jelly and 1 pt. of applesauce. I canned 1 pint of applesauce. Sis put cap on for me. Garnet came and left at 1:00 AM. We watched the Tonight Show.
2. Up at 7:15. Ate. Temp 56 & clear. Cleaned up things. Dressed and went down for paper & mail. I took Dr. Lilly’s mail to him. Home at 11:45. Ate dinner and watched my programs. Ethel called and at 5:00 we took food sown to Sissy’s and ate outside on picnic table. She made coffee and then we played croquet. Home at 9:15. Garnet came and we watched the Tonight Show till 1:00 AM.
3. Up at 8:00. Ate. Raining some. Dressed and went for paper and mail and home. Ate dinner and rested a while. Burned trash and brought in some tomatoes, cucumbers and roses. Cloudy and cold all day. Mrs. Casto called and said that her daughter Glady died this morning. I went over and got the key to her front door. They left soon thereafter. I went to see Perry a few minutes. Home and did some writing & watched all-star football game starting at 10:00 till 1:00 AM.
4. Up at 8:00. Raining some. Ate. Dressed. Went down town for mail and paper. Dr. Lilly and I went up in office together. I paid ½ taxes – 37 cents higher than last year. Home at 12:00. Raining some – a good shower. Ora Peters called. I watched baseball game. Fred Rogers came this morning and left green gages – a bag full – good. He called me later. Bobby Powell and his brother in law and 3 other boys were killed in an auto wreck Friday night. Bobby Powell is Sam Powell’s boy. I went over to see Mrs. Lydia Caperton and they were gone. I visited with Clyde and Virginia White a while. Home at 8:00.
5. Sunday Up at 8:15. Clear and humid. Ate, dressed and read paper. Hubbard boy brought my paper from Jennings store when he brought the Princeton Times. Saved me a trip downtown. I Went up to Harry’s a few minutes about 11:00. Home and stayed home all day. Watched TV – a baseball game. At 4:20 Hubert Southern came to see about cutting trees in MaryLee’s yard. Jesse stopped – he bought a truck today- a red one. Raining some.
6. Up at 7:15. Ate, cleaned up. Changed bed and washed up everything and hung them out. In and dressed and went over to Mrs. Casto’s a while. They got home at 12:00 last night. On down for paper and mail. Home at 11:30. Insurance man came to see me. I made no comment. Ate dinner and watched programs. At 3:30 Ethel came for a while. Then I went down to Dr. Lilly’s and talked to him about my arm. Home at 5:45. Got corn and boiled on cob for supper. Took Mae over some yellow tomatoes. Home and ate and read paper. Sis and Samps came at 7:30 and left at 10:00. Hot today.
7. Up at 8:00. Ate. Cleaned up things. Raining some. Dressed and went downtown for paper and mail. Home, read paper. Ate dinner and ironed – took me all afternoon to get it done. Tired and rested a lot. Took Mrs. Casto over some corn for supper. Later she came over and brought me some crabapple jelly.
8. Up at 7:30.Ate. Dressed and called Sis to take me to Princeton to see Dr. Hale. Samps took me and Dr. said that I had some arthritis in my wrist. Prescription for pills to take for it otherwise doing fine. Home at 11:10. Picked beans put on and cooked them. Picked beans, corn peppers, tomatoes for Mrs. Withers and took them to up. Home at 4:45. Ate supper. Sis called wanting me to go to Huntington with them in the morning. Thunder and lightning and lots of rain around 9:00.
9. Up at 8:20. I was sick during the night- don’t know why. Ate and went down for paper and mail. Got a letter from MaryLee. Home and read paper. Cleaned and mopped my porch. Ate dinner and rested. At 2:00 a hard rain and thunder also. Sis and Samps in Huntington today and tomorrow.
10. At 6:20 temp in the 50”s. Up at 8:00. Ate. Cleaned up things, dressed and went downtown for paper and mail and also Dr. Lilly’s. I went down and visited him a while. Mrs. Lilly had gone to Spanishburg to judge flower show at fair. Home at 11:45. Ate dinner and rested a while. I don’t feel too good today. Cool all day.
11. Up at 6:20. Temp 44. Cold. I went back to bed and slept till 8:45. Up and ate, dressed and went down for paper. Stopped at the store a few minutes and home. Ate and picked up apples. At 1:00 Sis & Samps came and Samps mowed yard. Left at 2:45. In and watched baseball game awhile and baked an apple pie. I went down to store at 5:15 and got some ice cream. Home at 6:00. Later Garnet and Alice Lee came up, Garnet got some tomatoes and corn and peppers. Left at 9:15. At 8:30, Mrs. Lilly called and said that Dr. not too good.
12. Sunday. Up at 8:30. Ate. Cleaned up things. Dressed and went down for the paper at 9:30 & home. Today is Elgood’s homecoming. I did not go. I watched baseball. At 6:15 Earl Shepherd, wife and 2 boys s to see Joe and Midge Vachon. Then they took me over to see Bill and Lizzie. Got home at 10:45. Tired.
13. At 7:15, awake and it is raining. Temp 51. Up at 8:00. Ate & cleaned up things. Dressed and went down for paper at Jennings and got mail. I stopped at the store and home at 10:15. Watched TV and read paper till noon and took sweeper to basement and cleaned up cobwebs and swept floor. Rested from 1:30 to 2:00. I went back and worked till 3:00. Up and rested & watched my programs till 3:30. Went back and straightened up things and burnt trash from basement. At 6:00 ate supper and at 6:50 Mae Martin came over and also Perry. We watched Kennedy on TV – no tax cut this year so he says. Mae brought me over a kettle full of maiden blush apples.
14. Up at 7:30. Cold. Temp 58. Clear. Ate. Read paper. Don Poe will put it on porch for me. I dressed and drove over to see Aunt Pearl awhile. Home at 11:15. Picked apples till 12:00 and put them on and canned 2quarts and 1 pint. Jean, Ethel’s girl, stopped in a few minutes and said that Ethel may go to surgery for a disk in her neck. I watched my programs. At 3:40 Mrs. Withers came to see me. Dr. went on downtown. I made coffee and served apple pie and ice cream. They left at 5:45. I dressed and went down to see Dr. Lilly’s for a hamburger fry outside. Lillyan and Carl were there and we had a lot of fun. At 9:15, Ins man called Dr. Lilly and they talked for about 20 minutes. Cool tonight. Clear.
15. Up at 7:30 and ate.
16. Up at 7:30. Ate and cleaned up things & read paper. Virginia White called at 8:30 for me to go to Cowen with her to get Libby and 3 other kids. We ate dinner at Rainelle and got there at 1:30. Looked around and started back at 2:30.Got home at 5:15. Tired some.
17. Up at 7:00. Ate. Clear. Temp 60. Had to call Evelyn Poe for my paper. Don did not leave one and same at Janice’s. It came immediately. Peeled apples and canned 3 quarts. I went down to Dr. Lilly’s a while. I took Mrs. Withers up corn, beans, tomatoes and peppers. Home at 5:15. Garnet Gautier came up at 9:00 and spent some time with me until after midnight. Edith Anderson called me at 10:00 saying that Ethel is real bad and cannot move her head or right arm.
18. Up early. Hot today. Read paper and went downtown for mail and groceries. Hot today. Sis and Samps came and mowed my yard around 4:00. Doc stopped with Dr. and Mrs. Lilly around 8:00 tonight. I went downtown at 5:30 for mail and stopped at Alice Lee’s. She said that she and Garnet would come up and pick beans & can them for me on Monday.
19. Sunday. Up at 7:30. Ate. Dressed and cleaned things up and read paper then took it over for Perry to read. Just laid around. I called Ethel in hospital and she is real sick. I watched TV – baseball game. No one came or called all day. Temp 85. Mr. Casto gave me some watermelon – good. Went to bed at 9:00.
20. Up at 6:30. Ate. Hot & humid today. I went out in garden and pulled some weeds and brought in some tomatoes. Ethel operated on this morning – disk slipped. At 11:30 Alice Lee and Garnet came and picked 1 bushel beans – ½ runners and took them home. Hot at 2:00. Temp 89 on back porch. Just laid around and slept and watched TV all afternoon. At 5:00 ate & dressed and went down to store and got can tops and 2 qts. ice cream and stopped at Alice Lee’s. We strung beans and went over to Garnet’s and ate the ice cream. Home at 9:30. Hot night – sat with Mrs. Casto on porch till 11:00. Temp 78 at midnight.
21. Up at 7:00. Found paper and took it over to Perry. I went down to see Dr. Lilly a while. Dr. Withers came to see me and then I called Dr. Dick to check a tooth for him. Home and ate, I called Ethel. They operated on her beck yesterday and she was suffering when I called. I talked to Jean also. At 2:00 Mrs. Withers came, Dr. later. At 2:40 they left. I had to go up and visit with them a while. I got home at 5:15. I took Virginia White beans & tomatoes. I visited Mrs. Lydia & Helen a while and home at 6:45. I saw Glady at 1:00 today to tell her about Ethel. At 7:30 Coy came over and said that Mrs. Casto was sick. At 9:30 he called for me to come over and she was hot – I took her temp 102.6. He called Dr. Hale and he came right over. We had a bad storm and the lights went out – lightning and thunder from 11:00 – 1:00.
22. Up at 7:00. Raining some. Ate. Temp 60. Cloudy. Dressed. Went over to see Mrs. Casto and she is better today. At 10:30 went down for mail and gro. back to Alice Lee’s and got my 14 cans of beans that she canned for me. Home at 11:15 I watched TV till noon. Ate and cooked a pot of beans for dinner, read paper and slept some. Lightning hit transformer over at Maude Martin’s. Went through window into house and burned out Mr. Warrens stove & street lights out all night. At 5:00 Kay came in a few minutes and she made 1 A and 1 B in summer school. Fern came in a few minutes too. Ate and went out and picked 2 ½ gallon Big Boy tomatoes to can tomorrow.
23. Up at 7:15. Ate and cleaned up things and washed cans & scalded tomatoes & peeled them. I filled 6 quarts and 1 pint and put them in boiler 7 cold packed them. Cooked them 30 minutes. My first time to can that way. My hand is hurting a lot. Cleaned up everything & ate and rested till 4:00. I went out and trimmed around fence in back. In and ate supper. Speck Oxley called at 5:20 for me to go to see Ethel in hospital in Bluefield. We left at 6:30- a fine drive over and back. Ethel had been sick all day but was better. Harold, Holly, Shelby and another girl were there. Chilly. Sis called at 2:00. Cool all day.
24. Up early. Ate. Cleaned up. Dressed and went down to see Dr. Lilly a while. Mary Ann and children were there. They went to Bluefield shopping. Home and ate dinner and watched TV programs and cut weeds along the fence in backyard and along in front of yard. Swept and cleaned up out front – no one came. Cool all day.
25. Up. Ate. Cleaned up and went out and picked up apples out of the yard & cleaned out the garden by the gate and took out weeds. Sis and Samps came and Samps mowed my yard. I went up to Shumate’s and got hot dogs and I made coffee. We ate and they left at 2:00. I watched baseball game till 5:00. Then I went down to store and got groceries and on down to Sis’s and we played croquet till 9:30. Home and could not sleep as we had coffee.
26. Sunday. Up at 6:00. Ate and cleaned up things. Dressed and went down to Mrs. Toothman’s awhile. Home and read the paper. Cooked corn and fruit. Ate lunch. Ed Martin and Mae Martin came over for a while. I slept and watched baseball game. Sis called for me to come down and help her bake an apple pie. The Withers had been there. We ate supper and played croquet. Jesse came and Sis fell – a hard fall. We quit. Home at 10:00.
27. Up at 6:00 Ate and cleaned things up. Dressed and ready to go to Huntington with Samps, Sis and QD. Left at 7:15 and we ate dinner at a park. At 11:30, we drove on in to the state hospital and Samps went in to see Dewey but it was dinner time so we drove downtown and window shopped till 12;30. We drove back to hospital and Samps and Sis went in to see Dewey. QD and I sat in the car – talked to 2 patients – not too hot. We started home at 3:30 and stopped at Culloden and saw the glass factory. And on to Daniel Boone Park on this side of Charleston and ate supper – we took everything with us to eat. Got home at 9:45- not too tired. Garnet stopped in for a few minutes on her way home from seeing Susie and baby.
28. Up at 8:00. Ate and cleaned up things. I went out and cut weeds around yard fence. Rested. At 10:00 went back at 11:00 in at 11:30and in at 11:30 went back out at 12:30 in at 1:30 and watched my programs. Ate supper and went back out and worked till dark. No one came. Sis called and said that they were going to Glen’s cabin for a while. Elise Rogers called and we talked a while. I was not on the front porch all day. I dug some of my potatoes. They are rotting some. – very nice ones-and I cut some corn.
29. Up at 7:15. Ate. Read paper and watched TV till 8:30. Cleaned up things and went out and cleaned up weeds around flowers by side of the house. In at 10:00 watched and rested. Say when. Went back and worked till 11:30. Mrs. Casto brought me over beans and corn cooked together. Ate some for dinner. Dressed at 1:00 went downtown turned me loose from broken wrist and took my blood pressure – 150. Home and went down to Dr. Lilly’s a few minutes and on down to Sis’s. We ate hot dogs and played croquet till 9:00. I stopped in hospital and saw Jean this afternoon. Saw Clarice Bibbee at Dr. Lilly’s tonight. She is fair.
30. Up at 7:30. Chilly. Temp 54 & clear. Ate, cleaned up things and went out & took some more weeds from around flowers. Got hose and watered. In ant 10:00. Watched Say When and went back and worked watering the flowers. In at 11:30, watched programs and ate dinner at 12:00. Dressed and at 1:00 I went down to stay with Dr. Lilly while Mrs. Lilly went to Bluefield. Clarice was there and told me all about her wreck. Got home at 4:00. Washed my potatoes and put them under the porch. Ate at 5:00 and went to yard and picked up all apples and then picked grapes. Took some to Mrs. Casto and then I cut corn up in small pieces and cut the weeds till dark. Saw Perry a few minutes. Tired. Sis called and she went to work and shopped in Princeton today. Temp 82 today.
31. Up at 6:45. Temp 56 and foggy. Ate and cleaned up, read the paper a little and worked out in garden till it got hot. Came in and rested. Samps brought up Nick White to mow – went home at 1:20. I watched my programs and slept some. At 4:00 Sis and Samps came up. Samps mowed yard. I had picked up apples. Nick White came back to mow at 5:45 and worked 1 hour and quit Ethel called for me to come and stay with her for a few nights. I went down to Dr. Lilly’s and took some tomatoes and on down to Ethel’s. I will spend some time with her.
1. Up at 9:00. We ate and cleaned up dishes. At 11:00 I came home for paper and other things. Ethel doing very good I think. I was home most of afternoon. Sis and I went over to see Jean, She got home on Friday. Cooked a pot of beans and took down to Ethel’s and a bunch of roses. Some of Ethel’s nieces & cousins came after dinner.
2. Up at 9:15. Ate. Cleaned up thing and came home at 11:00. Took a bath and dressed. Went back down to Ethel’s. At 12:15, Glady brought our dinner and supper to us. A lot of folks came to see Ethel till 5:00. She rested some this afternoon. After supper no one came but Glady and sister Maude came for a while at 8:30. We set our clocks back to EST. 5 killed on turnpike yesterday.
3. Up at 7:30. Hot and dry. Ate. Cleaned up things and came home at 9:00. Saw Perry a few minutes and washed my hair. Mrs. Casto brought over corn & jelly for me. I rolled my hair and ate dinner and went out and looked my garden over. I got 1 large cabbage head. Rested some till 4:00 and dressed and went down to Ethel’s and got supper. We ate and a rain just poured down – thunder and lightning with it. No one came tonight to see her. We went to bed at 9:20. Ray Cheatwood had a wreck near Glyn Lyn Va. with load of cattle.
4. Up at 7:00. Got breakfast and cleaned up things. It just poured the rain again. Sun out at 9:15 I came up and got mail and mailed Ethel’s mail- got stamp- and back to bank and made a deposit for her and came out and it was just pouring the rain. On up to house – no paper. I got raincoat and umbrella and went back to Ethel’s early.
5. Cloudy and raining some. Up at 7:30. We ate and cleaned up everything. Ethel seems some better. I came home and messed around most of the day. My birthday and I got a card from Sis and Samps. Jesse and Mrs. Casto came. Jesse wants me to help at store. I will try. I got hot dogs for supper, 2 for Ethel and me. Still at Ethel’s at night.
6. Cold today early. I came home and spent most of day. Fred Coburn took down the pine trees in front of Uncle Hade’s house today. Did a good job. I got out more weeds in yard and garden & cut up corn stalks. Jesse came at 11:30 for me to help at store.
7. Cold. Temp 46. Clear after fog rose. We ate and cleaned up things. I came home and picked up apples out of yard. At 11:20 Jesse came for me to help at store. I did but too much pain in my wrist to help them. Home at 1:10 undressed and watched my program. At 1:30 then went out and cut weeds in garden till 3:00. In and rested a while and went back out – got a lot of weeds pulled. I got corn for Jesse and peppers, corn and tomatoes for Ethel and me. We ate later. Mrs. Vermillion and Janice came for a while. I got a birthday card from Alma and Alfred.
8. Up at 7:00. Ate and I cleaned up things and came home at 9:00. I cleaned front porch good and picked up apples in the yard. I rolled my hair and talked to Mrs. Lilly. They are fine. At 2:00 I went out in garden and cut down weeds around watermelons along fence. At 3:30 Sis and Samps came and Samps mowed yard. Then at 4:30 Samps went up and got hot dogs and I made coffee. We ate and then I dressed and got Ethel a hot dog and went down. Later Sis and Samps came to see Ethel and Helen Caperton came.
9. Sunday. We got up at 8:00. Ate and cleaned up things and came home for paper and visited Mrs. Casto a few minutes. Down to Ethel’s at 11:00 and we got dinner. At 2:00 Eva, Harold, Molly and kids came. I went down to Sis’s and played croquet and ate supper. It is Mimi’s birthday and Sis took her a cake. I came back to Ethel’s at 6:30. She still had company – folks from Princeton. My last night with Ethel – 10 days in all. A girl will be with her on Monday.
10. Up at 7:00. Hugh Downs takes over the Today program on TV today. Ate and cleaned up everything and packed and came home at 9:00. We had a fine time while I was with Ethel. Undressed and worked in garden getting out weeds till 10:00. In and watched TV then went back out and worked till11:10. In and ate dinner and a nice hard rain came. Ennis and Billie will help at store in my place.
11. Up at 6:45. Ate and read paper, changed bed and washed. At 9:45. Ins. man came to see me. I called Dr. Lilly. He had not dressed so he will come back tomorrow at 1:00 to Dr. Lilly’s. I finished my washing and hung out clothes. I got done at 12:30. At 1:15 ate and rested, rolled my hair & cut roses = nice buds. At 3:30I went down to Dr. Lilly’s a while, stopped at store a minute and home. Ate supper and at 7:00 I went down and took bottles to Mrs. Toothman. At 9:45 Fred Rogers called and we chatted a while. A fine day – not too bad.
12. Up at 7:00. Ate & cleaned up things. Read paper and ironed up all of my clothes. Boy came at 9:15 to mow lower lot for me - Lura White’s boy. At 12:00 I dressed and went down to Dr. Lilly’s at 12:15 to meet with Ins. man about my arm. We made him an offer. He will let me know on Friday afternoon. Home at 3:00. Watched my programs. Boy finished mowing – 4 ½ hours – Paid him $3.58. Rested a while and then ate supper. Dressed and went down to Garnet Gautier’s to see Susan’s baby. Alice Lee was there. On down to see Ethel a while and ho 8:00. Clear and warm all day. Temp 80 – not a cloud in the sky.
13. Up at 7:00. Clear and cold. Ate and cleaned up everything. At 9:30 I went down and paid water bill, got mail and on down and took Ethel to beauty parlor to have her hair done. I had mine cut while Ethel was drying. Home at 11:30 and watched TV, ate and canned 2 quarts and 1 pint of applesauce. Clear all day.
14. Up at 7:15. Cool and clear. Ate and went out and got apples, peeled them and canned 4 quarts today. Finished at 1:15. Ins. man called me from Charleston. Hot later in the day. At 3:30 I went down to see Dr. Lilly and got home at 5:15. Ate supper. Samps had mowed yard for me. Mr. Rogers called me at 8:45. No one came.
15. Up at 7:30. Ate & cleaned up things. Read paper and called Ethel. She went to see Dr. Gage yesterday afternoon. Ate dinner and took tomatoes down to Mrs. Lilly and on down to Quinzetta’s. We played croquet till 5:30. Samps went for hot dogs. We ate and went out and played more. Jesses all came and we played till 8:30. Home at 9:00. Clear all day and warm.
16. Sunday. Up at 7:30. Raining pretty hard. Ate and cleaned up things. Read paper and Ethel called for me to come down to see Aunt Emma. I went at 10:00 to Mr. Rogers to witness a paper for me. On down to QD’s to thank him for birthday present and on down to Ethel’s. Home at 11:15. Still raining. Ate dinner and watched baseball game. At 3:00 I went down to Sis’s – she has a real bad cold. AT 4:30 QD & Ennis came. I came home at 5:15. Still raining. No one came. Rained 1.01 inch.
17. Temp 56 at 6:30. Up at 7:15. Ate, read the paper and cleaned up things. Peeled apples and canned 1 quart and 1 pint. Jesse came at 0:30 for me to help at store. He came back at 11:40 for me. Raining. Home at 1:15. One can did not seal so had to do it over. I watched my programs. At 4:00 I went out and picked up all of my apples out of the yard and picked a mess of beans – last one. Got corn in – birds are eating it up. Boiled corn for supper and fixed beans to cook in the morning. No one came or called. Cool all day. Pulled my watermelon, cut it and it was very good – not 2 ripe.
18. Temp 48 at 6:45. Up at 7:15. Ate & cleaned up things. Read paper & at 9:00 Mrs. Vermillion called for me to meet them at office. A druggist was coming to get Dr.’s medicine. I was at the office till 12:25. Home, ate and cleaned up around and watched programs. I cooked my last mess of beans & corn this afternoon. I took Mrs. Casto over some of my watermelon. Ate supper and called Ethel. Sis and Samps came up and left at 8:00. I gave her a glass bottle I got down at Dr. Vermilion’s office. Fred Rogers called and we talked a while. Cold at 10:39. Temp 50.
19. Cool, Temp 46, Clear, Up at 7:00. Ate and cleaned up things. Read paper and went out and cut sunflowers and brought in. I also cut corn in small pieces, divided potato and onions- gave Mrs. Casto some, Dr. Lilly some and Samps and kept some for myself. Ate dinner. Dressed at 1:55 I left for Princeton to see Dr. Hale. Blood pressure 160 – he gave me a flu shot and also to come back in 4 weeks. Home and stopped to see Mrs. Withers a few minutes. I did not go in. I took Dr. Lilly his onion sets and Samps his. Samps gave me 2 long handled gourds. Home at 6:25.
20. Temp 33 at 6:20 so I went back to bed & got up at 7:15. A big frost and birdbath was froze over. Clear & foggy early. Ate and cleaned up thing. I took up apples and worked outside all day. I worked in garden getting out weeds. At 5:00 Sis and Samps came and we ate supper up at restaurant.
21. Temp 46. Ora Lee Smithson died today in Va. at 1:00 I went down to stay with Dr. Lilly while Mrs. Lilly went to Princeton with Lloyd and Mabel shopping. I got home at 5:00. Ate supper. No one came. Sis and Samps went to Roanoke this evening but I did not know it.
22. Temp 56. Up and cleaned up. Ran sweeper and took up apples. Dressed and after dinner I went down town for mail & groceries and home. I watched baseball and football games. At 6:30 I took Fr. Toothman’s electric mower home. No one came. Sis and Samps came back from Roanoke at 4:00 today.
23. Sunday. Up at 8:15. Clear & cool- turned heat on. Ate and cleaned up things, dressed and read the paper. At 12:30 Sis and Samps stopped and we ate dinner up at the restaurant and went out in the cemetery and on down to the pump house to see Walkers Antiques. Back to Sis’s and Samps and I played croquet. Sis baked a cake then helped us till 5:30. In and had coffee and cake. We went back out and played till 7:30. They brought me home at 8:00. Temp 50 and cloudy.
24. Temp 56 and cloudy. Up at 7:15. Ate and went out in garden and dug the rest of my potatoes and took out some weeds. Jesse came up and said Samps did not come out this morning to work and wanted me to help at noon. I did and took my car down and had State Sticker put on it. I ran out in August and cost $2.05. I visited the Lillys & Ethel while car was being gone over. Got home at 4:15 ate supper & went back out in garden & Sis and Samps came. Samps mowed the yard for me and Alice Lee came. Sis and Samps went home and Alice Lee left at 9:10. Samps has quit working at the store.
25. Up at 7:00. I did not sleep any until around 2:00 AM this morning. Raining when I got up. Temp 55. Ate, cleaned up things and peeled apples and canned 2 quarts and 3 pints. Got done at 1:15. Ate and watched my programs till 2:10. Slept some and went over to visit Mrs. Casto a few minutes. Home at 3:00. Watched Dr. Malone program and slept some more. At 5:00 ate supper and jus rested the rest of the evening. Talked to Sis and at 8:30 Fred Rogers called and he said he visited Dr. Lilly a while this evening. Rained all day off and on. Temp 55 at 8:00.
26. Up early and ate. Cleaned up things and washed windows on the front porch. Dressed and went down and mailed out bills, got mailed and stopped at the store to get can tops. Jesse asked me to help at noon. I did. Home at 2:00, undressed and watched my programs. I washed my potatoes and laid on porch today. I visited Mrs. Casto a while. No one came. Fred Rogers called and we talked a while.
27. Up at 7:00. Ate. Cloudy all day. Washed windows in kitchen. Dressed and Jesse came for me to help at store. Home at 1:10. I watched my programs and washed windows by radio in living room. I got tomatoes, peppers and potatoes for Mrs. Withers. At 3:30 I went up to visit her awhile. Raining as I drove up. Got home at 4:45, got supper and ate and went over to see Perry a few minutes. Mae and George carried my pumpkins and put them under the porch for me. Temp 46 & windy. No one called or came.
28. Up at 7:00. Temp 46 – cloudy and raining some. Ate and cleaned up things. I peeled apples for 2 quarts. Mrs. Lilly called and said that Dr. had not been too well for a day or so. Dick and Mr. Phillips were picking apples last evening and Mr. Phillips fell from step ladder. He went to hospital and has a chipped bone in his wrist. He spent the night in the hospital. I helped at the store – Jesse came for me. Home at 1:00. Rested till 3:30 and went down to see Dr. & Mrs. Lilly. They were up at Ball’s store but came soon. I visited a while with them and home at 5:00. Ate supper. Temp 46 all day. No one came. No one called.
29. Up at 7:15. Ate. Sun out and bright but cool – temp 46. Cleaned up things and picked up apples out of yard. Ate dinner, dressed and at 1:00 I went down to college to see football game - Glenville vs. Concord. Concord won 19 to 13 – around 3000 people present. Got home at 5:15. Ate supper and went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes. Mr. Casto and said that at 7:00 he would show 4 rolls of film that Mrs. Casto and I were in. I went over and saw them – real good.
30. Sunday. Up at 7:45 Ate and cleaned up things and read paper and messed around. Ate dinner. At 12:45 I watched baseball game. At 1:45 Sis called. Around 2:00 I got Alice Lee and we went down and played croquet till 5:25. Home at 6:00. Ate at 7:00. I took Mrs. Toothman’s pie pans back and visited a while. Home at 8:15. Mississippi governor is giving in to register a negro to Old Miss. President sent all kinds of troops in today.
1. Up at 6:45. Ate. Read paper & watched TV. 2 killed in Mississippi over a negro boy wanting to enroll in Old Miss. College & 35 injured and several jailed – troops went in yesterday. Cut & pulled weeds in garden. In at 10:00 dressed and watched TV till Jesse came for me. I helped at store and home at 1:10. I watched TV till 2:00 and went down to Mrs. Toothman’s and helped prepare apples to take to Shady Spring tomorrow to cannery. Home at 4:30 and watched baseball – Giants and Dodgers in a playoff tie for World Series. Giants won 8 to 6. Ate supper and messed around. Sis called. Things are bad in Mississippi. A special report at 7:30-8:30. Temp 53 – A fine day – sun out all day.
2. Up at 6:15. Temp 58 & cloudy. Ate and cleaned up everything. Dressed and packed lunch and at 8:10 Dr. and Mrs. Toothman stopped for me. We went to Shady Spring to cannery and made apple butter, apple sauce and pie apples – 48 quarts. We got home at 3:45. Raining as we came home. Temp 62. We had lots of fun. I rested and watched second game of Giants and Dodgers. Dodgers won 8 to 7. What a game.
3. Up at 7:00. Ate & watched another man go out in orbit. Walter M. Schirra, Jr. went 6 times around the earth – landed safely. Raining today. Jesse came for me to work at store. Home and watched Giants and Dodgers playoff – Giants won in the 9th inning. Turned on heat and warmed up the house & cut it off. Went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes.
4. Up at 7:00. Temp 58. Ate. Raining hard all morning. Dressed and read paper. Dr. Toothman called and said to be ready at 2:00 to go to Bluefield shopping. Jesse came at 11:25 for me. I helped at store. Home and dressed. Dr. & Mrs. Toothman went to Bluefield and stopped at the courthouse to check evaluation of our property. Mine went up over $5000.00. On to Bluefield and got home at 5:00. Ate supper and Sis and Samps came. We went over to Mrs. Casto’s to see films. I was on one. Mrs. Lilly called. Cleared up and stars shining. Sun was out all afternoon. My check is in for broken arm.
5. Up at 6:45. Ate. Warm. Temp 58 & clear. At 9:30 I went down to stay with Dr. Lilly while Mrs. Lilly went to Bluefield shopping. Dr. not feeling too good. I helped at store at 11:45 and back to Dr. Lilly’s at 1:00. Dr. slept most of the day – weak and drowsy. Came home at 3:30. I called Dr. Richard to stop as he came in and he did & had cashed my check for me - $666.71 & we talked about Dr. Lilly & Mrs. Lilly called and said that she had called Dr. Frank to come & see Dr. to stop blood pressure meds. TV went out at 9:00 – no picture.
6. Up at 7:15. Nice morning. Ate and took bottles down to the Toothmans. Home, dressed and went down to Quinzetta’s and gave them a gift promised them for taking care of me while arm was broken. I stopped to see Dr. Lilly a few minutes – not feeling too good. Home and defrosted refrigerator and cooked apples and pears and watched TV. At 5:30 I went down and got groceries and visited Ethel awhile. Home and saw Perry. At 9:00 called Mrs. Rogers and TV picture went out – Voice but no picture.
7. Sunday. Up at 8:45. Raining some. Ate and cleaned up things. Read paper and Mimi brought me a dozen eggs. I dressed and went down to see Dr. Lilly at 11:00 – not much better. Home. Lilli, Doc and boys came last night. Blaine Jennings came at 12:30 to repair TV for me. The part was $15. Oh boy. Watched World Series - Yanks won 3 to 2. Jean Conner came and paid the rent. No one else came. Talked to Fred and Elise Rogers. Temp high.
8. Up at 7:00. Clear. Temp 60. Ate and cleaned up things. Mrs. John M. Bailey died this morning at 9:00 in hospital. I went out and pulled weeds in garden and took some of the weeds down in the field. Also picked up apples – large ones. In at 10:00, dressed and watched TV till Jesse came for me at 11:30 to help at the store. Home at 12:45 and watched World Series till 2:30. I went down and got Samps and we went over to the farm to check leaking roof. Put on some roofing paste and came home. Will finish tomorrow. Temp 80 today. We got hot dogs and took them down to Quinzetta’s. We all ate supper & QD & Ennis came to do his homework. He is taking a class from Mr. Casto. Samps and I played 4 games of croquet. Home at 6:15. Hot today – temp 80. At 7:00 I went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes. Home and called Mrs. Rogers – Dr. Lilly better – stopped in a few minutes.
9. Up early. Ate. Cloudy. Peeled some pears and canned them. Samps called for me to send Casey down. He had a flat on the jeep. I went down and we went over to the farm and took tin & fixed the roof. It rained a little. Back to store, helped and home at 1:00. World Series was rained out. Samps came and mowed yard and took up apples. I paid him $3.00 - $2 yesterday. Cool all day. My morning paper came at 5:00 today. Saw Perry a few minutes. Ate supper and canned 8 quarts of pears this evening. I went over to Mrs. Casto’s a while at 7:00.
10. Up at 6:30. Ate and cleaned up things. Sun out and clear. Read paper and at 8:00 I went to basement, washed and hung clothes out on line today. Dressed and Jesse came for me at 11:30. I paid the water bill and helped at store then went down to the Methodist church to see Mrs. Sally Bailey – funeral at 2:00. Mrs. Lilly wants me to stay with Dr. Lilly while she goes to the funeral and I did. Yanks won game against Giants 5 to 3. Mrs. Lilly and I went down to Mr. Phillips a few minutes. Home at 4:30 brought my clothes in and pulled weeds in the garden & took up apples in the yard. Ate and took Ethel apples, tomatoes and peppers. Home at 8:00. A fine day.
11. Up at 6:45. Got breakfast, ate and watched TV for news. Cleaned up things and went out and cleaned out tool house and burned trash & put in my lawn chairs and lawn mower. In at 10:00, rested and watched TV till 10:30. I went out and cleaned some on the back porch. Dressed at 11:15 and Jesse came for me at 11:30. I helped at store and home at 12:50. I worked on back porch- scrubbed it good and cleaned out refrigerator & took tools to basement. Tired. Rested from 3:30 to 4:00. I went back and spaded up 2 rows for my onions to put in tomorrow or early Saturday morning. Ate. Sis called and said that Samps had been sick all day – pain in right side. I went down. Home at 6:20. A fine day, hot – temp 78. At 6:30 – temp 69.
12. Up early. Ate & went out and fixed 4 rows & planted my potatoes onions- 4 rows & covered them with straw. I and dressed and Jesse came for me at 11:30. I helped at store and home at 1:00. I swept up apples and took them up – a wheelbarrow full. I dug up weeds and watched my TV programs. World Series postponed due to rain. Dressed and at 4:40 Sis and Samps stopped and we ate supper up at restaurant. Then we went down and played croquet till 10:30. Home and I took Mrs. Casto’s Laudry over to them. To bed at 12:45.
13. Up at 6:30 and a float was setting outside of Perry’s building – a big whale plaster & white in color. Ethel and I took her car and parked it where we could see ballgame. I took up leaves out of yard and Sis and Samps came and watched the parade from Princeton at 11:10 – real nice. Then I went down to Dr. Lilly’s and we wrote checks for Dr. Lilly. In and I mailed them out. At 1:15 I went down for Ethel and we went to game. West Liberty vs. Concord 20-7 We won. Home at 4:50. Boy, a crowd there and cars thick everywhere. At 5:30 went for groceries and home. No one came. Temp 80 today. Sprinkled rain, just a little.
14. Sunday. Up at 8:45. Ate, read papers, bathed and dressed. Temp 74. At 11:00 Sun out – nice & warm. I took my potato masher over to Mrs. Casto’s. Home and ate dinner at 1:00. No World Series yesterday or today due to rain. At 2:00 I went down to Sis’s and we played croquet all afternoon. We ate supper and played some more. Sis watched. I came home at 7:00. Cloudy and warm.
15. Up at 7:00. Ate and cleaned up things & read paper. Then out and took up 5 wheelbarrows of apples & took up more leaves and dug some weeds out of garden. In, dressed and Jesse came for me at 11:30. I helped at store. Home and went over to the farm. Samps is painting the roof of house. Eddy Kessinger is building a house on Sally’s lot next to my lots and took down line fence and was using my road and lot to park cars on it. I left a note on windshield wiper – not to park on my land. Allen Wiley called me about it. Eddy and Joyce came up to see me and thought that they owned the road down to end of Sally’s line. So I explained that the drive was all mine. Watched World Series at 2:00. Giants won 5-2 over Yanks. Tied. Temp 80 today but cloudy.
16. Up at 7:00. Ate and went out and cut weeds in garden till10:00. In dressed and rested. Jesse came for me and I helped at store. Home at 1:00 and watched last game of the World Series. Yanks won 1 Giants 0. After game was over, I ate. At 5:30 I went down to Quinzetta’s. We played croquet till dark. Home at 7:00 and I went over and visited Mrs. Casto and Mrs. Hattie till 9:00. Home. A fine day- hot all day – in upper 70’s today.
17. Up early. Ate. Cloudy but not too cold. Picked up apples out of yard. In, dressed and at 10:30 I went down to see Dr. Lilly and get meds for Jesse. Back to store and helped at noon and home at 1:15. I went down to Madie Walker’s and got my hair done – a permanent. Home at 5:15, ate and went out and got up leaves in the front yard and on street. At 7:20 I went over to Mrs. Casto’s to tell her that Preston Vest died this morning at 10:45. We watched Beverley Hillbillies – it was great. Home at 9:50. Chilly- temp 50. Apple tree has blooms on it.
18. Temp 40 early. Up at 6:15. Went out and checked temp and it was 40. I went back to bed and got up at 7:40. Ate and cleaned up things and went over to Perry’s a few minutes. Mrs. Garten came to get some apples. I picked up some apples out of the yard. Dressed and ready to go down and help at store. Sun out & cool. Home and watched my programs and went out and worked in garden. I cut a lot of weeds, picked tomatoes and peppers, and cut rose buds – it will be cold tonight. I made a pot of soup – real good- and I went over to see Perry & took them some tomatoes. Home and no one came. Sis called and wanted me to come down and play croquet, Temp 49 at bedtime.
19. Up at 6:00. Looked at the thermometer-temp 39 – went back to bed. Got up at 8:15, ate, cleaned up things & dressed. I went over to Perry’s. He gave on flowers for Mr. Vest and I took his and mine down to Mrs. Hartman’s. Home and read paper and at 11:30 Jesse came for me and I helped at store. Got my mail and put my sweater in cleaners. Home at 1:10. I watched my programs and picked up apples. Ethel came at 2:00 and left at 4:30. Ate supper and at 5:00 I went down to Quinzetta’s and they were gone. I played croquet by myself until 5:45. Came up and stopped by Alice Lee’s till 7:15 and home. A fine day today. Last October out big snow came and broke trees and power lines – 8 to 10 inches. I went to see Preston – went with Ethel, Hense and Glady. Home at 8:30.
20. Up at 8:15. Ate and cleaned up things and mopped front porch, ran sweeper and mopped kitchen. Read paper & ate and went down to store. Jesse and I went down to Lilly’s for Dick to look at his gums. I went on down to Sis’s and we played croquet. She won them all. Samps went for hot dogs and we ate supper. Home at 7:00. I waxed kitchen floor and watched TV. A fine warm day- sun out all day. Preston Vest buried today.
21. Sunday. Up at 9:00. Raining and temp 56. Ate and read paper & dressed. Turned on heat this morning. Ate dinner and watched football game. No one came & no one called. Rained on & off all day. Temp 58-60 all day.
22. Up at 7:00. Temp 38 – foggy, cold and cloudy. Ate, cleaned up things. Read paper. I picked up apples, dressed and Jesse came for me to help at store. Home and at 2:00 I took my winter coat down to pressing shop to have it shortened some. I went to see Mrs. Withers and she is feeling fine. Home at 4:30. Ate supper and went over to see Perry a few minutes. Home and got ready for President Kennedy’s message to the people over TV. He quarantined all ships going in to Cuba by Russia loaded with firearms and alerted all soldiers to active duty. I saw several programs on the outcome and decisions of top brass men. We are in a mess over Cuba. Garnet came for a while and Mrs. Casto called for me to come over to see films of the parade. Princeton Times paid for from October 23 for 2 months rate for 3 months.
23. Up at 7:00. Ate and watched TV till 9:00. Picked up apples and took up leaves. Cloudy, cool and windy. In at 10:00, dressed and Jesse came for me to help at store. Home at 12:55. I watched TV all afternoon – things are popping on Cuba. Saw UN meeting at 3:00 and on to 6:30. All members in the Security Council voted for the US decision. Went over to Mrs. Casto’s after supper a while. I called Sis and Mr. Rogers called at 8:15. Weather report from Bluefield said that it snowed on East River Mountain. In Bluefield tonight – windy & clear. Here- temp 39. At 8:30. It snowed just a sprinkle around. At 5:15 Ethel came and got some apples- her and Shelby Jean.
24. Up at 7:00. Ate. Cloudy and windy all day. Picked up some apples out of the yard. I dressed and watched TV – Cuban debate is bad. At 10:30 I went down to see Dr. Lilly a while and back to store and home at 1:00. Cool and windy. I watched TV most all afternoon. I took Mae Martin over a pumpkin and got potatoes and apples in. I went to bad at 11:45 – listened to program about Cuba= it is still bad. Temp 28.
25. I woke up at 6:00 and went out and checked temp – temp 30 – went back to bed. Up at 7:15 and it was pouring snow. Ate and cleaned up things. Read paper and baked a cake – chocolate – very good. Ate and at 2:00 I went down to Dr. Lilly’s. Dr. Richard and I set front bridge for Dr. Lilly. Just poured snow while I was there. I got my coat from pressing shop and on down to Quinzetta’s and, boy, it just poured the snow. Dr. Withers called for Samps to come and get them at 5:00. Sis and I got supper. Boy it is bad out. I came home at 8:40 – roads so slick and still snowing.
26. Temp 20 and still snowing. Up early. Ate and cleaned up things, read paper and watched TV. Boy, roads slick early. Cars just crawling along. At 2:00 I went out and took snow off of car, started it and let it run a while. Then went downtown and got groceries and home. I went over to Mrs. Casto’s and home and stayed in. No Times paper tonight. Temp 24 at bedtime.
27. Up at 7:15. No paper. Cole – 18 temp. Ate, got ready and went to Princeton to see Dr. Hale. Blood pressure 170/100. Home at 11:00 and took car down to Roy Beckett and he put in 1 quart of Prestone in it - $1.25. Home and ate. At 1:15 I went down to college- Wesleyan College vs. Concord. Score 6-6, a tie. Home at 4:45 and ate. Sis called and said that water would be off all day tomorrow.
28. Sunday. Up at 7:45. Raining, warm tho. Cleaned up, read paper and dressed. Sis called for me to come down for dinner with them. She had a headache and did not go to church. I made slaw and took my cake down at 12:10. After dinner we washed up dishes and went out and played croquet. Sun out and nice and warm. We played till 5:00. In and ate supper. I got home at 7:00.
29. Up early and watched TV for news- things look better now. Read paper and changed bed and turned mattress over. Ate dinner. I did not go to help at store and won’t go until I get better – trying to reduce and be quiet as doctor ordered. Raining some. At 12:10 I went to basement and washed and hung clothes up in basement. Margaret Baxter came and brought me 2 jugs of wine from office. Ate supper and Uncle Rass came and said that Aunt Pearl was real sick & was at Jesse’s and to let Uncle Hade know. Harry & Eula came at 10 to 6 and left at 9:10, Mrs. Vermillion called. Raining at 10:00.
30. Up early. Ate. Cloudy. Temp 56. Dressed and at 9:15, I went down to Jesse Wiley’s to see Aunt Pearl – she is sick but will be better. Back to store and helped at noon. Home and I ironed all of my clothes. At 3:00 I called MaryLee about Aunt Pearl. Rained some I went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes. Home and ate and at 6:40, Harry and Eula came and in a few minutes MaryLee popped in for me to go down to see Aunt Pearl. Harry and Eula went home and we went down to Jesse’s to see Aunt Pearl. Raining hard when they left for home at 9:20. Delmer was driving. Temp 42.
31. Up at 7:15. Cloudy & cold. Temp 40. Ate, dressed. At 10:30 I went down to see Aunt Pearl again and she seemed very good. Back to the store and helped at noon. Home and took my chairs from front porch. Ate dinner and watched my 1:30 program and at 2:10 I went up and visited Mrs. Bennett till 3:20. Home and watched my program at 3:30. Then ate and dressed in Halloween face– went over to Perry’s a few minutes. Home and ready for the kids – trick or treat- had 86 kids at my front door. Cold. I did not go down town for street show.
1. Up early. Ate. Cold today – a big frost. Dressed and went down and got Mrs. Coburn & went down to see Aunt Pearl. Got back to store at 11:45. She is still better I think. Home at 12:50 & took out weed from the garden & watched my programs. Ate supper and at 7:30 Harry & Eula came and left at 9:40. Cold tonight.
2. Up at 7:15. Ate. Cloudy and cool – a big frost. I worked out in garden and yard. Dressed and watched TV till Jesse came. I took my car down to store. At 12:45 I went down to Mrs. Walker’s and she did my hair. I stopped to see Dr. Lilly a few minutes. Home and worked in garden a while and burnt trash. In and ate and no one came. I have to go to get ballots in the morning 8:30 – 11:30 for election next week.
3. Up at 7:00. Ate. Raining – temp 34. Snowed just a little. I dressed & went to Princeton for ballot boxes and material for election on Tuesday. Home at 11:00. At 12:00 I called Sis and I went down and ate dinner with them. Home at 2:30. I went over to see Perry a few minutes. Up to Harry’s to tell him to call Bet White – gone. I trimmed my shrubs. Sis and Samps stopped coming home from Withers. Hubert (may be Herbert) Hight died.
4. Sunday. Up at 8:30. Ate. Raining some – cool. Dressed and at 10:30 I went down and stopped to see Dr. Lilly a minute and on down to see Aunt Pearl – she is not so well. Back home and saw Mrs. Casto – real sick with temp of 103.8. I went up to tell Harry & Eula to go down and see Aunt Pearl. Jesse says that it is alright for him to come – it has been 10 years. Home and stayed in rest of day. Eula & Harry stopped in as they came back from seeing Aunt Pearl. A mean day.
5. Up at 7:00. Ate and cleaned up things. Snowed some during the night and I had to sweep the snow off of my car. At 9:20 Alice Lee and I went down to see Aunt Pearl. Snowing. She seemed to talk better. Home at 10:50 and rested till 11:30 when Jesse came for me to work at store. Home at 12:55 and snowing a little. Ate and watched my TV programs. I went over at 2:30 to see Mrs. Casto and she was in bed – don’t feel too good. Home at 3:15 and carried potatoes down in basement. Will freeze hard tonight. Sleeting at 5:00. Ate and went over to Perry’s to ask him if I can put my car under his shed tonight as I have to get out early in the morning for election. Hubert (Herbert) Hight buried today.
6. Up at 4:15.Ate and got things together and loaded car in front of gate at 5:00. In & dressed and cleaned up things and at 10 to 6 I went out and it was pouring sleet- car covered. I went to the high school to work in the election. We had a busy day. Cleared up and was a nice day – cool tho. We finished voting – 345- and was out of the building at 8:10. Bill Hartman was waiting to take me and my material to courthouse. Was I glad that I did not have to drive. Boob, Speck, Maude Martin, Garnet & myself. Fred Cooper, Carper, Frank Parker, Keith T. & James Gore worked.
7. Temp 32. A big frost. Up at 7:00. Election news – Nixon beat bad for governor of California. All 5 amendments were defeated bad. Rested and checked on Mrs. Casto- she is better some. Jesse came for me at 11:30. Helped at store, home and rested. Helen Caperton came in at 3:00. At 4:00 I took up cuttings from shrubs in front yard and some leaves. At 2:00 Samps and I went over to farm & got ladder. I stopped to see Dr. Lilly a while. Home at 3:30 and watched my program. Got ready to bake custard pie and Bea Alvis came & paid me Troy Conner’s rent. Sis and Samps came and we went up to restaurant for supper. Home and I finished baking custard pie. I took Mrs. Casto over 2 pieces.
8. All of above was today from 2 o’clock on – all messed up.
9. Up at 7:15. Ate. Raining – temp 42 and windy. My yard is full of leaves off of apple tree. Dressed and Jesse came for me at 11:30. I took him 2 pieces of custard pie – Billie did not want any. Has not stopped raining and windy all day. Ethel called this morning. Bad all day – temp in 45”s.
10. Up at 7:00. Boy what a day. Another bad day – rain and wind from the west and blowing hard. I was not out of the house all day until 4:00. I went for groceries and home & checked on Mrs. Casto a minute. No one came.
11. Sunday. Up at 8:30. Ate. Dressed at 9:30. I went down for Alice Lee to go to see Aunt Pearl – is better, looks good I think. Back home at 11:00. At 12:00 I went down and ate dinner with Alice Lee. Garnet later came over and ate at 4:00. I drove down to Samps – they were gone. Home at 6:00. Sis and Samps stopped a while – they had been to the Withers. Very nice day.
12. Up at 7:30. Ate. Cloudy. Picked up apples in yard. I baked a custard pie for Jesse. At 10:30 Bennie Gore Foley stopped in and Jesse came for me at 11:30. I could not go to help him at noon. She left at 1:00. I served pie, cake and coffee and took her down to find her husband. Home and cleaned up leaves and mowed part of the yard. TV went bad today. This morning Mrs. Casto went to the hospital today for examination and they kept her. Blaine Jennings came, put in a tube and left and it went out again at 8:00. Blaine came back and put in a tube – okay.
13. Up at 7:15. Cloudy and cold. Ate. Cleaned up things. At 10:30 I went down to see Dr. Lilly. Mrs. Vermillion there and Margaret came. Lemual Southern paid me $22.00 for ins. and I gave it to Margaret. Helped at store and Billie Fain quit at store this morning. Ennis helped and so did I at noon.
14. Up at 7:00. Ate and cleaned up things. A big frost – temp 30. Cloudy most of morning. Dressed and I went to store at 11:30 when Jesse came for me. Home at 12:45. Dressed and I went to Princeton. I stopped at store and got me a pair of patent leather shoes. I went on up to Dr. Hale’s office = blood pressure 148/86. Dr. gave me some more pill samples. I went on into hospital and visited Mrs. Casto, Carl Martin and Mrs. Fred McKenzie (broken hip) and Jean Conner – she is back in hospital and in bad condition I think. Home at 4:30. I fried Canadian Ham & eggs for supper. Harry and Eula came for a while and Sis called.
15. Up at 7:--. Ate and cleaned up things and cleaned out drawers to wardrobe. Dressed at 11:30 Jesse came for me to help at the store. Home at 12:50. I went out and mowed rest of back yard and around tool house and clipped around fence. In at 4:30 for program. Windy, I could not stay out in it.
16. Up early. Ate. Cleaned up everything and went out and cleaned yard. Next Uncle Hade’s house and took all leaves and took down the gourd vine in back and gourds. I helped at store. Jesse came for me at 11:30. Home at 1:00. At 2:30 I went down in the lower lot to pile up weeds & junk to burn. In at 3:30 to watch Dr. Malone program and at 4:00 I went back and worked until I stepped in a hole & fell & stuck a pitchfork in my left leg, Boy really went in. I called Sis and she and Samps called Dr. Hale and he said to wash it in sudsy water & Jesse came for a while.
17. Up at 6:45. Did not sleep much. I have lots of pain in leg. At 9:30 Sis came and took me over to see Dr. Hale. He gave me a tetanus shot and dressed my leg. Sis and I went out to the junk pile in Princeton. Home and to restaurant for hot dogs. Samps came later. He took Kay to Bluefield to have her eyes tested. Raining today. Rested all afternoon. Fred Rogers and Elvie came late. Sis and Samps stopped by.
18. Sunday. Up at 7:30. Raining today. Had a bad night. Ate & dressed. At 11:00 Alice Lee called. At 12:35 Sis and Samps came. We ate dinner at restaurant. Home. Mae Martin came for a few minutes. Later Ethel came and she left at 5:00. Uncle Vic Robertson died yesterday. He is to be brought to Athens. Coy Casto called about his mother is better.
19. Temp 46. Up at 7:45. Ate. Cloudy and raining some. Laid around all day. Alice Lee called. Jesse came for a few minutes. Also talked to Mrs. Lilly. Kept hot water bottle on my leg all day. Called Mrs. Frances and Mrs. Bennett. At 6:00 Alice Lee and Garnet came and left at 11:20. Ankle swelling some tonight.
20. Up at 7:15. Cloudy – temp 38 – misting rain some. Mrs. Toothman came for a few minutes. At 11:00 Dr. and Mrs. Toothman stopped for me and we went out to the burial of Uncle Vic Robertson at cemetery – saw all of the kids. Dresses and ready to go and see about my leg. Samps will take me at 1:40. Dr. said I was doing okay. Operated on Mrs. Casto this morning and got a gall stone 2 inches long and 1 inch in diameter. Doing fine. Home at 3:00. Watched TV and rested till 4:00. I went out and cranked car 7 went down to see Dr. and Mrs. Lilly. They are fine. Back to store and got groceries & home at 5:20. Ate and rested with hot water bottle on my leg. Sis called. Raining and temp is 48.
21. Telephone ringing at 7:15 – woke me up and it was Ennis and she said that she could not get Quinzetta. Sis on bus duty today. Ate and read paper and baked a custard pie. I watched programs with hot water bottle on leg – swollen a lot at the ankle. Rained most of the day. I did not get off of the porches all day and night. No one came. College is out at noon for Thanksgiving today. Rogers went to see Mrs. Rogers’ mother and the Toothmans went to Columbus Ohio. At 8:30 temp 54 and windy some & rain.
22. Up at 7:45. Ate. Cloudy & raining. Cleaned up things and at 10:00 I watched Macy’s parade from NY till 11:45. Sis and Samps came and we went up to the restaurant for a turkey dinner – Thanksgiving. I stopped and got my custard pie and went on down to Sis’s. Loafed around until 5:00 and ate chocolate pie, custard pie & cake & coffee and then they brought me home. Leg is better but ankle on the inside is blue.
23. Up at 8:15. Cloudy, some cold. Cleaned up things and read paper & loafed around till 1:35. Sis and Samps came and took me Dr. Hale. He dressed my leg and turned me loose as ok. We visited Mrs. Casto a few minutes. She seemed pretty good. Home at 3:15 and rested till 4:00. I went down to see Dr. & Mrs. Lilly a while and home at 5:20. Ate supper and watched TV. I visited Perry a while.
24. Up at 8:00. Ate. Sun out. Cleaned up things and went out & picked up apples out of yard – 2 wheelbarrows full. Allen Wiley came to see me. Aunt Pearl is at his house Ate dinner, Samps called and said that Ruth his daughter has a new baby girl at 3 AM. this morn. We played croquet. I went down at 2:00 and at 3:30 Withers came to Sis’s. We ate chocolate pie, cake & coffee. I came home at 5:00. A fine day – sun out.
25. Sunday. Woke up at 6:30 looked out and the ground was covered with snow. Temp 30. Up at 8:15. Pouring snow. Samps went by bus to Roanoke to see Ruth. Sis took him to Princeton. Sis and I ate at the restaurant and then went up to Withers. She said that she was sick and we came home. At 2:30 she came all upset. Dr. Withers went back home and left her. I called Sis and we took her home. He had built a fire in furnace and fireplace. We stayed about an hour and a half. Home. Stopped snowing. Temp 32.
26. Up at 8:00. Clear and cold. Still lots of snow. Temp 26. Ate and cleaned up things & read paper. Dressed and at 11:20 Helen Caperton and Jesse came for me to work at the store at noon. Home at 12:50. Ate dinner & put the car out in front in sun to get the snow off of it. It was in the shade. At 2:15 Pat Twohig stopped in a while. At 3:15 I went down to Ethel’s to see Aunt Emma. She is fine. Home at 5:15. Got supper and cleaned up dishes & read the Princeton Times & watched TV. I called Sis and she is going to Princeton to meet Samps at 9:00. He is on bus from Roanoke Va. Sun out all day.
27. Up at 7:00. Temp 25. Ate, read paper and cleaned up things. Sun out and clear & cold. Snow in places – on north sides. I washed this morning & 4 rugs. I hung out some things and they froze stiff. I brought them in and hung them in the basement. Jesse came for me at 11:30, helped at store and home at 12:50. Ate sinner and watched my TV programs & rested till 2:50. Samps called for me to come down at 4:15 and eat supper with them – chicken and dumplings. I made some slaw. Men from town fixed Samps’ road today- lots of shale. Home at 5:45 and sprinkled my clothes. Mrs. Lilly called and Fred Rogers called.
28. Up early. Cold - still snow on – sun out. Ate read paper & ironed up all clothes. Paid paper boy $1.00 for 25 days from Nov 1 – 25. Dressed and Jesse came for me at 11:30. I helped at store, cashed my check at the bank from the county court - $19.50 & checked on my bonds – all drawing interest. Home at 1:00. Ate and watched TV till 2:30. Cloudy. I went up to Mrs. Withers at 2:35 and she was fine. Home at 3:45. At 4:00 I went down to see Dr. Lilly and Mrs. Lilly. Dr. had a headache all day - not feeling too good. Home at 5:45. Ate supper and dusted front room. Raining at 9:00. Temp 45.
29. Up at 7:30. Ate. Cold & cloudy. Cleaned living room & put things away in living room. Dressed at 11:30 Jesse came for me to help at store. Home at 1:00. At 2:00 I went down and got Alice Lee and we went over to Allen Wiley’s to see Aunt Pearl. She is there now and seems to be doing fine. Home at 3:30. At 5:00 I went down and had supper with Alice Lee – a good supper. Garnet came over and we visited till8:10. I came home. Chilly.
30. Up at 7:45. Frost, clear and temp 30. Ate and cleaned things up. Picked up apples that the starlings had pecked off of tree. They seemed drunk on soured apples. Jesse came at 11:30 and I helped at store at noon. Home till 2:30. I went over to see Jean Conner at farm – no better. Home at 3:30. Just messed around from 4 on- putting things away for the winter. Ate supper and called Mrs. Lilly. Dr. had chest pains today. Later called Mrs. Rogers and Sis. No paper today- Bluefield Daily Telegraph.
1. Up at 7:30. Ate. A fine day. Cleaned up house and dressed and went down to see Dr. and Mrs. Lilly and took them a bag of apples and paper-Times. Home at 12:00. Got groceries and mail. I watched Army 14 and Navy 34 football game. Ethel called at 3:20. I dressed and we went to Princeton. Aunt Emma went too. We ate supper at Brock’s and got home at 6:40. A fine day- warm.
2. Sunday. Up at 7:45. Ate. Sun out. Temp 34. Read papers. Dressed and at 12:15, Ethel called and said to come on that dinner was ready. I went down and ate with her & Aunt Emma & then we left for Pearisburg and took Aunt Emma to Verena’s. Visited till 4:10 and came home. Ethel took me on down to her house and we ate supper and at 7:15 she brought me home. A fine day – in the 60’s. Fred Rogers called me at 8:15.
3. Up at 7:15. Temp 36. Sun out. A fine day – partly cloudy. Ate and cleaned up things and read paper. I picked up apples in yard. Dressed and went over to Castos. Mrs. Casto did not get to come home – too much damage. I went down to the store at 10:30 to tell Jesse that I won’t be here to help at store. I went to Bluefield with Ethel to see Dr. Raub about her shoulder. Glady went along. We shopped some and got home around 4:30. Mrs. Casto came home at 5:30. I went over to Perry’s a few minutes. Home and ate supper & rested & watched TV.
4. Up at 7:15. Rained most all day. Ate. Dressed and went down to Mrs. Vermillion’s to help her with statements. At 11:30 I came to store and helped till 12:45. Came on up to the house and ate a bite and got meds. To paint Jesse’s throat. On down to Mrs. Vermillion’s and we finished at 3:20. Home and watched Dr. Malone. I went over to see Mrs. Casto a few minutes – doing ok. Home, ate supper and dressed and went the high school to see my first basketball game - Matoaka High 53 and Athens Hi 67. Jr. High lost by 1 point. Large crowd there. Raining when I came out and heavy fog.
5. Up at 7:40. Ate. Raining a little. Temp 44. Read paper, dressed and went over to see Mrs. Casto a minute – better I think. At 10:30 I went down to see Dr. Lilly & Mrs. Lilly. Dr. is not too good – he fell Monday evening. I helped at store and home at 12:50. Cloudy and raining some. Ate and watched my 1:30 program and at 3:00 I went over to Perry’s a while. Home at 3:30 and watched Dr. Malone program. Temp dropping – I went to sleep and woke up and it was just pouring snow & windy and freezing. A bad evening and night.
6. Up at 7:00. Ate. Just pouring the snow. Temp 20. Snow drifting and windy all day. Road machines working hard to keep roads open. Jesse came for me at 11:30 and I helped at the store. Paid light and water bill, got mail and stayed in the rest of the day. A real bad day. Temp is dropping fast – 16 at 7:00. Sis got in all right. Keith Thompson had a wreck with three or four other cars. Boy a bad day & night. House nice and warm. Florence Grim went over road and Janice Vermillion.
7. Up at 7:00. Ate. Temp and still snowing but cleared up around 9:00. Dressed and put on my snow pants this morning. I went over to Perry’s a few minutes. Jesse came at 11:30 and I helped at the store and also Samps. Lodema did not get out - drifts in Jesse’s lane. Sis did not go to school today. I went over to see Mrs. Casto and she was asleep. I washed my hair and rolled it. Mrs. Lilly called and also Mrs. Rogers. No one came today.
8. Up at 8:00. Clear – sun out. Yesterday’s paper was on my porch with today’s paper. I took snow off of my car and cranked it & drove down in front of house. I watched a football game. Cloudy at 3:00. Looks like rain or snow one. To bed at 11:15. I saw Mrs. Casto this afternoon – not doing too good.
9. Sunday I woke up at 6:00 and it was pouring the snow. I got the paper off of the front porch and I went back to bed. Up at 9:00. Temp 10. Ate and cleaned up things and took a bath. Read papers and loafed around all day. I watched a football game all afternoon. Snowing and wind high. At 5:45 Harry and Eula came and left at 9:00. Mr. Casto called and said that Mrs. Casto had a temperature of 103.6. I went over at 9:10. Home at 10:00. Called Dr. Hale and he came at 11:00. I called over there after Dr. left and he gave her a shot and she is to see him in the morning. Temp 8 and still snowing and windy.
10. Up at 7:15. Temp 6 above zero & snowing some. Ate and dressed. I went over to see Mrs. Casto his morning. Ennis called for me to come on down. Jesse is having chains put on his truck but I did not try my car. He came at 11:30. Lodema did not come out and we made it just fine. Home at 1:00. Ate and watched my programs till 2:30. I went over to Mrs. Casto and Dr. Hale had been there and gave her another shot of penicillin. Home at 3:25 and watched Dr. Malone. I read Princeton Times. Ate supper and went over to Perry’s a few minutes – took him a quart of wine. Home at 7:00 and went over to Mrs. Casto’s – she is still running a temperature – 102-104. Home at 7:30. Temp 10.
11. Up at 7:00. Temp 13 and snowing again. Ate. At 9:00 this morning – not so well – I called Mrs. Lilly. Dressed, read paper and went over to see Mrs. Casto – no better. Home at 11:30 Jesse came for me and Samps also helped at store. Home at 1:00. Ate. At 1:30 ambulance came for Mrs. Casto and took her to the hospital. I went for a minute over there at 2:00. Shirley Jennings called and we talked till 2:35 & Mrs. Craghead came up to Castos and on over here. Left at 3:35. I watched Dr. Malone. I called over to Coy and Marge came back from hospital. They were giving her glucose and had x-rayed her. Just pouring snow off and on all day. Temp dropping fast – in the teens all day till 4:00. At 5:15 temp is 6 above.
12. 8 below zero. No snow during the night. Clear – sun out, no wind. Up at 7:00. Ate and cleaned things up. Dressed and Jesse came at 11:30. I helped at store and went on down to see Dr. Lilly. He is not too good. I got home at 3:30- Jesse brought me from store. Lodema did not get over. Samps helped. Ethel called and said that she was home and still hurting. Talked to Mrs. Rogers & Sis.
13. Temp 10 below zero at 7:00. Snowed a little during the night. Ate. Mrs. Lilly called and said that Dr. about the same. Dressed and Jesse came for me at 11:30. Lodema did not get over again today. Samps helped. He took Sis to school and goes back after her. Home at 2:30. I went over to Castos a few minutes and on over to Perry’s a while. Home at 3:25. Snowing again. Temp got up to 13 above today but falling at 6:30.
14. Up at 7:00. Temp 10 above. Ate and cleaned up things. Bathed and dressed. Snowing a little off and on all day. At 11:30 Jesse came for me and I helped at store and went on down to Dr. Lilly’s to help Mrs. Lilly check her bank account but Dr. Lilly was too sick. He had chest pains during the night. I got the cancelled checks and old checkbook and brought them home with me. Jesse brought me home at 3:45. Charlie Noble’s foster son was buried in the Athens cemetery this afternoon. At 10:00 tonight temp 10 above zero and went up near 20 during day. I did not go to the basketball game at the high school.
15. Up at 8:00. Ate. Temp 25, clear and sun out. Dressed and called Mr. Rogers. He took me down to Dr. Lilly’s at 9:30. I spent the day so Mrs. Lilly could wash and do other things. Dr. some better today. Dick brought me home at 4:00. I took the snow off of front porch & walks and washed back porch. Ate supper. Temp 33 and went up to 38 today.
16. Sunday Up at 8:15. Raining- temp 34 and cloudy all day. Mrs. Toothman called and Ora Peters called. Sis called for me to eat dinner with them up at the restaurant. We got back at 1:30 and they left at 3:00. I went over to Perry’s and he was sick. I saw the Dr. Gatherum go in at 2:30. He was up. No one came. Ate supper and watched TV. At 8:30 Temp 30 and freezing.
17. Up at 7:30. Ate. Clear. Temp 26 and sun out all day. Mrs. Lilly called and said that Dr. had a good night. Cleaned up things and gathered up all dirty clothes and took them to the basement. Jesse came for me at 11:30 and I helped at store. Samps was there. I deposited my Affiliated Fund check $158.00. I got mail and home at 1:10. I went over to see Perry a few minutes- better. Home and saw my 1:30 program. At 2:00 I went to basement and did my washing- did up everything and finished at 5:00. I talked to Shirley Jennings -Skippy’s wife- she called. Ate supper. Lodema and Jesse stopped and left presents here for kids at 8:20. Mr. Casto say\id that Mrs. Casto is better. He thinks.
18. Up at 7:00. Temp 25, clear and sun coming up. Ate. Sis stopped to get 2 candle holders for her school today. Dressed and brought clothes up from basement and sprinkled them. At 11:15 I went out and started car – first try. I went downtown. I went to bank with Mrs. Lilly to straighten out bank check book. Got mail and back to store to help and s=waited for Sarver Candy man and got 2 boxes of candy. I went down to Dr. Lilly’s to help Mrs. Lilly get some things done and to be with Dr. Lilly while she went shopping uptown & finish her ironing. Home at 4:45. Ate supper and ironed all of my clothes up. I talked to Fred Rogers a few minutes. I called about Ethel and she is suffering lot. She had a shot yesterday for the pain in her shoulder. Temp up in the 50’s today - 44 at bedtime.
19. Temp 54 today- very nice day-melting the snow nicely. Cleaned up things and dressed. I went down to Mrs. Vermillion’s and took her present. She gave me green pills and phenobarbital for Dr. Lilly. Back to store and helped at noon and home at 1:10. I went down to Dr. Lilly’s and stayed until 4:35. Dick came and I came home- Dr. not so well today. Dr. Frank is coming today to see him. Alice Lee came up for recipe for fruit cake.
20. Up at 7:00. Temp 47 – Foggy, oh boy. Ate and cleaned up things and was mixing up the cake and Mrs. Rogers called and said that Mrs. Lilly could not get me. I called her and Dr. was so confused. I baked my cake and dressed and went down at 11:00. Fred Rogers was there. I stayed till 3:45. Dr. slept a good nap. Margaret came at 1:30 for a few minutes. Virgie was over for a few minutes. Dick came and I came home. Foggy – temp dropping fast at 5:00. Ate and read paper. Gave Mr. Casto pants, shirt and ladder – he had locked himself out of his house and went in through the back window. Raining hard later - sleeting and snowing at 9:30. Temp 30. Spanishburg here and played Athens Hi – Athens won – I did not go – too bad for me.
21. Up at 7:00. Everything covered with sleet & ice. Cleaned up things. Jesse came for me to help at store and home. Effie Lilly died in Maryland. Sis & Samps stopped and we ate at restaurant. Boy it is bad- just pouring rain and sleet and temp dropping.
22. Up at 7:30. Ate. Warmed up during the night- thawing a lot. Samps came about 9:30 and we went over to Princeton and got turkey fixings. For Xmas. Home at 11:00. At 2:00 I went down and got mail and on down to see Dr. Lilly a few minutes. Back to store and got groceries. Home and baked my 4LB ham and a custard pie and made potato salad and fruit salad. I watched football game. Talked to Sis and to Mrs. Rogers. I set table for dinner tomorrow. A surprise for Sis and Samps.
23. Sunday Up at 7:30. Cloudy. Temp 32. Ate and cleaned up things. Put on beans to cook, fixed macaroni and cheese and made slaw. Dresses and got dinner ready at 23:45. Mr. Casto came over and ate with us. Sis and Samps came at 12:40. Mrs. Casto came home from the hospital this afternoon. Sis and Samps went over to Jesse’s a while. Back and we ate supper and took Mrs. Casto supper. Sis & Samps left at 8:20. Colder and temp dropping – 22 at 10:00.
24. Up at 6:45. Temp 14 & cloudy. Ate & just messed around. Called the Lillys and Lillyan answered and said Daddy was pretty good. At 11:00 I hollered to Gene and Tracy. They came in and I made coffee and gave them custard pie & cake. Effie Lilly was buries at 11:30 out in cemetery. I went over to Mrs. Casto’s a few minutes. Jesse and Mitzi came for their things. I wrapped packages all afternoon. At 6:00 Jesse came and brought me my Christmas package. I gave them theirs. I baked Jesse a custard pie. At 6:53 Ennis & Fern came with gift and left at 7:20. Snowing and oh boy it just poured on till bedtime. Temp 23. Dick stopped in at 7:30 with a gift from the Lillys - $25.00 cash. Clyde White called wishing me a Merry Christmas.
25. Up at 7:00. Temp 20. It had rained and crusted on snow – about 4 inches. Ate and cleaned off back porch & front porch and steps & walk. Allen Wiley came and picked up Uncle Rass and Aunt Pearl’s Christmas package. In and dressed and called Mrs. Lilly- Dr. about the same. Samps came for me at 10:25 and I went down and ate dinner with them. We had turkey and all of the trimmings. Rested till 2:00 and went in Jeep over to Jesse’s and back to Sis’s at 3:20 to see Dr. Malone. Sis and Samps gave me a girl statue with two dogs attached. Jesse gave me a box of candy. QDs gave me some dusting powder. Mrs. Vermillion gave me a fruit bowl. The Lillys gave me $25.00 and Toothmans a package of strawberries and a cake. Betty Shepherd gave me a hose holder and Sis gave me a box of candy. Temp 26 T 8:00. Cloudy all day.
26. Up at 7:00. Temp 26 & cloudy most of the day. Ate & cleaned up things & checked on Mrs. Casto. She was asleep. Marge & family were there. At 12:20 I ate dinner and watched my programs & at 2:30 went over to Perry’s a while and home. At 3:20 I watched Dr. Malone. Harry Wiley stopped in to see if Jimmy had called. Dr. Lilly about the same Mrs. Lilly says. Temp 32 at bedtime – says that it will drop 5 to 10 above.
27. Up at 7:15. Temp 31 & sun out. Ate & cleaned up. Dressed and at 10:30 I went out and cranked car & went down to see Dr. Lilly awhile. Lillyann & Carl was there. Dr. seems better. Home and stopped at Alice Lee & gave her Christmas gift. Home at 12:00 ate & watched my programs. Harry came at 1:15 & Mrs. Toothman stopped in a few minutes. Missed As the World Turns. Read paper a few minutes and went over to see Mrs. Casto – she was sitting up. Just loafed around. Ate supper at 5:30. Harry and Eula came at 8:00. We tried to get Diane &Jimmy in Buffalo but could not get there. Temp went up to 40 – melted a lot today and cloudy late in the evening.
28. Up at 7:15. Ate. Cloudy early but early but temp in 30”s –near 40 by afternoon. I went over to see Mrs. Casto – doing very well. Ate dinner and dressed. I watched my programs at 1:30. At 2:00 I drove up to Mrs. Withers and took her Christmas presents. Sis and Samps was there. I only stayed a short WHILE. Home at 3:15 watched Dr. Malone program & loafed around. Melted a lot today. Getting cloudy late in afternoon. Temp 30 at bedtime.
29. Up at 820. Raining. Ate & cleaned up everything. Sis called. Dede Tythe called me from Nobles. Helen Caperton called and Fred Rogers called. Ate dinner and watched 2 football games during afternoon. I washed my hair this morning. At 7:00 Harrys came and Jimmy and Diane. They left at 9:10. I listened to WVa and Illinois. West Virginia was beat 92 to 74. Boob Martin is in New York to see this game.
30. Sunday Up at 8:20. Temp is 10 above and clear. Ate, bathed dressed and read papers. I loafed around. Car won’t start. Ate dinner and at 2:30 Ethel came and left at 5:00. Dr. Withers came at 4:35 and said that Mrs. Withers wanted me to come up. Samps and Sis came and took me up there at 10 past 5. Mrs. Dale Thompson was there and she was okay. I came home at 5:40. We ate supper and they went home at 7:30. Temp is 10 above.
31. Up at 7:15. Temp 0-zero. Clear skies. Ate and wrote Mary Lee. I wrapped her and Uncle Hade’s package and called Samps. He came at 10:30 in the Jeep and I went down to the post office and paid my box rent and mailed package & letters. I got my mail and went to the bank and paid my safe deposit rent - $4.40- and up to store and got groceries. Home at 11:10. Ate and watched my programs. Temp 12 at 1:00. I baked a custard pie and watched my programs. I went over to see Mrs. Casto and she was asleep. Back and at 4:30 Mr. and Mrs. Hawey Wells stopped in with a present but didn’t stay long. At 5:00 Sis and Samps came and Samps went up to the restaurant and got hot dogs and I made coffee and we ate. I paid. They left at 7:15 and I watched TV the rest of the night – till 1963 came in. Temp at 11:00 is 8 above zero.